Welcome to Physics 5 Foundations of Mechanics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to Physics 5 Foundations of Mechanics


Particle physics is the study of smallest known building blocks of the physical ... Favorite sci-fi scenario: hero/villain learns how to slow/stop time, with ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Welcome to Physics 5 Foundations of Mechanics

Welcome to Physics 5Foundations of Mechanics
  • Prof. Meenakshi Narain
  • Please come up and get a copy of the syllabus

The smallest pieces of matter
  • Particle physics is the study of smallest known
    building blocks of the physical universe -- and
    the interactions between them.
  • The focus is on single particles or small groups
    of particles, not the billions of atoms or
    molecules making up an entire planet or star.

and their large effects
Now (15 billion yrs)
Stars form (1 billion yrs)
Atoms form (300,000 yrs)
Nuclei form (180 seconds)
Protons and neutrons (10-10 s)
Domain of current accelerators 10-12 seconds
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Nature of Science
  • Ptolemys geocentric universe (1st century AD,
  • What is wrong with this?
  • ?Contradicts observation

Nature of Science
  • Nicolas Copernicus (1473, Poland)
  • Began a new scientific revolution by publishing
  • De revolutionibus orbium coelestium
  • (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres,
  • heliocentric model
  • Agrees with observation

Book banned by Vatican until 1835
Example Buoyancy
  • Given a tub of water, it is observed that certain
    objects float on the surface, while other
    objects sink
  • Caveman approach
  • classify each object you find as either being a
    floater or sinker
  • No predictive power, not testable, not
  • Empirical approach
  • examine many cases, look for patterns
  • find wooden objects are floaters, metal objects
    are sinkers
  • No real understanding of buoyancy yet
  • Perhaps a pattern emerges
  • Objects heavier than an equal volume of water
    sink, those lighter float
  • But this only explains buoyancy
  • A real theory gravitational force between objects

What is Physics?
  • Science Requires objectivity
  • Science is based on experimental observation and
    quantitative meaurements
  • Main objective of physics is to find the
    fundamental laws of nature
  • Use them to develop theories that can predict the
    results of future experiments
  • Quantitatively understand principles that
    underlie the Ultimate Question of Life, the
    Universe, and Everything
  • Physics has had great success in describing what
    is known about nature using a rather small set of
  • Mathematics is the language for expressing our
  • Experimental results are crucial both in testing
    theoretical predictions and in uncovering new
    phenomena for which there are no theoretical

  • Theories are more general sets of ideas from
    which the physical laws can be derived.
  • For example Einsteins theory of special
    relativity is a theory and the law that nothing
    can travel faster than the speed of light follows
    from it.
  • Physical laws have profound impact on chemistry,
    biology, engineering, etc. and on our daily
  • no exploration of space without physics
  • no cell phones/no internet
  • no CAT scans and MRIs, no X rays and radiation

Which Physics Course Should I Take?
  • Physics 3
  • Less rigorous than Physics 5 minimal use of
  • Covers material most useful for premedical
    students (e.g., fluid mechanics)
  • Not suitable for physics concentrators
  • Physics 5
  • More rigorous than Physics 3, moderate use of
  • Intended for science concentrators
  • Meets requirements for physics concentration
  • Physics 7
  • Most rigorous introduction to mechanics,
    extensive use of calculus
  • Intended for physics/science concentrators who
    have previously studied physics
  • Possible to switch between Physics 5 and 7
  • Physics 5/7 students take same labs
  • Similar material etc.

Course Goals
  • Learn how the mechanical motion of physical
    objects can be described and predicted from a few
    basic principles
  • One of the first great successes of Natural
  • Understand the behavior of much that we see
    around us
  • Develop an understanding of how to analyze and
    solve problems
  • Identify the essential elements of a problem
  • Use reasoning to find a solution
  • Understanding the connection between theory and
    experiment in the sciences
  • Analysis of laboratory data and errors
  • Comparison with predictions
  • Make connections between mechanics and other
    areas of physics / science

  • Lectures teach the key concepts in Mechanics
  • Description of underlying physics principles
  • Application of principles by working out simple
  • Demonstrations to illustrate the concepts
  • Text
  • Fundamentals of Physics 8th Edition, Vol. 1, by
    Halliday, Resnick, and Walker
  • Read the chapter sections BEFORE coming to the
  • Lecture schedule is posted on MyCourses.
  • 5 of the grade includes
  • quizzes and
  • class participation (via the transmitters)

Course Schedule
Homework and Labs
  • MyCourses web site http//www.brown.edu/mycourses
  • post lectures, homeworks, handouts,
    announcements, etc. here
  • Weekly homework assignments
  • Solving homework problems is absolutely essential
    to learning physics
  • Homework due at end of class on Wednesday
  • (first assignment due 9/12)
  • Late homework will not be accepted
  • Weekly laboratory meetings
  • Hands-on exploration of the concepts and
    applications of class material
  • Will perform 4 project labs during the semester
  • Prof. Landsberg will make lab information
    available on the web will also visit class

Exams and Grades
  • Grading based on your homework, labs, and exam
  • Homework Lowest HW score will be dropped from
  • Exams
  • Midterm 1 Wednesday Oct 3th, from 830-950am
  • Midterm 2 Wednesday Nov 7th, from 830-950am
  • Final exam on Thursday Dec 13, 9am-12pm (place
  • Grades
  • 15 discussion quizzes homework
  • 20 Laboratory section.
  • 5 lecture quizzes attendance via PRS
  • 30 exam 1 2
  • 30 Final exam

Course Help
  • Conference sections that provide a less formal
    setting for answering questions and working out
    detailed examples
  • TA and schedule to be announced
  • Each member of the Physics 5 team will hold
    office hours to provide additional help as needed
  • My office hours
  • Monday, Tuesday 130 230
  • Other times by appointment, or just knock - if I
    am in my office
  • Office hours will be held in BH 524
  • Office hours for conference section leader, lab
    supervisor will be posted in the near future
  • Contact info will be posted on My Courses page
    as it becomes known
  • MN narain_at_hep.brown.edu, (401) 863-2634

Cell Phones
  • Please turn OFF your cell phone.
  • They disrupt the lecture!!!!

(No Transcript)
Chapter 1
  • Units
  • Conversions
  • Significant Figures

  • Physics relies on quantitative measurements of
  • Length, speed, mass, etc.
  • What exactly is a measurement?
  • Example Harvard Bridge has a length of 364.4
    Smoots 1 ear
  • Determined by laying Oliver Reed Smoot Jr. on
    bridge roadway and marking off successive lengths
  • Not sure how they measured the 0.4 Smoot part
  • Measurement consists of determining a physical
    quantity (length) of something (Harvard Bridge)
    in comparison to a standard (Smoot)
  • Isnt a Smoot an arbitrary choice for a standard
    unit of length?
  • Indeed, but so is the foot, meter, second, etc.
  • Clearly, a Smoot is not the best choice to
    measure lengths in
  • What if Smoot grows taller? Or isnt around when
    you need to measure something?
  • We will use Système International d'Unités (SI)
  • Length meter (m)
  • Mass kilogram (kg)
  • Time second (s)

  • Measurement of time based on a quantity that
    varies in a consistent manner
  • Example electronic clock counts oscillations of
    an alternating voltage
  • Standard unit of time 1 s 9 192 631 770
    oscillations of the light emitted by a Cesium 133
  • Time is the most peculiar unit
  • How do we know that time always proceeds at a
    constant rate?
  • Favorite sci-fi scenario hero/villain learns how
    to slow/stop time, with everyone frozen while
    good/evil is done
  • Special relativity is worth learning just to know
    how peculiar time is!!
  • Time stands still if you move at the speed of
  • Time goes slower in a moving reference frame.

  • Meter was originally defined to be 10-7 the
    length between the north pole and equator
  • For many years, the definition of a meter was set
    by the distance between markings on a particular
    platinum-iridium bar
  • Standard length could be propagated by making
    bars whose length matched the standard
  • Example length standard used by Prof. Eli
    Whitney Blake
  • Found with 1883 note from person checking
    calibration stating Return this bar to Queen and
    Co. and demand what you paid for it
  • As measurements became more precise, improved
    standards have become necessary
  • Current standard 1 m is the distance traveled by
    light in 1/299 792 458 s
  • Arbitrary length standard replaced by arbitrary
    choice for speed of light

  • Mass plays two roles in mechanics
  • Determines an objects resistance to changes in
    its velocity
  • Determines the gravitational force on the object
  • As near as we can tell, an objects inertial
    and gravitational masses are identical
  • This equivalence led Einstein to develop the
    general theory of relativity, from which comes
    curved space-time, black holes, an expanding

  • SI unit of mass is the kilogram (kg)
  • Standard kilogram set by block of
    platinum-iridium kept in France
  • Balance can be used to compare an unknown mass
    against a standard
  • Example block of material will float if its mass
    is less than the mass of an equal volume of water

Natural Units
  • Speed of light relates units of length and time
  • Incorporated into modern definition of length
  • Example Light-year distance traveled by light
    during 1 year of time
  • Quantum mechanics relates time and energy
  • Energy of a photon is proportional to its
    frequency E hf
  • Constant of proportionality h is called Plancks
  • Could measure time in units of inverse Joules
  • Relativity relates mass and energy
  • An object with mass has energy
  • E mc2!
  • Mass, length, and time are thus fundamentally
  • Natural units h 2p, c 1
  • Still need one arbitrary unit that sets the
    scale of all that we measure
  • This is unsatisfactory

Measurement Summary
  • Physical quantities are measured in terms of
  • We will use SI units of m, kg, s
  • Other quantities can be broken down into these
  • (e.g., 1 Joule 1 kg m2/s2)
  • A measurement is meaningless without its units
    dont leave them out!!
  • See text for extensive discussion on how to
    convert between units (e.g., 1 kg 1000 g) and
    use the proper number of significant digits

mismatched units consequences
Chapter 2
  • Mechanics
  • Motion, force, energy
  • Kinematics
  • How objects move
  • Dynamics
  • Why objects move
  • The following parameters will be defined
  • Displacement
    Average velocity Average
    speed Instantaneous
    velocity Average and instantaneous

Motion Along a Straight Line
  • We will first consider the simplest type of
    motion straight-line motion of a point-like
  • Straight-line motion the object moves along a
    single axis
  • Example glider moving along air track
    (horizontal axis)
  • Example tennis ball thrown straight up (vertical
  • Point-like object something that is vanishingly
  • True point-like objects (an electron, for
    example) make lousy examples
  • Objects that make good examples, like a tennis
    ball, make lousy points
  • Extended objects can rotate, wobble, deform, etc.
  • We will simply ignore (for now) these
  • Can fully characterize such motion by specifying
    an objects position as a function of time
  • Position measured with respect to a coordinate
    axis aligned with the direction of motion
  • Position can either be positive or negative (must
    specify origin!)

Examples of Straight-Line Motion
Coordinate Systems
  • To specify a position, need to define a
    coordinate system
  • Coordinate system specifies
  • Location of origin
  • Orientation of measurement axis (1D motion)
  • or axes (2D, 3D motion)
  • Position of an object can then be specified
    in this coordinate system
  • Typically need to also define when t 0 occurs
  • Location of coordinate system, starting time are
  • An astute choice can sometimes greatly simplify a
  • Nature doesnt appear to have a preferred
    coordinate system laws of physics are the same
    in all non-accelerated coordinate systems
  • This has several profound consequences more on
    this later!

  • Suppose an object moves from position x1 to
    position x2 in a time interval Dt
  • The displacement Dx is defined to be
  • Displacement is positive if the position
    coordinate is increasing with time, negative if

  • A car drives from point 1 to point 2. After it
    arrives at its destination, its displacement is
  • (1) Greater than or equal to the odometer reading
  • (2) Always greater than the odometer reading
  • (3) Always equal to odometer reading
  • (4) Smaller than or equal to the odometer
  • (5) Always smaller than the odometer reading

Average Velocity and Speed
  • Average velocity is the velocity calculated for a
    finite Dt
  • Speed is the magnitude of the velocity without
    reference to direction
  • Average velocity and average speed can be quite

  • The velocity v is defined to be
  • Displacement velocity are positive if the
    position coordinate is increasing with time,
    negative if decreasing

Velocity of Straight-Line Motion
  • Average velocity vs instantaneous velocity

Acceleration When Velocity Changes
  • Example ball rolling down inclined track
  • For a fixed Dt, increasing Dx
  • Example ball tossed upward
  • Velocity starts out positive, slows to 0, and
    then becomes increasingly negative
  • Suppose the velocity changes from v1 to v2 in a
    time Dt
  • The acceleration a is defined to be

Acceleration of Straight-Line Motion
0-100 mph in 12 seconds
  • The graph shows the position as a function of
    time for two trains running on parallel tracks.
    Which is true?

  • at time t both trains have the same velocity
  • both trains speed up all the time
  • both trains have the same velocity at some time
    before t
  • somewhere on the graph both trains have the same

  • you are throwing a ball straight up in the air.
    At the highest point, the balls
  • velocity and acceleration are zero
  • velocity is nonzero but its acceleration is zero
  • acceleration is nonzero but its velocity is zero
  • velocity and acceleration are both nonzero

Position, Velocity, and Accel. Examples
Going Backwards
  • Suppose you know v(t), what is x(t)?
  • Suppose you know a(t), what is v(t)?
  • Note presence of constants x0, v0
  • Values depend on initial conditions

Near-term Roadmap
  • Look at case of straight-line motion with
    constant acceleration in some detail
  • Introduce Vectors, which will be used to
    describe position, velocity, acceleration, etc.
    in 3 dimensions
  • Vectors have both a magnitude and direction!
  • Extend what we learn about straight-line motion
    to 3 dimensions

  • First homework assignment posted on WebCT page
  • Should be on the Homework page on the course
    menu area
  • Please let me know if it isnt there!!
  • HW due Wednesday, September 12 at end of lecture
  • Late homework cannot be accepted
  • Stop by or send e-mail, if you have questions or
    need help with some aspect of the course
  • Biggest problem waiting too long before seeking

Collaboration Dos and Donts
  • Studying with someone else can be a great way to
    learn physics
  • Examples of collaboration we encourage
  • Getting together with others to figure out how to
    solve HW problems
  • Working with your lab partner to devise and carry
    out your lab projects
  • Holding a study group to prepare for an exam or
    go over the course material
  • There is a difference between collaborating and
  • Examples of copying that are prohibited
  • Copying someone elses homework assignment
  • Incorporating parts of your partners lab report
    into your own
  • Not doing your own analysis of lab data
  • If in doubt, ask for clarification!!

  • A person initially at point P stays there a
    moment, then moves to Q and stays there a moment.
    She then runs quickly to R, stays there a moment,
    and then strolls slowly back to P. Which position
    vs time graph correctly represents this motion?

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