Title: Neptune
2The diameter of Neptune is .
A whopping 49528 kilometres!
average distance from the Sun 4,504,000,000
kmdiameter 30,707 miles 49,528 kmmass about
kgtemperature -360 F at the cloud topsnumber
of moons 8any rings? yes (but very
faint)length of a year 164.73 of our
yearslength of a day 16.11 hours
3Neptune's storms
Neptune is a dynamic planet with several large,
dark spots.
The largest spot, known as the Great Dark Spot,
is about the size of the earth and is similar to
the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. Voyager revealed a
small, irregularly shaped, eastward-moving cloud
scooting around Neptune every 16 hours or so.
This scooter as it has been dubbed could be a
plume rising above a deeper cloud deck.
The Great Dark Spot appears to change size and
shape and even location! Between 1989 and 1994,
it moved from the south of the planet to the
4Neptune's Stats
5 The Romans named the Greek god of
the sea and earthquakes Neptune. Neptune had a
violent temper and caused storms and earthquakes
to occur on Earth. He lived in the sea and is
often represented as an old man with a long beard
holding a three-pronged spear or
'trident'. Because its appearance is similar to
that of the sea, the planet Neptune is named
after the god of the sea. Its extremely stormy
atmosphere also reminds us of the god's violent
The god Neptune
6Strange and cool info on Neptune
It is raining diamonds on Neptune!!!!!
7Neptune in the solar system
8Designed and created by Daniel.S, Callum Dack and
Callum Harrison