Title: Rich LaBarca
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A Little About Me
- Now
- Widget Syndication to Mobiles
- Then
- Mobile MMO Gaming Tech Platform
- Mobile Advertising Tech Platform
- Back When
- Computer-Assisted Surgery
- Mobile Robotics
3 __ __ ____
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\/__/\/_/ \/__/\/__/\/_/
Computers Know a Lot About You
- Data that can be represented electronically has
become increasingly personal - Messages from friends
- Music youre listening to
- Current and upcoming activities
- Weather / Time of Day
- Where you are
- Actions of your social network
- Representing how this data affects you opens up
interesting possibilities - Autonomous (agent-based) decision-making
- Relevance Filtering
- Gaming
4 ____ ___ ___
______ __ ____
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\/_/\/_/\/____/ \/___/ \/__/\/_/ \ \ \/
\ \_\
Mobiles Filling in Personal Data
- Mobiles fill in the Web 2.0 personal data gap
- Location
- Images / Video
- Convenient device for manual updates
- Mobiles are output devices that are always with
5 ____ ___
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A Social Game as an Example
Can Your Life Grow A Tree?
6 ______ __ __ __
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\/_/\/_/\/__/ \/__/ \/_/ \/_/\/___/ \/___/
Mapping Diverse Inputs and Relationships to
Usable Values
7 ______ __
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\/_/\/_/\/____/ \/__/ \/_/\/___/ \/_/\/_/\/___/
Using Attributes to Make Decisions and Take Action
Grow New Branch?
Grow New Branch?
8 __ __ __ __
_____ __ ______ __
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\/_/\/_/\/____/ \/_/ \/____/
Anyone Doing This Stuff?