Career Management in Academia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Career Management in Academia


Demonstrating I am the best person in this area. Building collaborations ... A Photo? The right style for the job/country. Amount of supervision (number of students) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Career Management in Academia

Career Management in Academia
  • Dr Sara Shinton
  • Academic Careers Consultant

Saras Background
  • Research in Physical Chemistry and Polymer
    Science (PhD and postdoc)
  • Skills Development and Careers Advice
  • Own consultancy since 2000
  • Vision for PhDs, Postdocs and Academics to be
    more effective, more fulfilled and in better
    control of their careers

  • To understand opportunities and barriers in
  • Identify promotion criteria and develop a
    strategic career plan around them
  • To design an action plan to achieve your personal
    career goals

What we will do
  • Discuss issues affecting careers in academia and
    implications for YOU
  • Develop a strategic career plan
  • Identify characteristics of successful academic
  • Identify how you can meet them
  • Develop an action plan for your next post
  • Tips for effective action planning

Perspectives on Academia
  • What does academia offer that is special?
  • Benefits of working in academia
  • 5 minutes, then report back

Ideas from morning session
  • Freedom
  • to do what you like
  • Flexible management of own time
  • In choice of research
  • Independence
  • To manage own project
  • To manage own career
  • Meet interesting people
  • International culture
  • Get to go to other places
  • Get to work with different people
  • Always learning
  • Opportunity to spin off company using
    intellectual property from research
  • Cooperation between departments
  • Social relevance of research
  • See broader impact of research in own field
  • Not about money/not commercially driven
  • Depth of research
  • Inspiring
  • Curiosity
  • Get personal fulfilment

But whats missing?
  • Depth can mean you know a lot about very little
  • (Clinical, hospital based PhD there isnt a plan
    after PhD - dependent on supervisor
  • Money!
  • For funding research
  • For salaries of researchers
  • Social recognition
  • Can feel like a rat race (high competition for

Ideas from afternoon session
  • Dynamic environment
  • working with new people all the time/students
  • Can develop your own methods and approach rather
    than using/applying established
  • Driven by science
  • Can take a creative approach
  • Exciting to work at the frontier where nothing is
  • Challenging to work where nothing is guaranteed
  • Multi-disciplinary
  • Work with other departments in your institution
  • Work/interact with other groups
  • International
  • Can work abroad
  • Can be part of a global community
  • Education - get to teach and pass on knowledge
  • Learning - continue to find new knowledge and
  • Freedom to choose own hours
  • Less hierarchy than industry
  • You get the credit for your discoveries
  • Relevant to society/your field

Ideas from afternoon session
  • But
  • Uncertainty because of nature of fixed-term
    contracts/external funding
  • Difficult to see through whole cycle from concept
    to product (academic focus on concept)
  • Pressure and deadlines (worse than outside?)
  • Long work hours culture
  • Work is so engaging that difficult to switch off
  • Have responsibility - your ideas/your freedom/
    your problem if it goes wrong
  • Not enough interaction with society and users of

  • The freedom academia offers brings risks
  • How will you ensure that other peoples freedom
    doesnt cause you to take on more than your fair
    share of administrative duties (or other
    responsibilities which distract from research)?

Perspectives on Academia
  • What can/could you be doing to enhance your
    career prospects ?
  • Opportunities for development in academia
  • 5 minutes, then report back

Ideas from morning session
  • Visibility
  • Meeting the right people
  • Publishing
  • Demonstrating I am the best person in this area
  • Building collaborations
  • Giving people opportunities to get to know ME as
    well as my work
  • Developing skills
  • Technical skills (in short supply - find your
  • Teaching skills
  • Weaknesses
  • Knowing them - getting help on them - improving
    or compensating for them
  • International experience
  • Working abroad in a GOOD group
  • Getting known at conferences (asking intelligent
    questions contributing to discussions)
  • Getting to know Who is Who
  • Getting money - to gain security
  • Marketing Skills - learning how to sell all of
  • Being flexible about employment
  • Social skills (its all about connecting with
  • Being in a supportive environment
  • Your family and friends
  • A mentor
  • Work hard
  • Have a vision
  • Know where you are going
  • Be able to talk about your long term research

Ideas from afternoon session
  • Publish in Science! (high impact, prestigious
  • Improve contacts and network
  • Improve technical/writing/management skills
  • Go to Talent Classes and other training
  • Get international experience
  • Get awards and prizes
  • Collaborate
  • Be active at conferences
  • Plan the research you want to work on next/after
  • Get your teaching certificate
  • Get a certificate which shows proficiency in
    English (or Dutch if international researcher)
  • Get funding (Veni, short visits, conferences,
  • Get your title, Dr
  • Help others get their doctorates (supervise
  • Join a strong group
  • Be aware of which fields are buzzing in your

Perspectives on Academia
  • What will you need to demonstrate to make your
    next step up the academic ladder?
  • What will your CV look like?
  • Steps in promotion
  • 5 minutes, then report back

Ideas from morning session
  • Articles/ journals (how many will secure an
  • Abstracts and presentations at conferences (have
    I done enough to look like an expert? Have enough
    people seen and heard me?)
  • Organising conferences
  • Awards and Prizes
  • Research experience in other places
  • Courses and workshops (certificates where
  • Languages skills - clear level of fluency
  • Collaborations
  • References (brief them on what they need to say
    about you - personality and qualities) Who is
    willing to speak on your behalf?
  • Proposals written
  • Funding received (or ability to get funding)
  • Personal interests ? A Photo?
  • The right style for the job/country
  • Amount of supervision (number of students)
  • Letter sets out ambitions/plans/ benefits of
    employing me/value I will add to department
  • Easy to navigate - use key words as headings

Ideas from afternoon session
  • Publications - how many?
  • Grants - how much?
  • Prizes - which ones?
  • Certificates and diplomas
  • Teaching experience (certificate)
  • Techniques (which will be in short supply then?)
  • Posters/presentations at conferences and meetings
  • Media coverage
  • Personal interests which echo the needs of the
  • References (who would impress them?)
  • International experience
  • Proof that I can link my research to
    society/engage the public in my subject
  • Work experience (especially if it gives you
    useful contacts)
  • Voluntary work (especially if it gives you useful
  • Outline of current and future research interests
    (show you have a lifetime worth of ideas)
  • Memberships of societies/councils/boards - active
    participation in professional community
  • Numbers of students supervised and their
  • Organisation of conferences/workshops/seminars

Perspectives on Academia
  • What are the factors which may stop or hinder
    your progress?
  • Barriers
  • 5 minutes, then report back

Ideas from morning session
  • Availability of jobs
  • Children (and related - opportunities to work
    part-time/career breaks)
  • Social pressure not to continue from family
  • Put too many limitations on career - must work in
    NL/must be in this department/must be in this
    specific field
  • Supervisor/faculty dont support me to stay/
    dont promote me
  • Political agenda - government doesnt value
    research (PEST audit - see http//
  • Personal behaviour (dont meet goals)
  • Develop new interests
  • Lack of information about what I need to be
    achieving - what success depends on
  • Not preparing for interview
  • Competition
  • Time management (spotting priorities and what is
    really important)
  • Loss of drive
  • Not pro-active enough

Ideas from afternoon session
  • Personal circumstances - pregnancy or illness
  • Lack of motivation
  • Lack of motivating colleagues
  • Big shift into new area creates gap in CV (no
    papers until established)
  • Mess up
  • Unable to overcome drawbacks
  • Bad luck
  • Research area becomes saturated
  • Research area becomes unfashionable - no funding
  • Politics - some groups favoured some types of
    people favoured (affects diversity)
  • Scooped - research published by another group
  • Conflict with supervisor
  • Burn out
  • Lack of funding
  • Better offer from industry
  • Fraud or plagiarism

Looking for Inspiration
  • Think of an academic who YOU regard as successful
    an inspiration/a role model
  • What are their
  • Qualities (e.g. characteristics, attitudes
  • Skills (e.g. abilities)
  • Achievements
  • Success factors (How did they get to where they
    are now?)
  • Spend a few minutes adding to your notes, so they
    reflect the type of academic career you want to

Getting there from here
  • Now look at developing a strategy for your own
    successful academic career
  • Summarise Where are you now?

Developing a career plan
  • Now think ahead to where you want to be
  • Where will you be in FIVE years?
  • Spend a few minutes thinking about what you will
    be doing, what you need to have achieved

Developing a career plan
  • Now think about how you will get there
  • In ONE year - what will you have achieved that
    shows you are on track?
  • In THREE MONTHS - what will you be doing
    differently to increase your chance of career

Getting there from here
  • Where will you be in 5 years time? Reflect on
    the discussions and your own perspectives, then
    summarise where you see yourself in the future
  • Share your views with one other person

Build a Career Portfolio
  • Review progress regularly
  • Show how have you used skills, knowledge and
    experience to achieve projects or tasks
  • Record what you did, how you did it and what the
    result/benefit was
  • Use progress meetings to cover professional

To Put Academia into Perspective
  • Academia is facing the same pressures as other
  • It still offers a uniquely satisfying career to
    many people
  • This session was not to put you off (!)
  • .but to help you develop your career

Useful websites

Leaving academia - how have other researchers
done it?
  • Case studies from professional bodies http//www.r
  • http//
  • http//
  • To find other professional bodies
  • Science Careers (not just scientists)
  • AGCAS-RCI case studies (Internet Archive -link on
  • University phone directory!

So, what are the alternatives?
Academic Research
Or something completely different!
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