Title: Cogeneration
by Michael Bokor
- Sustainability
- Capable of being continued with minimal long-term
effect on the environment. - In the terms of the 1987 Brundtland Report,
sustainable development is development that
"Meeting the needs of the present generation
without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their needs."
3Boiler plant information
- The purpose of the Main Boiler House is to
provide steam 24 hours a day to 32 buildings on
campus and the Freshman Dorm area. - The boiler plant uses natural gas and provides
all the steam used on campus. - The steam is used for heating,
- air conditioning, and hot water.
Main Boiler House
Air Compressor
4Problem on campus
- The boiler plant is very inefficient do to excess
amounts of heat energy loss. - The heating bill for the winter of 05-06 was more
then 4 million dollars over budget. - The price of the natural gas that R.P.I purchased
has doubled in the last 5 years.
- Cogeneration - A process in which an industrial
facility uses its waste energy to produce heat or
electricity. - Cogeneration is an energy-efficient,
environmentally-friendly method of producing
electricity (power), steam and/or hot water at
the same time, in one process, with one fuel.
6Cogeneration (combined heat and power or CHP)
- is the use of a power station to simultaneously
generate both heat and electricity. - Conventional power plants emit the heat created
as a byproduct of electricity generation into the
environment through cooling towers, as flue gas,
or by other means. - CHP captures the excess heat for domestic or
industrial heating purposes.
- Hot-air cogeneration, which is found in
modern combustion turbines, can be traced back to
medieval smoke - jacks.
- Steam cogeneration was first applied to the
steam jack, which appeared in the early
seventeenth century. - By the late eighteenth century, waste steam
from manufacturing processes was used to power
steam engines, and the hot condenser water was
used again for other process - purposes.
Bailey's Patent Steam Jack1793 America's first
steam turbine This spit-turning device, or
"jack," may well be the first steam turbine built
and used in America. Used to turn a fireplace
spit, it may also represent the earliest
non-industrial application of steam power.
a smoke jack, a device that took advantage of the
rising heat in the flu to turn a vane, which in
turn rotated the spit via a simple train of gears
and a chain. Leonardo da Vinci illustrated a
smoke jack in his sketchbook in the late 1400's.
8(No Transcript)
9Cogeneration solutions simply reduce waste, with
only 10-15 losses, compare that with the 55 or
more using traditional generation methods and it
is clear that cogeneration uses fuel more
10How it will help
- Estimates are that the boiler plant is 50
efficient at capturing heat for use around the
campus. - Instituting a cogeneration plant along side the
boiler plant could rise that efficiency rate to
around 70-90, thereby saving a lot of wasted
11Contributing to prevention of global warming
- A cogeneration system utilizes exhaust heat which
is dumped in generating electricity, and so makes
the most of the limited resources. - Because it reduces the amount of exhausting
greenhouse gas such as CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and
NOx(Nitrogen Oxides), it can contribute a lot to
prevention of global warming.
12Proven technology
- Over 150 colleges universities around the
nation have cogeneration plants. - M.I.T cogeneration plant has reduced emissions by
45 or 13,000 car roundtrips into Cambridge per
day! - University of Oregon cogeneration plant produces
30 of the universitys electricity from the
byproduct of steam production. - University of Maryland has installed a 26-MW
Cogen system that it says saves the institution
6 million per year in energy costs.
- http//www.answers.com/cogenerationr67 4/16/06
- http//www.standardaeroenergy.com/main/cogeneratio
n.htm 4/16/06 - http//www.rpi.edu/bortonh/PVTracker/OHtalk.html
4/16/06 - http//www.poly.rpi.edu/article_view.php3?view441
part1 4/16/06 - http//cogen.mit.edu/ 4/18/06
- http//www.osu.edu/osu/newsrel/Archive/00-07-07_Tr
ustees_Construction_Projects.html 4/18/06 - http//www.schmitt-enertec.com/cogeneration/what.h
tm 4/22/06