Robust Gridbased Deployment Schemes for Underwater Optical Sensor Networks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Robust Gridbased Deployment Schemes for Underwater Optical Sensor Networks


Allows us to monitor underwater environment which constitutes 70% of earth's surface ... [14] E.F. Krause, Taxicab Geometry, Dover, New York, 1987. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Robust Gridbased Deployment Schemes for Underwater Optical Sensor Networks

Robust Grid-based Deployment Schemes for
Underwater Optical Sensor Networks
  • Abdullah Reza
  • Department of Computing Science
  • University of Alberta
  • Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSN)
  • Allows us to monitor underwater environment which
    constitutes 70 of earths surface
  • A new and evolving field of research
  • Acoustic communication has been considered mostly
    for UWSN

Problems of Underwater Acoustic Communication
  • Very low bandwidth (5 Kbps 2)
  • Very slow propagation (1500 m/s 3)
  • High error rate 4, 5
  • High cost of acoustic modems 2
  • unsuitable for applications with stringent b/w
    requirement (e.g., real-time and multimedia

Optical Communication An Alternative of
Acoustic Communication
  • We consider nodes with optical transceivers
  • Low-cost and light LEDs and photodiodes
  • Operation in blue/green visible ranges
  • Point-to-point communication
  • Advantage High bandwidth and fast propagation
    2, 9 ,10
  • Disadvantage Shorter range and line of sight
    requirement 2, 9 ,10

Optical UWSN Design Challenges
  • Intelligent Deployment (expensive nodes)
  • Connectivity is not inherent
  • Cost of Deployment (directional transceivers)

Problem Definition
  • Design Goals
  • 1) Robustness
  • Deterministic (2-edge-connected)
  • Probabilistic
  • 2) Path Quality
  • 3) Interface-count
  • Per node constraint (Maximum 1, 2 and 3
    interfaces per node)
  • Minimum total interface in the network

Optical Interface Model 2
  • Maximum 1 interface per node
  • 2 or more interfaces per node

Robust Deployment Maximum 1 Interface per Node
  • One Hamiltonian Cycle Always possible with even
    number of rows and/or columns 12
  • Robustness poor
  • Path quality poor
  • A Better Design 4 Hamiltonian Cycles

Robust Deployment Maximum 2 Interfaces per Node
  • We use 4 undirected Hamiltonian Cycles
  • Robustness
  • 2-edge-connected
  • Better than directed cycles
  • Path Quality
  • Better than directed cycles

Robust Deployment Maximum 3 Interfaces per Node
  • Design Approach
  • 1) Generate a 3-degree constrained shortest path
    spanning tree from the sink with minimum number
    of 3-d nodes (optimal pattern)
  • 2) Add additional edges to make it
  • 3) Add additional edges to improve probabilistic
  • Introduce minimum number of 3-degree nodes in
    each step

Subproblem Quadrants
Lower Bound for Number of 3-d nodes in a Quadrant
  • Theorem Consider a quadrant with sides of size m
    and n where mn. A sink is placed in a corner. A
    3-degree constrained shortest-path tree rooted at
    the sink and spanning all nodes inside and on the
    boundaries of the quadrant require at least (m-2)
    3-degree nodes.

Optimal Pattern for a Quadrant
Do Optimal Patterns for Quadrants Give Optimal
Pattern for the Grid?
  • Depends on whether or not 3-degree constraint is
    violated on the axes
  • In any case, (l1l2l3l4) remains the lower
  • We call LB (l1l2l3l4) ? li

A Pattern for a Quadrant that Avoids Conflict on
the Axes
  • A pattern that draws edges only from the vertical
  • Has minimum number of 3-d nodes (li ) of y x
    but has minimum1 number of 3-d nodes (li1) if y
    gt x

Pattern Applied on the Entire Grid
  • Shortest path spanning tree from the sink with
    3-degree constraint
  • Number of 3-degree nodes in the worst case is
    LB4 which can be shown to be actually LB3
  • clockwise counterclockwise LB2 in worst case

Summary of Proposed Deployments
Summary of Proposed Deployments 12x12 Grid
Static Evaluation of Deployment Topologies
  • Two failure models
  • Isolated Model 15
  • Patterned Model 15
  • Metrics Robustness Path Quality

Important Findings
  • TOP6 offers almost 98 robustness even when each
    link is failed with 8 probability
  • TOP6 offers almost 95 robustness even when three
    error blobs with dimension a60m and b4m are
    present in the grid
  • TOP2 offers acceptable robustness if failures are
    always concentrated in a certain region

Dynamic Evaluation of Deployment Topologies
  • Resilient Routing Protocols
  • Memory-constrained Flooding (FLD)
  • Dual Paths Protocol (DPP)
  • Hop-by-Hop Acknowledgment with local update
    protocol (HHA)

Simulation Environment
  • Single Packet generating source
  • Ten packets generated per second, each with 1 Kb
  • Three error blobs (20mx4m) moving at 15 cm/sec
    speed in the grid in a random-walk fashion

Important Findings
  • FLD supports highest resiliency (97 with TOP6)
    with shortest delay but incurs excessive
  • DPP fails to utilize the inherent redundancies in
    the topology because of its static nature
  • HHA supports resiliency almost as good as FLD
    with a small number of transmissions but with
    slightly increased delay
  • TOP6 not only supports highest delivery ratio but
    also lowest delay (and transmissions for HHA)

  • Robust deployment topologies for optical UWSN
    with 1, 2 and 3 interfaces per node constraints
  • For 1 and 2 interfaces cases, topologies that
    utilize four directed and undirected Hamiltonian
    cycles in the grid, respectively.
  • For 3 interfaces case, formulation pattern for a
    3-degree constrained shortest path spanning tree
    in the grid with arbitrary root and arbitrary
    dimension that results in (LB2) 3-degree nodes
    in the worst case.
  • A series of deployment patterns built on the
    3-degree constrained shortest path tree that
    support higher degrees of robustness by
    introducing additional links in the network at
    strategic points.

  • Static evaluation of the proposed topologies show
    that a very high degree of robustness (98) is
    maintained by TOP6 even at reasonably harsh
  • Dynamic evaluation of the proposed topologies
    with three simple routing protocols
  • FLD achieves a very high degree of delivery ratio
    when applied on TOP6 but incurs excessive
  • DPP fails to utilize the inherent redundancies of
    the proposed topologies
  • HHA achieves delivery ratio as good as FLD with
    very small communication overhead but slightly
    higher average delay

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