Title: PerformanceBased Monitoring Analysis System PBMAS
1Performance-Based Monitoring Analysis System
- Career and Technology Education
2Performance Based Monitoring
- This is not DEC!
- The focus is on student performances and program
effectiveness, that reflect current levels of
functioning. - This is a continuous improvement process.
3CTE PEIMS Indicator Codes
- 0 non participant
- 1 CTE elective takers
- 2 CTE coherent sequence takers
- Tech Prep students
- All eligible recipients MUST report
- code 2 coherent sequence takers
- code 3 Tech Prep students.
- Based on the Coding from TAKS tests.
4PBMAS 2005 CTE Indicators
5PBMAS 2005 CTE Indicators
6PBMAS 2005 CTE Indicators
7CTE Performance Report
- Will include the following information
- CTE TAKS Passing Rate (Math)
- CTE TAKS Passing Rate (Reading/ELA)
- CTE TAKS Passing Rate (Science)
- CTE TAKS Passing Rate (Social Studies)
- CTE LEP TAKS Passing Rate (Math)
- CTE LEP TAKS Passing Rate (Reading/ELA)
- CTE LEP TAKS Passing Rate (Science)
- CTE LEP TAKS Passing Rate (Social Studies)
8CTE Performance Report continued
- CTE Economically Disadvantage TAKS Passing Rates
- CTE Economically Disadvantaged TAKS Passing Rate
(Math) - CTE Economically Disadvantaged TAKS Passing Rate
(Reading/ELA) - CTE Economically Disadvantaged TAKS Passing Rate
(Science) - CTE Economically Disadvantaged TAKS Passing Rate
(Social Studies) - CTE Special Education TAKS Passing Rates
- CTE Special Education TAKS Passing Rate (Math)
- CTE Special Education TAKS Passing Rate
(Reading/ELA) - CTE Special Education TAKS Passing Rate (Science)
- CTE Special Education TAKS Passing Rate (Social
Studies) - CTE Tech Prep TAKS Passing Rate
- CTE Tech Prep TAKS Passing Rate (Math)
- CTE Tech Prep TAKS Passing Rate (Reading/ELA)
- CTE Tech Prep TAKS Passing Rate (Science)
- CTE Tech Prep TAKS Passing Rate (Social Studies)
9CTE Performance Report continued
- CTE Annual Dropout Rate
- CTE RSHP/DAP Graduation Rate
- (Report Only 2005 06)
- CTE Non-Traditional Courses
- (Male Report Only)
- CTE Non-Traditional Courses
- (Female Report Only)
10Performance Level Assignments
- Not Evaluated (NE)
- 0 (met standard)
- 1 (The district CTE TAKS passing rate is 0.1 to
5.0 points below the state accountability
standard for the subject.) - 2 (The district CTE TAKS passing rate is 5.1 to
10.0 points below the state accountability
standard for the subject.) - 3 (The district CTE TAKS passing rates is at
least 10.1 points below the state
accountability standard for the subject.)
11How Are LEAs Selected for Intervention?
- Stage 1 -One individual CTE PBM indicator 3
- Stage 2 -Two individual CTE PBM indicators 3
- Stage 3 -Three individual CTE PBM indicators 3
- Stage 3 with OCR On-Site - Four or Five
individual CTE PBM indicators 3 and No CTE/OCR
On-Site Review in 02-03 03-04 or 04-05 - Stage 4 with OCR On-Site - LEA had a Carl D.
Perkins allocation for 2004 05 of gt 15,000 and
no data were available for any CTE PBM indicator
or LEA had a Carl D. Perkins allocation for 2004
05 of gt 15,000 and only dropout (no TAKS data)
were available for inclusion any CTE PBM
indicator and No CTE/OCR On-Site Review in 02-03
03-04 or 04-05
12HISD CTE Performance Levels
- CTE LEP TAKS Passing Rate
- Math Performance level 2
- Reading Performance Level 3
- Science Performance Level 2
- Social Studies Performance Level 0
- The passing rate among LEP students enrolled in
CTE - programs on the reading portion of the English
TAKS - was 23.3. This is 26.7 below the PBMAS
standard of - 50, resulting in a performance level of 3 for
this - indicator.
- Therefore, CTE is at Stage I Intervention. A CTE
Continuous Improvement - Plan has been developed and is being implemented.
13PBMAS Framework for 2005 2006
14Continuous Improvement PlanCTE Monitoring
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