Status of the MEG m?eg Experiment at PSI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Status of the MEG m?eg Experiment at PSI


Status of the MEG meg Experiment at PSI – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Status of the MEG m?eg Experiment at PSI

Status of the MEG m?eg Experiment at PSI
W. MolzonUniversity of California, Irvine August
28, 2006 NuFact 2006
  • Goals of the experiment
  • Overview of technique
  • Status of detector and software
  • Schedule

The MEG Collaboration
University of Tokyo Y. Hisamatsu, T. Iwamoto,
T. Mashimo, S. Mihara, T. Mori, Y. Morita, H.
Natori, H. Nishiguchi, Y. Nishimura, W. Ootani,
K. Ozone, R. Sawada, Y. Uchiyama, S.
Yamashita KEK T. Haruyama, K. Kasami, A. Maki,
Y. Makida, A. Yamamoto, K. Yoshimura Waseda
University K. Deguchi, T. Doke, J. Kikuchi, S.
Suzuki, K. Terasawa INFN, Pisa A. Baldini, C.
Bemporad, F. Cei, L.del Frate, L. Galli, G.
Gallucci, M. Grassi, F. Morsani, D. Nicolò, A.
Papa, R. Pazzi, F. Raffaelli, F. Sergiampietri,
G. Signorelli INFN and University of Genova S.
Cuneo, D. Bondi, S. Dussoni, F. Gatti, S.
Minutoli, P. Musico, P. Ottonello, R. Valle INFN
and University of Pavia O.Barnaba, G. Boca, P.
W. Cattaneo, G. Cecchet, A. De Bari, P. Liguori,
G. Musitelli, R. Nardò, M. Rossella,
A.Vicini INFN and University of Roma I A.
Barchiesi, D. Zanello INFN and University of
Lecce M. Panareo Paul Scherrer Institute J.
Egger, M. Hildebrandt, P.-R. Kettle, S. Ritt, M.
Schneebeli BINP, Novosibirsk L. M. Barkov, A.
A. Grebenuk, D. N. Grigoriev, B. I. Khazin, N.
M. Ryskulov JINR, Dubna A. Korenchenko, N.
Kravchuk, A. Moiseenko, D. Mzavia University of
California, Irvine P. Huwe, W. Molzon, H.
Topchyan, V. Tumakov, F. Xiao, S. Yamada
Principal Features of m ? eg Experiment
  • Stop m in thin target
  • Measure energies of e (Ee) and g (Eg)
  • Measure angle between e and g (??)
  • Measure time between e and g (?t)

qeg 180
Ee 52.8 MeV
Eg 52.8 MeV
Experimental Requirements
  • Muon beam with stopping rate times acceptance of
    order 106-7
  • Acceptance limited by photon coverage (cost for
    calorimetric detectors, conversion probability
    for measuring photons by converting to ee-)
  • Rate limited by accidental backgrounds or
    instrumental effects at high rates
  • Thin stopping target needed for limiting
    annihilation in flight, scattering in target
  • Typically surface muon beam used pm peaked near
    29 MeV
  • Detectors capable of measuring Eg, Ee, Dt, Dq to
    sufficient precision without long tails in
    resolution function
  • Photon energy, time, position with single large
    liquid xenon calorimeter
  • High, uniform light yield energy resolution
    1.5 sRMS at 53 MeV
  • Good timing tdecay 45 ns
  • Good position resolution 4 mm
  • Large contiguous volume care needed in pileup
  • Positron momentum, angle from magnetic
  • Resolution dominated by multiple scattering
    premium on low mass 0.4 sRMS
  • Geometry optimized for resolution, rate, trigger
  • Positron time from scintillation counters
  • High light yield, fast, thick scintillators 45
    ps sRMS
  • Correction of time to that at vertex requires
    care (energy loss, scattering)

The MEG Experiment
Complete GEANT3 Description of Detector
(No Transcript)
MEG at the Paul Scherrer Institut
  • Approved at Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
    in 1999
  • Start physics run in 2007
  • Initial goal of 10-13, eventually 10-14

PSI Proton Cyclotron
590 MeV gt 1.8mA gt 150days/year CW Beam
Beamline Status
  • All elements installed
  • Commissioning begun
  • Some minor problems with alignment
  • Yield slightly low with non-standard
    targetexpected stop rate 108, required 4x107
  • Beam profile as expected

COBRA Magnet
  • COBRA magnet is built and run to full field
  • Mapping completed small asymmetries being
  • Initial problems with quench detection system

Signal radius independent of angle
Sweep out Michel positrons
Stopping Target
  • Optimized to stop m beam with high efficiency,
    minimize backgrounds
  • Low Z material to reduce positron scattering
    exiting target
  • Thin target with well-measured position to enable
    decay position to be measured to high precision
    from positron trajectory intercept at target
  • Photon direction from position in LXe
    calorimeter, vertex position
  • Positron direction from measured trajectory
    extrapolated to target position
  • Target position known to 0.5 mm
  • Required to remotely move target to allow
    insertion of auxiliary targets for calibration
  • Implementation with 150-175 mm polyethylene film
    on Rohacell frame
  • In situ alignment from data by imaging small
    holes in target with Michel decays

The MEG Detector
COBRA Magnet
Timing Counter
Compensation Coil
Drift Chamber
Liquid Xenon Calorimeter
Surface Muon Beam
Drift Chamber
  • Conventional drift chamber (wires,cathode foils,
    field wires)
  • Resolution dominated by scattering with 300 mm
    drift resolution
  • Axial coordinate from charge division, vernier
    pads on foils
  • Thin foils enclose gas and make cathode ? precise
    pressure control
  • Sophisticated, low mass carbon fiber frames to
    reduce interactions
  • Helium based gas for reduced multiple scattering
  • Precise pressure control to maintain
    anode-cathode spacing
  • Readout with 500 MHz waveform digitizer

Drift Chamber Analysis
  • Momentum determination using Kalman filter
  • Currently without front-end of analysis
    (time-to-distance, pattern recognition)

Resolution for decay point photon direction sRMS
0.1 cm(other effects more important)
Momentum resolutionDepends on turn topolgy sRMS
0.25 for multi-turn
Angular resolution for dfegsRMS 9.4 mrad
Timing Counters
  • Provide time of electron with a precision below
    100 ps
  • Need precise position information for propagation
    delay correction (30ps 1 cm)
  • Requires large signal for good timing resolution
  • Implementation
  • Large (4x4 cm2) bars in axial direction to give
    large signal
  • Read out with magnetic-field-insensitive
  • Axial coordinate given by 5x5 mm2 scintillating
    fibers with APD readout

Timing Counter Status
Completed f-measuring module
Z-measuring optical fibers
Tracking contribution to timing error sRMS 35
ps, tails from scattering, E-loss
Intrinsic resolution from test beam sRMS 30 ps
LXe Scintillation g-ray Detector
  • 800 liter Liquid Xenon scintillator
  • high light yield 75 NaI(Tl)
  • fast response 45ns decay time
  • good uniformity
  • 850 f2 PMTs
  • Facing inwards like Super-Kamiokande
  • Directly immersed in LXe
  • RD with prototype
  • Performance
  • LXe purification
  • Operation _at_ 165K

  • Prototype tested using laser back-scattered beam,
    neutral pions from p- capture at rest
  • 70 l cubical volume, 228 phototubes

CEX p0 Beam Test _at_ PSI
  • Monochromatic g
  • 55 83 MeVp- (at rest) p ? p0 np0 (28MeV)
    ? g g (back-to-back, 54.9 MeV lt Eg lt 82.9MeV)
  • 129 MeVp- p ? n g
  • Neutron response

Energy (MeV)
sRMS 1.5
Opening angle (deg)
Expected Calorimeter Performance
  • Tied to large prototype performance tests
  • Simulation of performance with GEANT and analysis
    algorithms under development
  • Current status of one such algorithm energy
    from weighted sum of photube signals corrected
    for converstion depth sRMS1.2

Calibration and Monitoring Techniques
  • Variety of techniques planned for continuous
    monitoring of calorimeter performance
  • Permanently installed alpha sources (few MeV) for
    gain, quantum efficiency monitor
  • Photons from neutral pions from p- capture at
    rest sets absolute energy scale
  • Liquid hydrogen target installed periodically but
  • Beam retuned for negative pions
  • Second photon detected with movable NaI detector
    opposite LXe cryostat
  • Photons from pLi ? Be g
  • Resonant at Ep 440 keV
  • Narrow photon line at 17.6 MeV
  • Use Cockroft-Walton accelerator operated in situ
  • Allows daily monitor of resolution, gain

DAQ / Waveform Analysis
  • Data acquisition based on waveform digitizer no
    ADC, TDC
  • 4 GHz maximum sampling rate (2 GHz for LXe,
    timing counters) 0.5 GHz for drift chambers
  • 12 bit ADC
  • 3000 channels
  • 32 channels on VME board

Pileup Rejection with Waveform Analysis
  • Dt 50 ns Dt 15 ns

Peak finding
  • Additional techniques for close overlaps
  • Waveform fitting (chi-square)
  • Combination of spatial and temporal fitting

Expected Background Sensitivity
  • Expected detector resolution
  • DEe 0.8 (FWHM)
  • DEg 4.5 (FWHM)
  • Dqeg 18mrad (FWHM)
  • Dteg 141ps (FWHM)
  • Expected BKG rate _at_ initial phase
  • Accidental background below 10-13
  • Radiative m decay down to lt10-14
  • Single event sensitivity
  • B(m?eg) 10-13
  • Eventually down to 10-14 with improved PMTs, etc.

  • MEG experiment is well into construction phase
  • Beam line installed, commissioning going well, to
    be completed in autumn
  • Detector systems construction advancing well
  • half drift chamber and full timing counters
    ready for autumn engineering run
  • Liquid xenon calorimeter delayed by cryostat
    production in industry, scheduled for
    installation and commissioning by end of year
  • Engineering run during autumn, further tests and
    commissioning during beam-off period
  • Anticipate fast startup with data taking in April
  • Increasing effort now going into developing
    analysis software
  • Algorithms for low-level analysis each of
    detector systems being developed
  • High level analysis (e.g. pileup rejection,
    timing corrections, etc.) begun
  • Goal is to be able to analyze data soon after
  • Anticipate single event sensitivity around 10-13
    with two year run, a significant result (e.g.
    with respect to MEGA limit of 1.2x10-11) on
    shorter timescale

  • END
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