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Active Server Pages (ASP) , VBScript and ActiveX. ColdFusion. PHP. CORBA ... instructions activate ActiveX components, VBScript / JScript modules, and/or SQL ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Views

Web-based DatabasesTechnical Implementation
  • Working at the CERN laboratory in Geneva in 1989,
    Tim Berners-Lee initiated his WWW Project based
    on three key concepts Uniform Resource Locators
    (URLs), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and
    Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
  • URLs define uniquely where documents (resources)
    can be found on the network
  • HTTP is the protocol used to transfer Web pages
    via a TCP/IP network from a Web server to a Web
  • It is a stateless protocol, meaning that each
    connection is closed once the server responds. In
    other words, each request is executed
    independently, without any knowledge of the
    requests that came before it. This statelessness
    is incompatible with the concept of a database
  • Programmers get around this by the use of cookies
    and server APIs
  • HTML is a document formatting language used to
    create Web pages

  • The Web has been hugely successful, because it is
    simple to use, portable, platform-independent,
    has a standard interface, is inexpensive (low
    cost-per-desktop) and supports distributed
  • However, the biggest shortcoming of the Web is
    that, in its most basic form, it is file-based
    and static
  • It has all the disadvantages of file-based
    systems redundancy, duplication, absence of
    referential integrity (dangling 404 links),
    poor version control, poor support for multi-user
    authoring, etc.
  • Files are static structures the content of the
    Web document does not change unless the source
    file itself changes. On the other hand, a dynamic
    Web page is one that is generated on-the-fly
    each time it is accessed
  • Dynamic Web documents can
  • respond to user input from the client browser,
    such as a HTML form
  • be customised for and by individual users, e.g by
    use of cookies

Databases and E-Commerce
  • Moving to a database has implications
  • if a site merely consists of a few HTML pages,
    then a basic PC could theoretically act as the
    Web server
  • however, a database-driven site needs a powerful
    machine laden with memory and with
    multiprocessing capabilities
  • Increasingly, Web sites incorporate intelligent
    value-adding services for example
  • context-related banner advertising (e.g
  • boost sales or suggest purchases by building
    profiles and monitoring buyer behaviour (e.g
    Amazon, CD Universe)
  • Successful brand relationships are based on
    trust, as well as a deep understanding of each
    individual - their personal tastes, interests,
    expertise, and opinions
  • This is not a mass market of 100 million people,
    this is 100 million markets each with one person
    in it (Tom Vassos, IBM)
  • Databases are the backbone of e-commerce /
    Internet marketing

Web-DBMS Integration
  • Many DBMS vendors (e.g Oracle, Microsoft, Lotus)
    provide proprietary solutions
  • It is preferable to establish a generic set of
    requirements before selecting/acquiring a
    specific solution. These requirements are
  • secure data access with authentication mechanisms
  • open systems which are interoperable and support
    connectivity via non-proprietary standards
  • scalable, maintainable, cost-effective technology
  • ease-of-use and ease-of-administration
  • acceptable performance
  • powerful application development / application
    generation capabilities which support flexible,
    customisable solutions
  • support for transactions that span multiple HTTP

Web-DBMS Integration
DBMS server
Three-tier Architecture
Web browser
DBMS server
Web server
Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer,
Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Informix, Sybase,
Web browser
Apache, Microsoft Internet Information Server
(IIS), NCSA Server, CERN Server, etc.
DBMS server
Web-DBMS Integration
  • There are a variety of approaches to integrating
    the Web and databases
  • Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
  • Server-Side Directives
  • Cookies
  • Server Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Java / JDBC / JSQL
  • Javascript / JScript
  • Active Server Pages (ASP) , VBScript and ActiveX
  • ColdFusion
  • PHP

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
  • A CGI script can generate pages dynamically
  • CGI scripts are typically written in PHP, C,
    Perl, Awk, Tcl, or Unix shell scripts
  • Parameters may be passed by the browser
    (typically using a HTML form) to the server in
    encoded namevalue pairs
  • The CGI script then decodes and splits the
    parameters, executes its tasks, and usually
    returns a file/document of a server-configured
    MIME type to the client for example
  • Web user submits product order via a Web form
    CGI processes data and returns either an
    acknowledgement of receipt or an input validation
    error in HTML format
  • Web user submits a query to find a video clip
    CGI script searches the server and returns the
    clip in MPEG format
  • Web user submits a request to search an on-line
    email directory CGI script connects to the
    directory database, processes the query, and
    sends back data as plain text TXT format

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
  • Advantages
  • Web server independence
  • Language independence
  • Wide acceptance
  • Simplicity
  • Disadvantages
  • All CGI communication between client (browser)
    and server back-end must pass through the Web
    server hence, there may be bottlenecks
  • Statelessness of HTTP means that transactions
    cannot be readily supported
  • Possible security problems with CGI scripts
  • High overhead on server of multiple threads being
    concurrently executed

Server Side Directives
  • A server-side directive / server-side include is
    an embedded instruction in a HTML file that is
    parsed by the server when the document is
  • With NCSA-compliant servers, you can
  • include the current time/date in a designated
  • include the results of an executable programme,
    system command, or CGI script
  • include text / HTML code contained in another
  • include document history data (date created, date
    last modified)
  • Server-side directives add overheads on the
    server, and are potential security hazards

  • Cookies are small text files that are stored on
    the browser machine
  • Once a CGI script is invoked, it either creates
    the cookie (if it is a first time visit) or it
    takes the parameters saved in the cookie
  • a common example is to save someones name,
    address, credit card details in a cookie so that
    greetings may be personalised and default values
    may be filled in on an order form
  • Not all browsers support cookies, for security

Server APIs
  • Server APIs are proprietary non-CGI gateways
    that extend the services of a Web server for
  • Microsofts IIS Web server has an API called
  • Netscapes Web servers offer the NSAPI
  • APIs create connections between the Web server
    and back-end applications using OLE/ActiveX,
    DLLs, DCOM, shared objects, etc.
  • API programming is significantly more difficult
    than CGI programming, but overcomes most of its

  • Java is a proprietary language created by Sun
    Microsystems although proprietary, Sun ardently
    protect it as a standard to assure conformance
  • non-conformant derivatives and extensions can be
    problematic (e.g Microsoft J)
  • Java is a write once-run anywhere language
  • With previous open languages, such as C, the
    source code had to be separately compiled to
    machine code for each target platform
  • Java compiles to byte-code, which can then be
    interpreted by a Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
  • Most WWW browsers have embedded JVMs, so Java
    applets can be included within Web documents

  • JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is modelled
    after Microsofts ODBC
  • JDBC is a layer between the Java application
    (applet) and the DBMS
  • A JDBC driver for the particular DBMS must be
  • Connections / calls to the database are made
    using formatted instructions as specified by the
  • JSQL is a mechanism by which static SQL
    statements may be embedded in Java. The Java
    class libraries are extended so as to be able to
    recognise and parse programmatic SQL statements

Javascript / JScript
  • Javascript is a scripting language developed by
    Netscape it more closely resembles C than Java
  • JScript is Microsofts version of Javascript
    they are not fully compatible with each other
  • Both Javascript and JScript are primarily for
    client-side scripts embedded within HTML
  • Netscape LiveWire Pro supports server-side
    Javascript with additional constructs for
    database connectivity

Microsoft Active Components
  • Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASPs) can
    dynamically generate Web pages on-the-fly by
    embedding instructions within document templates
  • The instructions activate ActiveX components,
    VBScript / JScript modules, and/or SQL commands
    which are parsed at run-time
  • ASPs run on Microsoft IIS server, and can
    generate pages based on what browser type the
    user has, what language the users machine
    supports, and on what preferences the user has

Macromedia ColdFusion
  • ColdFusion is an easy-to-learn server-side
    scripting language
  • It supports rapid application development
  • Cold Fusion Markup Language (CFML) is embedded
    into HTML code
  • Connect with database and run query
  • ltCFQUERY Name"Patients" dbtype"dynamic"
    connectstring"DBdriver DBfile"gt SELECT ID,
    FirstName, LastName FROM Patients ORDER BY
  • Access Query Results
  • ltSELECT name"PatientID"gt ltCFoutput
    QUERY"Patients"gt ltOPTION valueIDgt
    FirstName LastName lt/OPTIONgt lt/CFoutputgtlt/SE
  • Insert Data using Cfquery (SQL)
  • ltCFquery name"Treatment" dbtype"dynamic"
    connectstring"DBdriver DBfile"gt INSERT into
    Treatment VALUES (PatientID, EventID, Now(),
    Dosage, Severity, Time)lt/CFquerygt

Sample ColdFusion Code
  • ltcfquery name"GetRecordtoUpdate"
  • SELECT FROM student WHERE student_ID
  • lt/cfquerygt
  • lthtmlgt
  • ltheadgt
  • lttitlegtUpdate Formlt/titlegt
  • lt/headgt
  • ltbodygt
  • ltcfoutput query"GetRecordtoUpdate"gt
  • ltform action"updateaction.cfm" method"Post"gt
  • ltinput type"Hidden" namestudent_ID"
  • ltbrgt
  • ltlabel for"first_name"gt First Name lt/labelgt
  • ltinput type"text" name"first_name"
    id"first_name" value"f_name"gt
  • ltbrgt
  • ltlabel for "last_name"gtLast Name lt/labelgt

Copy paste this code into Dreamweaver to see
how it works
  • PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting
    language that is especially suited for Web
    development and can be embedded into HTML
  • PHP Hypertext Pre-processor
  • PHP can be run as a CGI binary, but more
    generally it is integrated as a module into
    server software (e.g. Apache)
  • Very commonly used in conjunction with Apache
    server and MySQL database (all open source)
  • See introductory tutorial at http//

PHP A Simple Example
ltHTMLgt ltBODYgt lt?PHP db mysql_connect("loca
lhost", "dbuser") mysql_select_db("mydb",db)
result mysql_query("SELECT fname, lname,
position FROM employees",db) ?gt ltTABL
lt?PHP while (myrow mysql_fetch_row(result))
printf("lttrgtlttdgts slt/tdgtlttdgtslt/tdgtlt/trgt\
n", myrow1, myrow2, myrow3)
?gt lt/TABLEgt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
  • Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
    is an open standard three-tier model with
    client/server capabilities
  • Any object can communicate with any other object
    for example, one Java applet can send
    requests/instructions to another
  • CORBA is a better alternative to CGI
  • CORBA replaces CGI
  • IIOP replaces HTTP
  • It is faster because the client (browser) can
    invoke an object
  • CORBA maintains state between invocations
  • CORBA objects may be distributed across multiple

Web browser
DBMS server
Web browser
Tier 3 Legacy Applications
Tier 2 Server
Tier 1 Client
From HTML to XML
  • Computers are fundamentally dumb something that
    is common sense and obvious in a given
    context to a human may be meaningless to a
  • Machines use meta-data to describe the semantics
    of information
  • HTML is superficial it merely describes how a
    Web browser should present and arrange text,
    images and push-buttons
  • a major shortcoming of HTML is the absence of
  • Extensible Markup Language (XML), released as a
    standard by W3C in 1998, redresses this, and has
    been enthusiastically adopted into industries
    ranging from manufacturing to medicine
  • XML separates content and presentation XML by
    itself describes content presentation (layout
    format) is specified using Extensible Stylesheet
    Language (XSL) / Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

HTML Problems
  • In its present from, Web data is no more
    intelligible than a fax transmission
  • Your doctor may be able to pull up your drug
    reaction history on his Web browser, but he
    cannot then e-mail it to a specialist and expect
    her to be able to paste the records directly into
    the a hospital database. Her computer would not
    know what to make of the information, which would
    be no more intelligible to it than ltH1gtblah
    blahlt/H1gt ltBgtblah blah blahlt/Bgt
  • It is hoped that XML can help resolve two of the
    Web's biggest inhibiting problems
  • the Internet is a speed-of-light network that
    often moves at a crawl
  • although nearly every kind of information is
    available on-line, it can be maddeningly
    difficult to find the one piece you need
  • Both problems arise in large part from the
    superficial nature of HTML

HTML Problems
  • HTML slows down response times
  • Today's on-line interactive Web sites are often
    slow to respond. If you merely change the
    quantity or shipping method of your order, with
    the effect that only a few digits have changed in
    the total, you must ask a distant, overburdened
    server to send you an entirely new page, graphics
    and all !
  • HTML is poor for Web searches
  • Because there is no way to mark-up something as,
    for example, the price of an item, it is
    effectively impossible to use price information
    in your searches

Sample Document HTML
  • Example The following rendered HTML document has
    an obvious extrinsic meaning (to the reader), but
    it has no intrinsic meaning (to the computer)

Sample Document HTML
To the computer, this is just a HTML table
consisting of rows and columns
Sample Document XML
Data Interrogation
  • If a document is encoded in XML using an agreed
    Document Type Definition (DTD), then it may be
    interrogated using data manipulation languages
    such as SQL, XQL, XML-QL for example
  • SELECT Result.Mark
  • FROM Exam_Results
  • WHERE Student_ID 84068912
  • AND Result.Code MS859

XML and Document Exchange
  • For centuries, people have conducted business by
    exchanging standard-format documents such as
    purchase orders and invoices
  • However, HTML was not designed with the purpose
    of business-to-business document exchange in mind
  • XML, in contrast, was designed specifically for
    such a purpose and can therefore facilitate
    electronic commerce
  • In HTML, a document is encoded for a particular
    language. This means that it may be impossible,
    for example, to exchange documents between
    Ireland (English) and South Korea (Hangul)
  • Because XML uses Unicode, it enables exchange of
    information not only between different computer
    systems but also across national and cultural
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