Title: Heterogeneity
2What is heterogeneity?
- Variability in effect size estimates which
exceeds that expected from sampling error alone.
3Sources of Variation over Studies
- Inter-study variation may exist
- Sampling error may vary among studies (sample
size) - Characteristics may differ among studies
(population, intervention)
4Sources of Heterogeneity
- Study design (inclusion criteria, treatment,
duration) - Study quality (randomisation, blinding etc)
- Individual level (prognostic factors)
- Outcomes (chance results)
5How to Identify Heterogeneity
- Common sense
- are the patients, interventions and outcomes in
each of the included studies sufficiently similar - Statistical tests
6Statistical Tests of Homogeneity (heterogeneity)
- Homogeneity calculations
- Ho studies are homogeneous
- Based on testing the sum of weighted differences
between the summary effect and individual effects - Calculate Mantel Haenszel Q, where
- Q ?weighti x (lnORmh - lnORi)2
- If p lt 0.05, then there is significant
7Statistical Tests of Homogeneity (heterogeneity)
- Power of such statistical tests is low
- (a non-significant test does not rule out
clinically important heterogeneity)
8- A useful statistic for quantifying inconsistency
is - I2 (Q df)/Q ? 100
- where Q is the chi-squared statistic and df is
its degrees of freedom
9- This describes the percentage of the variability
in effect estimates that is due to heterogeneity
rather than sampling error (chance). - A value greater than 50 may be considered
substantial heterogeneity.
10How to deal with Heterogeneity
- If homogenous, use fixed effects model
- random will give same results
- fixed is computationally simpler
- If heterogeneousthen first ask why?!
- In the face of heterogeneity, focus of analysis
should be to describe possible sources of
variability - attempt to identify sources of important subgroup
differences - .
11How to deal with Heterogeneity
- 1. Do not pool at all
- 2. Ignore heterogeneity use fixed effects model
- difficult to interpret estimate
- 3. Explore heterogeneity
- subgroup analysis
- meta-regression
- 4. Random effects model
12Methodologic choices in heterogeneous data
13- A systematic review need not contain any
meta-analyses. - If there is considerable variation in results, it
may be misleading to quote an average value
14Exploring Heterogeneity
15Exploring Heterogeneity
16Fixed effects model
- All trials are measuring a single, true effect
- The reason for any difference between the effect
in an individual trial and this true effect is
17Fixed effects model
18Fixed effects model
- consider only within-study variability.
- assumption is that studies use identical methods,
patients, and measurements that they should
produce identical results - any differences are
only due to within-study variation only. - Answer the question
- Did the treatment produce benefit on average in
the studies at hand?
19Fixed Effects Model
- Combine these using a weighted average
- pooled estimate
- where weight 1 / variance of estimate
- Assumes a common underlying effect behind every
sum of (estimate ? weight) sum of weights
20Fixed-Effects Model
Study Measure Std Error Weight 1 Y1 s1 W1 2 Y
2 s2 W2 . . . . . . . . . . . . k Yk sk
Wk (no association Yi0)
Overall Measure
21Random Effects models
- Each trial is measuring a different, true effect
- The true effects for each trial are normally
distributed - There is a true average effect
- The reason for any difference between the effect
in an individual trial and this average effect is
both the difference between the true effect for
the trial and this average, and chance.
22Random Effects models
23Random Effects models
- consider both between-study and within-study
variability. - assumption is that studies are a random sample
from the universe of all possible studies. - Answer the question
- Will the treatment produce a benefit on
average? - Note that random effects models do not adjust
for, account for, or explain heterogeneity - A random effects model does not therefore solve
the problem of heterogeneity!
24Random-Effects Model
- Two sources of variation
- within studies (between patients)
- between studies (heterogeneity)
- Weight
- When heterogeneity exists we get
- a different pooled estimate
- a wider confidence interval
- a larger p-value
1 Variance heterogeneity
25Random Effects Model
If is known then MLE of is
26- The random effects estimate and its confidence
interval address the question - what is the average treatment effect?
- while the fixed effect estimate and its
confidence interval addresses the question - what is the best estimate of the treatment
27Fixed Effects
Random Effects
28Fixed Effects
Random Effects
29Random effects models
- DerSimonian and Laird statistic
- Uses odds ratios only!
- lnORdl ?(wi x lnORi) / ?wi
- wi 1 / D (1/wi)
- wi 1 / variancei
- D (Q - (S - 1) x ?wi ) / (?wi)2 - ?wi2
- Q ?wi x (lnORi - lnORmh)2
- CI exp(lnORdl 1.96 x (variances)0.5
- variances ?weighti
30Use of the Random Effects Model?.
- Many observers dispute the rationale for
random-effect based analyses.
31Effect of model choice on study weights
Larger studies receive proportionally less weight
in RE model than in FE model
32- This is because small studies are more
informative for learning about the distribution
of effects across studies than for learning about
an assumed common treatment effect. - Care must be taken that random effects analyses
are applied only when the idea of a random
distribution of treatment effects can be
justified. - In particular, if results of smaller studies are
systematically different from results of larger
ones, which can happen as a result of publication
bias or low study quality bias, then a random
effects meta-analysis will exacerbate the effects
of the bias. -
- In this situation it may be wise to present
neither type of meta-analysis, or to perform a
sensitivity analysis in which small studies are
33- When there are few trials or the trials are
small, a random effects analysis will provide
poor estimates of the width of the distribution
of treatment effects. - The Mantel-Haenszel method will provide more
robust estimates of the average treatment
effect(at the cost of ignoring the observed
34- Thus,
- Random-effect model is more susceptible to
publication bias.