Title: Directed Diffusion for Wireless Sensor Networking
1 Directed Diffusion for Wireless Sensor
- By Chalermek Intanagonwiwat, Ramesh Govindan,
- Deborah Estrin, John Heidemann, and Fabio Silva
- Presented by Jin Sun
- Introduction
- The problem
- Directed Diffusion Concepts
- Simulation Results
- Summary
- A region requires event-monitoring
- Deploy sensors forming a distributed network
- Wireless networking
- Energy-limited nodes
- On event, sensed and/or processed information
delivered to the inquiring destination
4The Problem
A sensor field
- Where should the data be stored?
- How should queries be routed to the stored data?
- How should queries for sensor networks be
expressed? - Where and how should aggregation be performed?
Sensor sources
Sensor sink
On event, sensed and/or processed information
delivered to the inquiring destination
5Directed Diffusion
- Initial Goals
- Propose an application-aware paradigm to
facilitate efficient aggregation, and delivery of
sensed data to inquiring destination
6Directed Diffusion-how it works
Low data rate
How many vehicles do you observe in the
southeast quadrant?
High data rate
- Robust, efficient data distribution in sensor
networks - name data (not nodes), use physicality
- diffuse requests and responses across network
- optimize path with gradient-based feedback
- additional data can be processed and aggregated
within the network
7Directed Diffusion
- Data Naming
- Interests and Gradient
- Data Propagation
- Reinforcement
- Path establishment
- Path failure / recovery
- Loop elimination
8Data Naming
- Expressing an Interest
- Using attribute-value pairs
- E.g.,
- Data reply
- Using attribute-value pairs
- E.g.,
Type Wheeled vehicle // detect vehicle
location Interval 20 ms // send events every
20ms Duration 10 s // Send for next 10 s Field
x1, y1, x2, y2 // from sensors in this area
Type Wheeled vehicle // type of vehicle
seen Instance truck // instance of this
type Intensity 0.6 // signal amplitude
measure Confidence 0.85 // confidence in the
match Timestamp 012034 // event generation
time Field x1, y1, x2, y2 // from sensors in
this area
9Directed Diffusion
- Data Naming
- Interests and Gradient
- Data Propagation
- Reinforcement
- Path establishment
- Path failure / recovery
- Loop elimination
10Interest Propagation
- Inquirer (sink) broadcasts exploratory interest,
i1 - Intended to discover routes between source and
sink - Neighbors update interest-cache and forwards i1
- No way of knowing differentiating new interests
from repeated
11Gradient Establishment
Routed Data
- Gradient for i1 set up to upstream neighbor
- No source routes
- Gradient a weighted reverse link
- Low gradient ? Few packets per unit time needed
12Directed Diffusion
- Data Naming
- Interests and Gradient
- Data Propagation
- Reinforcement
- Path establishment
- Path failure / recovery
- Loop elimination
13Event-data propagation
- Event e1 occurs, matches i1 in sensor cache
- e1 identified based on waveform pattern matching
- Interest reply diffused down gradient (unicast)
- Diffusion initially exploratory (low packet-rate)
- Cache filters suppress previously seen data
- Problem of bidirectional gradient avoided
14Directed Diffusion
- Data Naming
- Interests and Gradient
- Data Propagation
- Reinforcement
- Path establishment
- Path failure / recovery
- Loop elimination
- From exploratory gradients, reinforce optimal
path for high-rate data download ? Unicast - By requesting higher-rate-i1 on the optimal path
- Exploratory gradients still exist useful for
A sensor field
Sink A
16Path Failure / Recovery
- Link failure detected by reduced rate, data loss
- Choose next best link (i.e., compare links based
on infrequent exploratory downloads) - Negatively reinforce lossy link
- Either send i1 with base (exploratory) data rate
- Or, allow neighbors cache to expire over time
Link A-M lossy A reinforces B B reinforces C D
need not A negative reinforces M M negative
reinforces D
17Loop Elimination
- M gets same data from both D and P, but P always
delivers late due to looping - M negatively-reinforces (nr) P, P nr Q, Q nr M
- Loop M ? Q ? P eliminated
- Conservative nr useful for fault resilience
18Simulation Results
- Compare directed diffusion to
- flooding
- Omniscient multicast
- Key metrics
- Average dissipated energy
- per node energy dissipation / events seen by
sinks - Average packet delay
- latency of event transmission to reception at
sink - Distinct event delivery
- of distinct events received / of events
originally sent
19Average Dissipated Energy
In-network aggragation reduces DD redundancy -
Flooding is poor because of multiple paths from
source to sink
DD finds least delay paths - Floofding incurs
latency due to high MAC contention, colission
21Event Delivery Ratio under node failures
Delivery ration degrades with more nodes
failures - Graceful degradation indicate
efficient negative reinforcement
- Main Contributions
- Description of new networking paradigm
- Interests, gradients, reinforcement
- Benefits of in-network processing
- Aggregation and nested-queries
- Works with multiple sources and sinks
- Can perform local repair
- Reinforce another path if a node dies
23Summary (contd)
- Disadvantages
- Design doesnt deal with congestion or loss
- Periodic broadcasts of interest reduces network
lifetime - Nodes within range of human operator may die
24Thank You!