Title: Assuring Better Child Health and Development Initiative
1Assuring Better Child Health and Development
- Funded by
- The Commonwealth Fund
- Administered and Supported by
- National Academy for State Health Policy
- Background
- Policy Improvements and Pilot Practices
- Future
- Your experiences
3ABCD Screening Academy States
4ABCD Screening Academy Purpose
- To increase use of a general developmental
screening tool as a part of health supervision
during well-child care provided by primary care
providers who act as young childrens medical
5Public/Private Partnership
- Dept of Medical Assistance Services
- AAP Virginia Chapter
- Dept of Health
- Stakeholders Group Bright Futures Collaborative
- Managed care health plans
- Early Intervention programs
- Home visiting programs
6Policy Improvement
- Clarified Medicaid billing for screening
- www.dmas.virginia.gov/downloads/pdfs/mm-EPSDT_Mem
o_chart.pdf - Monitored Medicaid claims for CPT 96110
7Medicaid Paid Claims for Developmental
ScreeningFor Children Birth through 5 Years of
Age by Month of ServiceVirginia, January 2005
through June 2008 (preliminary)
Source DMAS, Medicaid paid claims for CPT 96110
by date of service, FFS and MCO claims paid as
of 7/22/08
8Children with a Medicaid Paid Claim for
Developmental Screening Children Birth through 5
Years by Age and Year of ServiceVirginia,
Calendar Years 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 through
Sept 22 (preliminary)
Source DMAS. Children birth to age five with
Medicaid paid claims for CPT 96110 by date of
service, FFS and MCO claims paid as of 9/22/08
9Policy Improvement
- Incorporated use of a developmental screening
tool into (Pre)School Entrance Health Form (VDH) - www.vahealth.org/childadolescenthealth
10School Health Entrance Form
11Policy Improvement
- Developed a laminated referral guide to Part C
Early Intervention services. (DMHMRSAS) - www.infantva.org/documents/pr-ReferralGuide.pdf
- keisha.white_at_co.dmhmrsas.virginia.gov
12ITC Referral Guide
13Policy Improvement
- Developed a uniform referral/consent form for
sharing information between the Part C Early
Intervention program and primary care provider
(AAP and DMHMRSAS) - www.infantva.org/documents/forms/3094eEI.pdf
14ITC Referral/Consent Form
15Pilot Practices
- Piedmont Health District, VDH
- Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)
- Augusta Pediatrics, Fishersville
- Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status
16Lesson Learned
- Screening is just the first step.
- There must also be access to follow-up services.
- Efforts to identify and help families and
clinicians access resources for assessment and
treatment are critical to project success.
Source Improving the Delivery of Health Care
that Supports Young Childrens Healthy Mental
Development, NASHP, 2008.
- Enhancing referral and care coordination between
pediatric practices and community intervention
18Your Experiences