Title: Barlow Robbins Employment Team
1Barlow Robbins Employment Team
Managing Poor Performance and Absence
David Ludlow Partner
- Culling
- Retention and investment
- Human Resource Management issues
- Role of employment law(yer)
- implementation
3Poor Performance
- Managing Poor Performance
- The Contract of Employment
- Contractual obligations
- Duties
- Targets
- Incentive payments (Commissions, bonuses, LTIPs)
- Rules, Procedures and policies
4The Contract of Employment
- Contractual powers
- Probationary period
- Sensible Termination provisions
- sensible break clauses where Fixed Term
- sensible break clause where long notice period
- Pay review provisions
- Duties flexibility
5Fairness Generally
- Fair dismissal
- Fair constructive dismissal
- Poor Performance incapability
- i.e lack of skill, aptitude, health or any other
physical or mental quality - e.g lack of flexibility and adaptability
- Poor Performance lack of qualifications
- Poor Performance bad conduct
6Correct Approach to Fairness in Performance
- Normally Employer must warn
- about shortcomings
- possibility of dismissal
- Normally Employer must give opportunity to
improve - Performance improvement programme
- Statutory Disciplinary Procedures?
- Statutory Dismissal Procedures
- Statutory Grievance Procedures
- Discounting for chances of improving
7Correct Approach to Fairness in Performance
- Comply with own Performance Improvement
- or Capability procedures/ policies
- Futile to comply with own procedure?
- Senior people failing
- Gross negligence or incompetence
- Tactical value of summary dismissal
8Managing Absence
- Short Term Intermittent Absences
- Unconnected ailments, recurrent conditions, child
care problems - Skiving, sickies
9Managing Absence
- Short Term Intermittent Absences
- Management Tools
- Constant review
- Warnings
- Deductions of wages for unauthorised absences
- Dismissal
10Managing Absence
- Short Term Intermittent Absences
- Legal Justification
- Capability
- Conduct unauthorised absences
- SOSR unauthorised or excessive absences
- Which one?
- Disability issues
11Managing Absence
- Short Term Intermittent Absences
- On-going Management
- ACAS publication - Discipline and Grievances at
Work - Investigate promptly
- No explanation - Conduct issue
- Medical certificates?
- Reasonable adjustments
- Warn of need for expected improvement
12Managing Absence
- Short Term Intermittent Absences
- Pre-Dismissal Management
- The 3 keys to safety
- Review attendance records and reasons for absence
- Return to work interviews
- Reviewing medical evidence
- Code of practice on disability discrimination -
true medical picture - Malingering?
- Failing to communicate
13Managing Absence
- Short Term Intermittent Absences
- Appropriate warnings of dismissal
- Classic warnings
- Triggers automatic warnings
- Flexible triggers
- Adjustments to absence schemes disabled
employees - Consult
- Could reveal stress or other problem
- Adjustments
- Other considerations
- Sick pay
- Consider alternative employment.
- Pregnancy
- Emergency Dependent Care Leave
- Combat sickies e.g Tesco's initiative
14Managing Absence
- Long Term Absence
- Holiday pay?
- Contractual sick pay perpetuates?
- Discretionary sick pay?
- Continue to manage and monitor
- Do not be intimidated
- Consult
- Ascertain true medical picture
15Managing Absence
- Long Term Absence
- Data Protection Information Commissioners
Employment Practices Code - Managerial function or medical function?
- Information should not be passed on?
- Do not take paper decisions
- DDP standard procedure
16Managing Absence
- Long Term Absence
- Disability
- All of the above applies
- Adjustments "to terms, conditions or
arrangements - Employees who become permanently incapable?
- Adjustments Think proactively, imaginatively
and energetically - Tactics e.g doctrine of frustration?
- PHI avoid wrongful dismissal
- Implied Term - Cannot terminate
- Unless "good cause" not just gross misconduct
- Notice money only if statutory minimum notice
17Managing Poor Performance and Absence
- Tips - Absence and Poor Performance
- Redundancy
- Relevance of previous warnings for different
misconduct - Lapsed warnings?
- Contributory fault negotiate a settlement
- Consider summary dismissal as a tactic
18Any questions?
- David Ludlow
- Concord House
- 165 Church Street East
- Woking
- Surrey
- GU21 6HJ
- Tel. 01483 748502
- Fax 01483 729933
- davidludlow_at_barlowrobbins.com