ITUR WP8B Radar Symposium - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ITUR WP8B Radar Symposium


... tests, a MPEG file is streamed from computer to computer using an ... That is, detection occurred at a higher rate when the audio file was being streamed. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ITUR WP8B Radar Symposium

ITU-R WP8B Radar Symposium
  • History and Status of 5 GHz RLAN and Radar
    Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)
  • In the United States
  • Frank Sanders
  • U.S. Department of Commerce
  • Institute of Telecommunication Sciences
  • September 2005

Radar/DFS Background and History
  • WRC-03 allocated the bands 5250-5350 and
    5470-5725 MHz to the mobile service on a
    co-primary basis with the existing services.
    WRC-03 adopted Resolution 229 that provides
    conditions for use of the bands by the mobile
    service. Resolution 229 provides limits for the
    protection of existing services including the use
    of DFS as a means to protect radiolocation
  • In the ITU-R, Recommendation M.1652 was produced
    by Joint Task Group (JTG) 8A/9B internationally
    to facilitate development of the RLAN devices.
    The recommendation contains 5 GHz radar system
    characteristics and a description of the RLAN
    channel move times along with other information.
  • In the United States, the Federal Government in
    coordination with the RLAN Industry Vendors have
    been working together for two years to develop
    certification test plans and procedures for
    devices that operate in the bands 5250-5350 and
    5470-5725 MHz bands.
  • Bench tests with 5 GHz devices from RLAN
    manufacturers have already taken place at the ITS
    Laboratories in Boulder, Colorado over the past
    two years

What is Dynamic Frequency Selection?
  • DFS is an interference mitigation/avoidance
    mechanism in which a Radio Local Area Network
    (RLAN) device operating in the bands 5250-5350
    and 5470-5735 GHz is supposed to automatically
    sense if a radar is operating in its vicinity
    and vacate that frequency in a timely manner when
    detection occurs. This allows the RLAN devices to
    share spectrum with radars operating in those
    bands by selecting channels not being used by the
    radars in its local area. The DFS functions in
    the RLAN device are not user controlled or
  • The RLAN devices must totally vacate the
    channel (no emissions) with 10 seconds of radar
    detection and have 260 ms of time within that to
    shut the network down. It must not use that
    channel for 30 minutes and must check the new
    channel for 1 minute before it uses it.

These Bench tests included
  • Power-on test No RLAN emissions until after the
    power-up cycle has been completed and the
    power-on channel is monitored for 1 minute.
  • Radar detection 6 seconds into initial channel
    check after power-on cycle completed.
  • Radar detection 6 seconds before end of initial 1
    minute check time after power-on cycle completed.
  • In-Service monitoring This is the most
    comprehensive test as the RLAN device must detect
    various synthesized radar waveforms
    representative of those operating the 5 GHz
  • For In-service tests, a MPEG file is streamed
    from computer to computer using an Access point
    (AP) and a Client device to load the RF
    channel. The AP has the DFS functions built-in.
  • 30 minute non-occupancy test Once a channel has
    been identified as being used by a radar, the
    RLAN device must not use it for 30 minutes.

Engineers at ITS developed a test bed that has
two main sub-systems
  • Radar signal generator and synthesizer
  • Produces bursts of un-modulated and chirped
    pulses in 5 GHz bands
  • Variable and user selectable frequency, of
    pulses, pulse width, pri, and chirp bandwidth
  • RF Power control on pulses
  • Uses Agilent Vector Signal Generator and other
    test devices
  • Timing measurement system
  • Monitors RF activity on Rlan channel
  • Uses Agilent Vector Signal Analyzer and E4440
    spectrum analyzer to have fine and coarse
    measurement of the RF emissions of the Rlan AP
    and client transmissions over 12 seconds
  • Very accurate as shown on page 9 of this
  • The two systems are synchronized so that a press
    of a button starts an in-service test and
    collects data for 12 or 24 seconds.

Results of First Round of Radar/DFS Bench tests
  • 5 GHz RLAN devices from four different
    manufacturers were tested at the ITS
    Laboratories, consisting of Access points (APs)
    and Client devices.
  • Three used 802.11 Wi-fi architectures, and one
    was a frame based system where the frame
    talk/listen ratio was user controlled.
  • For the in-service tests, the devices were tested
    with three radar waveforms
  • The radar waveform parameters are contained in
    the 5 GHz Report and Order (see FCC docket 03-122
    at http//
  • Two were fixed frequency and one was frequency
  • The tests were based on MPEG video and MP3 audio
    files streaming from one access point to one
    client using two computers, aggregate tests were
    not performed (AP with multiple clients).
  • Access Point had DFS capabilities, not the Client
  • Ad-hoc networks were not tested (client-

Test Signals used for first round of 5 GHz
Radar/DFS bench tests at the ITS Laboratories
Note 1 This represents the number of pulses seen
at the unit under test (UUT) per radar scan N
antenna beamwidth (deg) x pulse repetition
rate (pps) / scan rate (deg/s) Note 2
Burst period represents the time between
successive scans of the radar beamB 360/scan
rate (deg/s) Note 3 Radar bandwidth is less
than that of the unlicensed U-NII device. Note 4
The characteristics of this frequency hopping
radar do not correspond to any specific system.
It can hop across the 5250-5725 MHz band. The
frequencies will be selected by using a random
without replacement algorithm until all 475
frequencies have been used. After all have been
used, the pattern is reset and a new random set
is generated.
Results of First Round of Radar/DFS Bench tests
  • The results of the initial bench tests showed
    that the 5 GHz devices needed more development on
    their detection algorithms to achieve a good rate
    of radar signal detection. Overall, between all
    the manufacturers the radar detection
    capabilities of the devices tested was moderate
    at best and the radar detection was highly
    dependent upon the RF loading of the channel.
    That is, detection occurred at a higher rate when
    the audio file was being streamed.
  • A key finding is that the devices were not
    able to detect radar pulses that were comparable
    in length to a typical 802.11 data packet. The
    devices had no way to determine if the long radar
    pulse was a true radar signal or a corrupted
    802.11 data packet. To eliminate false
    detections and unnecessarily vacate a channel,
    was the challenge to the RLAN Industry in
    developing proper algorithms.
  • Radars that use longer pulse widths and their
    characteristics are contained in ITU-R M.1652 and
    these radars must be protected and detected in a
    timely manner.
  • Similar Rlan/radar DFS tests performed by other
    Administrations have also drawn similar results
    and conclusions. Their tests used similar radar
    test signals that were used in the NTIA bench

Sample Data fromRadar/DFS Bench tests using SA
and VSA
Radar burst at start of 1 min. check time (SA)
1 minute power-on test (SA)
Radar burst at end of 1 min. check time (SA)
In-Service test with MPEG file (VSA)
Typical data flowing/radar burst/channel move
To move things forward, the Federal Government
and Industry did the following
  • Developed a set of radar signal parameters,
    including those with long pulses, that are
    representative of radar systems operating in the
    5 GHz band for type acceptance compliance tests.
  • Guarded against specific radar signal pattern
    recognition by having a wide variance in the
    characteristics, i.e., pulse width, pri, of
    pulses per burst, and chirp bandwidth.
  • Performed another round of bench tests at the ITS
    laboratories in August 2005 with the new set of
    radar signal parameters and updated 5 GHz devices
    provided by the RLAN Industry. Results are still
    being analyzed.
  • Develop rules to prevent any end user from
    accessing the RLAN device algorithms and
    extracting ANY information about the radar signal
    that was detected.
  • Use the results of the bench and field tests to
    validate the radar signal test parameters, the
    test procedures, and true proof of concept.
  • Publish a final set of type acceptance rules and
    test procedures for companies that want to market
    and sell these devices. (pending)

Parameters for the radar signal characteristics
for recent Bench tests
Table 1 Fixed System Radars (no modulation)

Table 2 Long Pulse Radar signal with linear FM
Parameters for the radar signal characteristics
for recent Bench tests
Table 3 Frequency Hopper (no modulation)
  • The test signal parameters shown in Table 1
    represent the first set of test signals to be
    used to perform the conformance test procedures.
    The percentage of detection (as shown in figure
    1) calculated by
  • Formula 1
  • In addition an average probability of detection
    is calculated as follows
  • Formula 2

Parameters for the radar signal characteristics
for recent Bench tests
  • The minimum step values for each of the variable
    radar parameters shown in Tables 1 and 2 is an
    interval of 0.1 µsec for Pulse Width, a 1 µsec
    step interval the PRI, and a step interval of 1
    for the number of pulses.
  • Exact values for acceptable pass/fail percentages
    are still being coordinated between U.S.
    Government and RLAN Vendors.
  • The parameters in Table 3 are fixed and include
    that a minimum of 10 trials per set be run with a
    minimum probability of detection calculated by

Summary of 5 GHz Radar/DFS Activities
  • Bench tests with new set of radar characteristics
    were performed in August 2005 at ITS Laboratories
    in Boulder, Colorado with three Rlan vendors
    supplying devices. Each vendor had up to 1 week
    of laboratory time and was allowed some
    modifications of their equipment prior to actual
    tests with some experimentation with the radar
    test signals.
  • The results of the August 2005 bench tests showed
    that the RLAN manufacturers have greatly improved
    their devices ability to detect the radars
    (simulated) that are listed in ITU-R M. 1652,
    over the results from the previous bench tests.
  • The target date to allow these devices to share
    spectrum in the 5 GHz band is in early 2006,
    pending additional work and coordination between
    the U.S. Government and the RLAN Industry on some
    key issues.

Overview of test set-up
Fixed Frequency Radar Simulator
Frequency Hopping Radar Simulator
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