Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation


Permanent blocking of a set of processes that either compete for system ... P(n 1) if its resource needs exceed the total of 'unclaimed' system resources. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation

Concurrency Deadlock and Starvation
  • Chapter 6

  • Permanent blocking of a set of processes that
    either compete for system resources or
    communicate with each other
  • There is no satisfactory solution in the general
  • Most general purpose OSs (ex Unix SVR4) ignore
    the problem and pretend that deadlocks never occur

(No Transcript)
Deadlock and Resources
  • Reusable resources
  • serially shareable used by one process at a time
  • examples include devices (disk, tape drives)
    memory, and files (unless in read-only mode)
  • a system generally has a fixed number or amount
    of each type of reusable resource
  • such resources allocated in units two tape
    drives, 4K of memory, etc.

Deadlock Reusable Resources
  • Process P
  • request disk
  • request tape
  • perform function
  • release disk
  • release tape
  • Process Q
  • request tape
  • request disk
  • perform function
  • release tape
  • release disk

If Process P is allowed to lock the disk, and
Process Q locks the tape, P and Q will become
deadlocked. Each is in the Blocked state,
waiting for a resource that belongs to another
blocked process.
Another Example of Deadlock
  • Space is available for allocation of 200Kbytes,
    and the following sequence of events occur
  • Deadlock occurs if both processes progress to
    their second request

. . .
. . .
Request 80 Kbytes
Request 70 Kbytes
. . .
. . .
Request 60 Kbytes
Request 80 Kbytes
Deadlock and Resources
  • Consumable resources
  • produced and consumed in real time
  • each instance of the resource is used only once
  • examples messages, signals, interrupts
  • usually used in process synchronization
  • Most deadlock theory assumes reusable resources.

Deadlock on Consumable Resources( messages are
the resource consumed)
P1 Receive (P2) Send (P2)
P2 Receive (P1) Send (P1)
If receives are blocking, this approach will
result in a deadlock.
Resource Allocation Graphs
  • Directed graph that depicts current state of
    system resources and processes
  • Can be used to detect deadlock.
  • Dots in resource node represent number of units
    of the resource that exist.

Resource Allocation Graphs
Conditions for Deadlock
  • There are three policy conditions that must be
    present for deadlock to be possible
  • mutual exclusion only one process may use a
    resource at a time
  • hold and wait (incremental allocation) a process
    may hold allocated resources while waiting for
  • no preemption no resource can be forcibly
    removed from a process holding it

Conditions for Deadlock
  • In addition to the 3 policy conditions, there is
    a fourth condition which must be present if
    deadlock is to occur Circular Wait
  • a closed chain of processes exists, such that
    each process holds at least one resource needed
    by the next process in the chain

Conditions for Deadlock
  • In summary, there are FOUR necessary and
    sufficient conditions to ensure deadlock.
  • Three policy conditions make deadlock possible -
    if any one of the three does not hold, there can
    never be deadlock.
  • The fourth condition is a condition of
    circumstance a particular sequence of events
    leads to the circular wait.

Approaches to Deadlock Management
  • Prevention disallow one of the four necessary
    conditions for deadlock.
  • Avoidance do not grant a resource request if
    this allocation might lead to deadlock (notice
    that prevention and avoidance both keep deadlock
    from happening).
  • Detectiongrant resource request when possible.
    But periodically check for deadlock and then
    recover from it.

Deadlock Prevention
  • Deadlock prevention methods
  • Design the OS so deadlock is not possible.
  • Two approaches
  • Disallow one of the first three conditions i.e.,
    do not implement one of these policies.
  • Prevent resource requests which might lead to
    circular wait

Deadlock Prevention
  • Do not allow mutual exclusion
  • Not a good idea - mutual exclusion is essential
  • Prevent hold-and-wait
  • Force processes to request all resources at once
  • Process is blocked until all resources can be
  • Disadvantages
  • Processes might have to wait for a long time
  • Resources may remain unused for a long time
  • Applications must know in advance which resources
    will be needed

Deadlock Prevention
  • Allow resource preemption
  • Require a process to give up all current
    resources if it needs to wait for another
    resource. It can then wait for all needed
  • Allow high priority processes to preempt
    resources from low priority processes.
  • In either case, resource state must be saved for
    the process whose resource is confiscated.
  • This limits applicability of technique. Can only
    be used for resources whose state can be easily
    saved - CPU, for example, or memory.

Deadlock Prevention - Forbid Circular Wait
  • Prevent the circular wait.
  • Define a linear order for all resource types R0,
    R1, R2, ...
  • If a process has already acquired resource type
    Ri, it is allowed to request Rj only if i lt j.
  • This approach would solve the tape drive/disk
    drive deadlock example

Deadlock Prevention - Forbid Circular Wait
  • To prove resource numbering works, assume the
  • Suppose A and B are deadlocked. A owns Ri and is
    waiting for Rj this implies that i lt j.
  • B owns Rj and is waiting for Ri. This implies
    that j lt i, which is a contradiction.
  • Thus, there can be no deadlock with resource
    numbering - proof by contradiction.

Deadlock Prevention Summary
  • Deny mutual exclusion is impossible.
  • Deny hold-and-wait or prevent circular wait is
    inefficient processes may have to acquire
    resources before they need them, which means
    other processes are denied the resources.
  • Permit preemption - at best, of limited use.

Deadlock Avoidance
  • Permit the three policies (mutual exclusion,
    hold-and-wait, no preemption) but allocate
    resources so no circular wait can happen.
  • Two methods
  • Process initiation denial
  • Resource allocation denial
  • In each method maximum resources requirements
    must be stated in advance

Process Initiation Denial
  • Assume the system has n processes and m resource
  • Each of the n processes has claimed a certain
    amount of resources.
  • We will refuse to start process P(n1) if its
    resource needs exceed the total of unclaimed
    system resources.

Process Initiation Denial
  • For each resource type let R(i) represent the
    total amount of resource i in the system.
  • V(i) represents the amount of R(i) not already
    promised to a running process.
  • C(k,i) represents the amount of R(i) that process
    P(k) will claim.
  • P(k) can start if and only if C(k,i) lt V(i).

Process Initiation Denial
  • Example
  • R(1) (main memory) 128 MB
  • R(2) (disk drives) 8
  • Currently, (Vi is unpromised units of Ri)
  • V(1) 64MB, V(2) 2
  • If P(k) needs 32MB and 3 disk drives, it will not
    be allowed to start.

Resource Allocation Denial The Bankers Algorithm
  • Process initiation denial is clearly not an
    optimal strategy.
  • Wont let a process start unless there are enough
    resources in the system to satisfy the maximum
    claims of all processes at the same time.
  • The Bankers Algorithm is less conservative
    processes are initiated, but may block later if
    they cant get resources.

Bankers Algorithm - Definitions
  • System state is defined by the Resource vector
    R(i), the Claim matrix C(j,i), the Available
    vector V(i) and the Allocation matrix A(j,i)
    (amount of resource i allocated to process j).
    Just as in previous method.
  • Also, Need matrix N(j,i) gives amount of resource
    type i required by process j to complete its task

Bankers Algorithm
  • Some relations between state values
  • V(i) R(i) - S_k A(k,i)
  • N(j,i) C(j,i) - A(j,i)
  • In all cases, we assume that each process will
    eventually need its maximum request. This isnt
    necessarily true, but to be safe we must do so.

Bankers Algorithm
  • To decide if a processs resource request should
    be granted, check to see if granting the request
    will lead to a safe state.
  • if resulting state is safe, grant request
  • otherwise deny request and block the process
  • This may mean that a process is blocked on a
    resource request even if some amount of the
    resource is available.

Bankers Algorithm
  • A state is safe iff there exists some sequence of
    resource allocationsP1..Pn in which each
    process Pi is allocated all the resources it
    needs to be run to completion
  • In other words, all processes can run to
    completion from a safe state.
  • Unsafe state one that isnt safe (not
    necessarily one that will lead to deadlock)

  • Suppose there are 6 disk drives available P1
    needs 3 and P2 needs 5 i.e., C1 3 and C2 5.
  • Also suppose P1 has been granted 2, P1 has been
    granted 3.
  • This is a safe state P1 can finish first and
    then P2.
  • If P1 had 2 and P2 had 4 the state would be

Bankers AlgorithmTest for Safe State
  • The Safety Algorithm (Figure 6.8) formalizes the
    process of finding a safe-state sequence.
  • Here are some examples

Bankers Algorithm Example
  • Resource vector is R(1)9, R(2)3, R(3)6
  • n 4 (there are 4 processes)
  • The current state

Claimed Allocated
R1 R2 R3
R1 R2 R3
R1 R2 R3
3 2 2 6 1 3 3 1 4 4 2
1 0 0 5 1 1 2 1 1 0 0
1 1 2
P1 P2 P3 P4
  • Suppose that P2 requests (1,0,1). Should this
    request be granted?

Example (continued)
  • If request is granted, the state would be

Claimed Allocated
R1 R2 R3
R1 R2 R3
R1 R2 R3
3 2 2 6 1 3 3 1 4 4 2
1 0 0 6 1 2 2 1 1 0 0
0 1 1
P1 P2 P3 P4
  • This state is safe with sequence P2, P1, P3,
    P4. After P2 finishes, the Available vector is
    (6,2,3) which enables the other processes to
    finish. Hence request granted.

Example - Unsafe State
  • If, however, P1 requested (1,0,1) the resulting
    state would be

Claimed Allocated
R1 R2 R3
R1 R2 R3
R1 R2 R3
3 2 2 6 1 3 3 1 4 4 2
2 0 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 0 0
0 1 1
P1 P2 P3 P4
  • This is not a safe state. Every process needs one
    additional unit of R1 but none is left.
  • Request refused P1 is blocked.

Deadlock AvoidanceSummary
  • Both forms of avoidance have drawbacks
  • The maximum requirement for each process must be
    known and stated in advance
  • The system must have a fixed number of resources
    to allocate.
  • Processes must be independent - the system must
    be able to determine their execution order.
  • Processes must relinquish all resources when they

Third Approach to Deadlock Detection
  • Detection and recovery techniques dont restrict
    resource allocation - a reasonable approach in
    environments where deadlock is rare.
  • Also provides more concurrency since processes
    arent denied or blocked because of possible

Deadlock Detection
  • Resource accesses are granted to processes
    whenever possible. The OS needs
  • an algorithm to check if deadlock is present
  • an algorithm to recover from deadlock
  • The deadlock check can be performed at every
    resource request
  • Frequent checks consume CPU time, so the check
    may be done periodically instead.

Detection Algorithms
  • Several algorithms exist
  • Some are based on resource allocation graphs,
    which indicate resource ownership and pending
    requests. A deadlock is equivalent to a cycle in
    the graph
  • Another algorithm uses the Allocation matrix and
    the Available vector, plus a request matrix Q,
    where qij represents the pending request for Rj
    by process i. (See description on page 272)

Recovery Algorithms
  • When deadlock is discovered, there must be some
    mechanism for recovery, such as
  • abort all or some of the deadlocked processes
  • preempt resources until no deadlock exists
  • rollback/restart, which requires taking periodic
    checkpoints of each process. Transaction
    processing systems use this approach.
  • Priorities establish order of abort, preempt

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Strategies
Integrated Deadlock Strategy
  • Prevention and avoidance strategies are
    time-consuming and limit concurrency - too
    inefficient for most systems to use.
  • On the other hand, detection and recovery risks
    lost work and unrecoverable errors.
  • Suggest an integrated strategy group resources
    into categories, use a different approach for
    each category.

Integrated Deadlock Strategy
  • Use linear ordering between resource classes (if
    you already have a resource from class 2, cant
    request any more from class 1)
  • Within a resource class, use either prevention,
    avoidance, or detection.
  • For example, if the resource is main memory, use
    prevention through preemption.

The Dining Philosphers
  • Yet another synchronization problem - this one
    models resource allocation and deadlock.

The Dining Philosophers Problem
  • 5 philosophers sit at a round table with 5 forks
    and a bowl of food.
  • Philosophers think, pick up forks, eat, put down
  • Eating requires two forks, a fork can be used by
    only one philosopher at a time.

Dining Philosophers Problem
Dining Philosophers Problem
Semaphore Solution
  • This solution may lead to deadlock. Its possible
    for each philosopher to pick up the left fork
    first, and then no philosopher can get the right
  • The next solution only permits 4 philosophers in
    the dining room at a time. Now at least one will
    be able to get both forks no deadlock.

Dining Philosophers Problem
Next Lecture
  • Readers and Writers Problem (Chapter 5)
  • Concurrency mechanisms in real world operating
    systems 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10.
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