Title: Cushion Treemaps and Botanical Visualization
1Cushion Treemaps and Botanical Visualization
- Yimeng Dou
- 05-16-2002
- ydou_at_ics.uci.edu
- Trees and Cushion Treemaps
- SequoiaView Software
- Botanical Trees
3Cushion Treemaps
- Provide shading as a strong extra cue to
emphasize hierarchical structure. - Especially good for answering global questions
like Why is my disk full?
4Example Trees
Example Trees
6A disk with color scheme option off.
7Same disk with color scheme on. Treemap
- Efficient use of display space
- Constructed via recursive subdivision of the
initial rectangle - Size of each rectangle is proportional to the
size of the node - Subdivision is alternated per level first
horizontally, next vertically
- Most useful when the feature we want to display
is size - Not very good for visualizing structure of the
tree (Worst case is balanced tree) - What happens if its a perfectly balanced tree of
items all the same size?
10Example 3600 Employees
11Nested Treemap
- Use slightly smaller rectangles. Siblings are
enclosed by a margin. - Require viewers effort when tree is deeply
nested. - Coloring wont help much. It does not provide a
natural hierarchical structure, and we want to
use color to show other attributes.
12Nested Tree-Map
Non-nested Tree-Map
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14The Idea Behind Cushion Treemaps
- Human visual system interprets variations in
shade as illuminated surfaces. So shape can be
constructed to encode tree structure.
Add a bump to each of the two subdivisions, and
repeat recursively.
15The Parabolic Surfice
Z is height of such a surface.
- SequoiaView is an interactive system for the
analysis and visualization of large tree
structures. - Cushion tree can be easily constructed and If
there is any change, Sequoia can easily refresh
the tree. - User can define size range, color scheme, can
zoom in on sub-trees, zoon out again, and select
preferred color scheme and filters.
17(No Transcript)
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19lt- Sound Garden
Sound Garden Studio Albums Only
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23Cushion Treemaps (Conclusion)
- Efficient, quick generation of treemap image
- Effective (shading provide a strong cue for
identifying substructures) - Compact, no scrolling neccessary
- Easy to implement (with the shown algorithm)
- Easy to control with intuitive parameters
- Wide applicability
24Botanical Visualization of Huge HierarchiesIdea
- People can easily see branches, leaves and their
arrangement in a botanical tree. - We can use the idea of botanical modeling for
Information Visualization, and map folders to
branches and files to leaves. - The model usedstrand model (dates back to
Leonardo Da Vinci) by Holton.
25Strand Model
- Leaves are connected to root via a strand
- Area of branch is proportional to number of
26Node and Link Diagram and Its Corresponding
Botanical Tree
- Continuing branches representing a directory
cant be easily followed at the branching point. - Those directories with many sub-directories lead
to thin and long branches. - Leaves tend to clutter.
28An Example Of A Messy Tree
29Continuation Without Extrusion
- Smooth continuing branches (by adding a smooth
transition between two cylinders). - It makes clear what the status of each branch is.
- We can also use different color as an extra cue.
30Contraction Long Branches
- Conditionally remove the stem in the subbranch of
the continuing branch. It replaces the binary
tree with a general tree.
31Files As Fruits
- To prevent cluttering of leaves, we can use an
icon to represent a list of files and their
sizes. It can be modeled as a fruit consisting of
a sphere with spots for each file.(Phi-ball) - Area of slices on the sphere is proportional to
the size of the corresponding files. - When there is only one file, using cone instead
of planar disks pasted on the sphere.
Cones length c equals to the square root of the
ratio of the file size and the total size of the
file list.
33Final Results
34Complete Hard Disk
35A Unix Home Directory
- Cone covered phi-ball is good for visualizing a
list of items, also useful for other applications - Branches and cones hardly ever collide with no
special prevention - Efficient use of space by mathematical,
algorithmic and physically based methods.
- Special thanks to Daniel Loewus-Deitch for
providing graphs of his music library.