Title: DucTruong Pham MEC School of Engineering
1(No Transcript)
2FP6 Networks of Excellence Integrating EU
Advanced Manufacturing Research - IPROMS and 4M
Duc-Truong PhamMECSchool of Engineering
2nd March 2004
- Manufacturing in the EU
- Manufacturing research in the EU
- Networks of Excellence A New FP6 Instrument
- 4M
- Maximising Enduring Collaborations
4Manufacturing in the EU (1)
- 2.5 M manufacturing enterprises in the enlarged
EU - 22 of GNP
- 18-20 of the workforce
gt Manufacturing creates substantial wealth and
5Manufacturing in the EU (2)
- 93 micro SMEs
- 6 small enterprises
- under 1 medium-sized companies
- under 0.2 large enterprises
- 16 people per enterprise
gt SMEs form the core of EU manufacturing industry
6Manufacturing in the EU (3)
- Stiff global competition for EU SMEs
- cost lead time
- Competitiveness strategy for SMEs
- Innovation
- High technology
- High-value-adding
- High knowledge content
gt Advanced Manufacturing research holds the key
to EU competitiveness
7Manufacturing research in the EU (1)
- Severe EU under-
- investment in RD
- Source ManuFuture 2003
8Manufacturing research in the EU (2)
- Manufacturing - a very broad field
- Research carried out by thousands of
organisations - Lack of co-ordination
- Duplication of efforts and resources
- Different regional, national and EU funding
bodies - Duplication of programmes
gt EU manufacturing research is highly fragmented
9Networks of Excellence A New FP6 Instrument (1)
- Virtual institutes - overcoming research
fragmentation - Main activities
- Integration create strong and lasting
integration of research activities and resources
(10-20 years) - Joint research advance knowledge to reinforce
world-class status in an area - Dissemination extend excellence to the wider
gt NoEs are an instrument for structuring EU
10Networks of Excellence A New FP6 Instrument (2)
- 2 NoEs for structuring EU Advanced Manufacturing
research - Innovative Production Machines and Systems
(IPROMS) - Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (4M)
- IPROMS umbrella network covering the whole area
of knowledge-based technology and organisation - 4M focused network concentrating on high-value
adding, high knowledge content processes and
gt IPROMS and 4M will integrate key wealth and
job creating areas of EU Advanced Manufacturing
11 IPROMS Network of Excellence
Co-ordinator Cardiff University
1. United Kingdom Cardiff, Warwick, Cambridge,
Oxford, UMIST, Newcastle
7. Greece Patras
8. Ireland DCU
9. Italy Fidia, CRF, Naples
2. Austria Profactor
10. Poland PIAP
3. Czech Republic CTU
4. Finland VTT
11. Portugal Minho
5. France CETIM, ENIT, INRIA, Robosoft
12. Spain Fatronik, Tekniker
6. Germany Clausthal, IAO, IFW, IPK, IPA,
Schneider Electric
13. Netherlands TNO
14. Turkey Sakarya
30 Core Partners from 14 European Countries
12Focus of IPROMS
- Development of new processes and flexible,
intelligent manufacturing systems (NMP Priority
- New and user-friendly production equipment
and technologies, - and their incorporation into the factory of
the future - concepts, tools and techniques for creating and
operating - knowledge-based flexible, re-configurable,
fault-tolerant - and eco- and user- friendly production
systems that can - react to customers needs, environmental
requirements and - material / process / labour availability to
manufacture - high quality, cost-effective products
13IPROMSs Vision for the Factory of the Future
Drivers price, quality, customisability,
Processes design, production, support
Technologies ... microsystems, re-configurable
manufacturing, enterprise modelling, agent
technology, knowledge management, man-machine
interaction, adaptive control, complex systems,
intelligent robotics, advanced ICT
Knowledge-Based Autonomous Factory
14 IPROMS Cluster Integration and Hub Structure
Core Partners
Cluster Hub
ICT Infrastructure Development
Support Researchers
Core Researchers
15IPROMS Clusters
- Advanced Production Machines
- Multi-function and reconfigurable machines
- Production Automation and Control
- Multi-agent systems
- Innovative Design Technology
- Concurrent whole lifecycle design
- Production Organisation and Management
- Integration of human and technical resources
16Spreading of excellence from the core of IPROMS
to other communities
Industrial Production Users/Suppliers
Academic Production Researchers
Associated Partner Researchers (1200)
Core Partner Researchers (1000)
Integrated Researchers (210)
- Training Courses - Seminars -
Conferences - Integrated Projects
17Features of IPROMS
- Holistic coverage of the entire field of
Production Machines and Systems - Multi-disciplinary non compartmentalised nature
- Ability to choose priority research topics,
embracing new areas according to changing
industrial needs
gt This guarantees the continuing relevance and
sustainability of IPROMS
18Trend Reversal in Precision Mechanics
Prof Detters Presentation at TopNANO Conference
at St. Gallen, Sep. 2003
19The Main Challenges in Micro-Manufacture Feature
Sizes, Tolerances and Surface Quality
- Feature sizes below 20 µm
- Tolerances in the range of 1 to 10 of the
nominal dimensions (in precision engineering lt
0.01) - Surface roughness required in the range of 10 to
50 nm - smaller than the grain size of the
M Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC
Press, 1997
20Micro-Manufacture Process Characteristics
Prof Detters Presentation at TopNANO Conference
at St. Gallen, Sep. 2003
214M Partnership
14 Associate Partners
Bulgaria BAS
16 Core Partners
Belgium KU Leuven
France CEA
Germany IMTEK, IZM, FZK, IPT, IBMT, IMM, Erlangen
Netherlands TNO
Sweden IVF and KTH
UK Cardiff, Cranfield, RAL
14 Countries
224M Scope Establishment of 4M Capabilities
- 4M
- Capabilities
- Miniaturisation
- Serial Production
- Rapid Prototyping
- Future Product Platforms
- Micro
- Technologies
- Micromachining
- Microfabrication
- Metrology
- Packaging Assembly
- Drivers
- Manufacturing capabilities
- Product competitiveness
- Legislation and environment
- Cost
- Quality and conformance
- Resource exploitation
Innovative Technologies
Business Needs
Common Requirements e.g. High aspect ratio
- Applications
- Micro-fluidics
- Micro-Optics
- Micro-sensors
23Features of 4M Research
- A top down approach to reducing the feature
size of micro-structures towards the nanoscale - Process characterisation to build up the
prerequisites for process modeling and simulation - Development of hybrid micro/nano manufacturing
methods - Manufacture of multi-material hybrid
microsystems - Material characterisation
- Interfacing/packaging solutions for connecting
micro/nano devices to their operating environment - Wide range of applications in different
industrial sectors - Design for manufacture and assembly
24 4M Design for Manufacture Approach
254M Spreading of Excellence Industrial
- 4M Manufacturing and Application Advisory Service
(MAAS) to SMEs - Free advisory service
- A quick query and referral service
- A technology/capability information and
referral service - Manufacturing diagnostic consultancy services
- Application consultancy interventions
- Help for levering funding for SMEs
- Training and best practice culture change
- Partially funded by companies (50)
- Follow-on consultancy projects (diagnostic and
- consultancy assignments developing into
larger projects)
26Maximising Enduring Collaborations (1)
- Mechanisms for ensuring lasting collaboration
- strong central co-ordination teams
- multiple income streams (joint projects,
dissemination activities, subscriptions) - spin-out companies
gt IPROMS and 4M should prosper well beyond the
EC funding period
27Maximising Enduring Collaborations (2)
- Co-ordinators track record of lasting and
fruitful research partnership and industrial
collaboration - Queens Anniversary Prize for first-class
research and practical technology transfer - First Prize from the Secretary of State for Trade
and Industry for University-Industry Research
Partnership - Accreditation by WDA, Welsh Assembly Government
and Welsh Higher Education Funding Council as
Centre of Excellence for Technology and
Industrial Collaboration
28Maximising Enduring Collaborations (3)
- Co-ordinators track record (contd)
- Accreditation by DTI as Centre of Excellence for
Manufacturing Engineering - More than 50 academic and industrial partners
from 22 countries - Over 1000 projects completed for 350 companies in
past three years
gt Maximising Enduring Collaborations is MEC
- Manufacturing in the EU
- Manufacturing research in the EU
- Networks of Excellence A New FP6 Instrument
- 4M
- Maximising Enduring Collaborations