Title: Northern Territory Government Procurement
1Northern Territory Government Procurement
Brad Irvine Executive Director Procurement Novemb
er 2008
2Procurement Instruments
Northern Territory Cabinet
Minister Responsible for Procurement
Procurement Act
DBE Procurement Policy Unit
Procurement Regulations
Procurement Directions
Agency Procurement Compliance
3Procurement Principles
- Value for Money (VFM) is the expected outcome of
a well planned procurement process when all key
requirements are considered, with an assessment
process that does not favour lowest price. - Emphasis on Value For Money tendering and
tender assessment, encompassing - the NT Governments Procurement Policy
fundamental principles - open and effective competition
- value for money
- enhancing the capabilities of local business
and industry - environmental protection and
- ethical behaviour and fair dealing
- Outcomes of VFM tender evaluation and assessment
must be able to withstand - scrutiny from both Government and industry.
- It is critical that qualitative consideration
for VFM elements, are considered when - developing the selection criteria in tender
documentation and applied when assessing - tenders.
4Procurement Principles
- Value for Money (VFM) tender assessment criteria
consists of the following - non-price considerations and is stated in NTG
tender documentation - Past Performance
- Whole of Life Costs/Total Cost of Purchase
- Local Development and Value Adding (Minimum
Mandatory 20) - Timeliness
- Capacity
- Innovation and
- any identified project or supply specific
requirements - Price is generally a secondary consideration and
not a weighted criteria
5Agencies, PRB and CAPS
- Agencies
- Government agencies procure goods and services
through approved processes and procedures which
comply with the Procurement Act, Regulations and
Directions. Agencies determine within this
framework how they procure goods and services. - Procurement Review Board (PRB)
- The Procurement Review Board provides an
independent review of the processes used by NT
government agencies to reach a procurement
decision. - The PRB does not conduct tender evaluation
processes Agencies do. - Contract and Procurement Services (CAPS)
- Provides service to government agencies,
including but not limited to, Tender Box
lodgements, eLodgement and other tender
receipting, advice to agencies, and limited
management of Across Government Contracts
6Procurement Thresholds
7Procurement Options
Expression of Interest
Specific Supply Contract
Public Tender
Period Contract
Select Tender
Panel Period Contract
Other Government Contract
PRB Approval PRIOR to tendering
8Government Priorities
Indigenous Development
9Government Priorities
Indigenous Development
10Government Priorities
Indigenous Development
11Government Priorities
Indigenous Development
12Government Priorities
Indigenous Development
13Government Priorities
Indigenous Development
14Government Priorities
Indigenous Development
15Government Priorities
Indigenous Development
16Government Priorities
Indigenous Development
17Tenders 07/08 Overview
18Tenders 07/08 by Agency
19DPI Tender Overview
- Continuous efforts to improve tender and
contracts - Efforts in improving qualification and expertise
by government staff - New Contracting Models
- Alliance
- Early Contractor Involvement
- Government Policies
- Climate Change
- Sustainable Procurement
- Reductions in carbon footprint
- Focus on measures that procurement processes can
deliver improvements
21Northern Territory Government Procurement
Brad Irvine Executive Director Procurement Novemb
er 2008