Title: C. Mariani (INFN Rome)
1March 6th, 2005 _at_XLth Rencontres de Moriond
New K2K Results
- C. Mariani (INFN Rome)
- for K2K collaboration
2K2K Collaboration
JAPAN High Energy Accelerator Research
Organization (KEK) / Institute for Cosmic Ray
Research (ICRR), Univ. of Tokyo / Kobe University
/ Kyoto University / Niigata University / Okayama
University / Tokyo University of Science / Tohoku
University KOREA Chonnam National University /
Dongshin University / Korea University / Seoul
National University U.S.A. Boston University /
University of California, Irvine / University of
Hawaii, Manoa / Massachusetts Institute of
Technology / State University of New York at
Stony Brook / University of Washington at
Seattle POLAND Warsaw University / Solton
Institute Since 2002 JAPAN Hiroshima
University / Osaka University U.S.A. Duke
University CANADA TRIUMF / University of
British Columbia ITALY Rome FRANCE Saclay
SPAIN Barcelona / Valencia SWITZERLAND Geneva
31. Introduction and history of K2K
- 1995
- Proposed to study neutrino oscillation for
atmospheric neutrinos anomaly. - 1999
- Started taking data.
- 2000
- Detected smaller number of neutrinos than the
expectation at a distance of 250 km. Disfavored
null oscillation at the 2s level. - 2002
- Observed indications of neutrino oscillation. The
probability of null oscillation is less than 1. - 2004
- Confirm neutrino oscillation with both a deficit
of nm and the distortion of the En spectrum.
42. K2K experiment
1 event/2days
1011 nm/2.2sec (/10m?10m)
106 nm/2.2sec (/40m?40m)
12GeV protons
200m decay pipe
p monitor
Near n detectors (ND)
m monitor
(monitor the beam center)
- Signal of n oscillation at K2K
- Reduction of nm events
- Distortion of nm energy spectrum
5Neutrino beam and the directional control
- 1GeV neutrino beam by a dual horn system with
The beam direction monitored by muons
X center
?1 mrad
Y center
5 years
6Accumulated POT (Protons On Target)
10.5x1019 POT, 8.91019 POT for Analysis
Accumulated POT (1018)
protons/pulse (1012)
Oct-Nov 04
Jan 03
7Neutrino spectrum and the far/near ratio
Far/Near Ratio
nm energy spectrum _at_ K2K near detector
beam MC w/ PION Monitor
En (GeV)
En (GeV)
8SK Events
Decay electron cut.
?20MeV Deposited Energy
No Activity in Outer Detector Event Vertex in
Fiducial Volume More than 30MeV Deposited Energy
107 events
Analysis Time Window
(BG 1.6 events within ?500ms
2.410-3 events in 1.5ms)
TDIFF. (ms)
93. Analysis Overview
Observation n, pm and qm
Measurement F(En), n int.
n interaction MC
Far/Near Ratio (beam MC with p mon.)
Observation n and En rec.
Expectation n and En rec.
(sin22q, Dm2)
10NEUT K2K Neutrino interaction MC
- CC quasi elastic (CCQE)
- CC (resonant) single p(CC-1p)
- NC
s/E (10-38cm2/GeV)
En (GeV)
114. Near detector measurements
- 1KT Water Cherenkov Detector (1KT)
- Scintillating-fiber/Water sandwich Detector
(SciFi) - Lead Glass calorimeter (LG) before 2002
- Scintillators Bar Detector (SciBar) after 2003
- Muon Range Detector (MRD)
LG calorimeter
Muon range detector
124.1 1KT Flux measurement
- The same detector technology as Super-K.
- Sensitive to low energy neutrinos.
?Far/Near Ratio (by MC)110-6
M Fiducial mass MSK22,500Kton, MKT25ton e
efficiency eSK-I(II)77.0(78.2), eKT74.5
exp SK
134.2 SciBar neutrino interaction study
- Full Active Fine-Grained detector (target CH).
- Sensitive to a low momentum track.
- Identify CCQE events and other interactions
(non-QE) separately.
CCQE Candidate
2 track events
Dqp qobs -qCCQE
Dqp (degree)
14Neutrino energy reconstruction
15A hint of K2K forward m deficit.
- K2K observed forward m deficit.
- A source is non-QE events.
- For CC-1p,
- Suppression of q2/0.1GeV2 at q2lt0.1GeV2 may
exist. - (0.1GeV2 value comes from fitting 2 track nonQE
sample in SciBar) - For CC-coherent p,
- The coherent p may not exist.
- We do not identify which process causes the
effect. The MC CC-1p (coherent p) model is
corrected phenomenologically. - Oscillation analysis is insensitive to the choice.
q2rec (GeV/c)2
SciBar non-QE Events
q2rec (GeV/c)2
164.3 Near Detector Spectrum Measurements
- 1KT
- Fully Contained 1 ring m (FC1Rm) sample.
- SciBar
- 1 track, 2 track QE (Dqp25?), 2 track nQE
(Dqpgt25?) where one track is m. - SciFi
- 1 track, 2 track QE (Dqp25?), 2 track nQE
(Dqpgt30?) where one track is m. - After applying the low q2 suppression of nQE
observed in SciBar, the angular distributions of
all other samples are reasonably reproduced.
171KT m momentum and angular distributions.with
measured spectrum
flux measurement
low q2 corr.
1Kt m-like sample Quasi elastic Single pion
qm (deg.)
184.4 Near Detectors combined measurements
- (pm,qm) for 1track, 2trackQE and 2track nQE
samples ? F(En), nQE/QE - Fitting parameters
- F(En), nQE/QE ratio
- Detector uncertainties on the energy scale and
the track counting efficiency. - The change of track counting efficiency by
nuclear effect uncertainties proton
re-scattering and p interactions in a nucleus - Strategy
- Measure F(En) in the more relevant region of
qm?20? for 1KT and qm?10? for SciFi and SciBar. - Apply a low q2 correction factor to the CC-1p
model (or coherent p). - Measure nQE/QE ratio for the entire qm range.
19En QE (MC) nQE(MC)
MC templates
0-0.5 GeV
KT data
qm (MeV/c)
Pm (MeV/c)
- n flux FKEK(En) (8 bins)
- n interaction (nQE/QE)
20Flux measurements
- c2638.1 for 609 d.o.f
- F1 ( En lt 500) 0.78 ? 0.36
- F2 ( 500? En lt 750) 1.01 ? 0.09
- F3 ( 750? En lt1000) 1.12 ? 0.07
- F4 (1000? En lt1500) 1.00
- F5 (1500? En lt2000) 0.90 ? 0.04
- F6 (2000? En lt2500) 1.07 ? 0.06
- F7 (2500? En lt3000) 1.33 ? 0.17
- F8 (3000? En ) 1.04 ? 0.18
- nQE/QE 1.02 ? 0.10
- The nQE/QE error of 10 is assigned based on the
sensitivity of thefitted nonQE/QE value by
varying the fit criteria. - qgt10?(20 ?) cut nQE/QE0.95 ?0.04
- standard(CC-1p low q2 corr.) nQE/QE1.02 ?0.03
- No coherent pnQE/QE1.06 ?0.03
F(En) at KEK
21SciFi (K2K-IIa with measured spectrum)
qm 1trk
Pm 1trk
flux measurement
Pm 2trk QE
qm 2trk QE
Pm 2trk non-QE
qm 2trk non-QE
22SciBar (with measured flux)
qm 1trk
Pm 1trk
flux measurement
Pm 2trk QE
qm 2trk QE
qm 2trk nQE
Pm 2trk nQE
235. Super-K oscillation analysis
- Total Number of events
- Enrec spectrum shape of FC-1ring-m events
- Systematic error term
f x Systematic error parameters
Normalization, Flux, and nQE/QE ratio are in fx
Near Detector measurements, Pion Monitor
constraint, beam MC estimation, and Super-K
systematic uncertainties.
24K2K-SK events
K2K-all (K2K-I, K2K-II) DATA (K2K-I, K2K-II) MC (K2K-I, K2K-II)
FC 22.5kT 107 (55, 52) 150.9 (79.1, 71.8)
1ring 67 (33, 34) 93.7 (48.6, 45.1 )
m-like 57 (30, 27) 84.8 (44.3, 40.5)
e-like 10 (3, 7) 8.8 (4.3, 4.5)
Multi Ring 40 (22, 18) 57.2 (30.5, 26.7)
for Enrec
Updated from the previous analysis
25KS probability0.08
SK Events
Toy MC
Expected shape (No Oscillation)
CC-QE assumption
V Nuclear potential
266. Results
- Best fit values.
- sin22q 1.51
- Dm2 eV2 2.19?10-3
- Best fit values in the physical region.
- sin22q 1.00
- Dm2 eV2 2.79?10-3
- DlogL0.75
A toy MC
sin22q1.51 can occur due to a a statistical
fluctuation with 12.6.
27Data are consistent with the oscillation.
- NSKobs107
- NSKexp (best fit)150.9
Best Fit KS prob.36
Based on DlnL
28Log Likelihood difference from the minimum.
- 68 - 90 - 99
- 68 - 90 - 99
- Dm2lt(1.873.58)10-3 eV2 at sin22q1.0 (90 C.L.)
29nm disappearance versus En shape distortion
En shape
NSK (nm)
Both disappearance of nm and the distortion of En
spectrum have the consistent result.
30K2K-I vs K2K-II
31Null oscillation probability
The null oscillation probabilities are calculated
based on DlnL.
K2K-I K2K-II K2K-all
nm disappearance 2.0 3.7 0.26(3.0s)
En spectrum distortion 19.5 5.4 0.74 (2.6s)
Combined 1.3 (2.5s) 0.56 (2.8s) 0.0050 (4.0s)
The value is changed from the previous one.
Disappearance of nm and distortion of the energy
spectrum as expected in neutrino oscillation.
K2K confirms neutrino oscillation discovered in
Super-K atmospheric neutrinos.
328. Summary
- With 8.9?1019 POT, K2K has confirmed neutrino
oscillations at 4.0s (hep-ex/0411038). - Disappearance of nm 3.0s
- Distortion of En spectrum 2.6s
K2K new results
- 68 - 90 - 99
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
33Backup slide
34Additional Error on nonQE
- nonQE value depends on fitting condition.
- Small angle cut 0.979
- CC1p re-weighting 1.056
- No coherent p 1.093
- CC1p re-weighting factor / 0.03 (1s)
- (SciBar only fit) / 4
- In total, 10 uncertainty exists.
- Fitting error is 5
- ? add 10 to nonQE error.
Official value
357. Other Physics in K2K (K2K-I data only)
nm H2O?NC1p0
nm?ne search
90CL limit
90CL sensitivity
not NC1p0
PRL 93 (2004) 051801
0.064 (our MC)
36NEUT K2K Neutrino interaction MC
- CC quasi elastic (CCQE)
- Smith and Moniz with MA1.1GeV
- CC (resonance) single p(CC-1p)
- Rein and Sehgals with MA1.1GeV
- GRV94 JETSET with Bodek and Yang correction.
- CC coherent p
- ReinSehgal with the cross section rescale by J.
Marteau - NC
- Nuclear Effects
s/E (10-38cm2/GeV)
En (GeV)
37Overall normalization error on Nsk for Nov99
Stat 0.28 0.37
KT 3.32 4.37
SK 2.28 3.00
Flux 2.81 -2.59
F/N 4.26 -5.55
NC/CC 0.15 -0.23
nQE/QE 0.38 -0.61
CT 0.46 0.60
Total 6.53 -7.37
Take errors not considered in matrix
Central Value 76.05evts
KT dominated by FV error SK also.
38Null oscillation DlnL
The null oscillation probabilities are calculated
based on DlnL.
K2K-I K2K-II K2K-all
nm disappearance 2.72 2.18 4.55
En spectrum distortion 1.63 2.91 4.90
Combined 4.33 5.19 9.90
The value is changed from the previous one.
Disappearance of nm and distortion of the energy
spectrum as expected in neutrino oscillation.
K2K confirmed neutrino oscillation discovered in
Super-K atmospheric neutrinos.
39The change of NSKexp in K2K-I (Bugs)
- The detector position
- 295m ? 294m -1
- MC difference between KT and SK
- KT MA(QE)1.1 s (NCel)KT1.1s(NCel)SK
- SK MA(QE)1.0 ? Efficiency change! -1
- NSKexp Change 2
40CC-1p suppression versus coherent p
41Systematic Bias without the MC correction.
ND (SciBar) measurement
DATA MC w/ CC-1p suppression MC template
Default MC
Oscillation Results
MC w/o low q2 correction sin22q1.00 Dm22.65
10-3 eV2 Prob.(null oscillation)0.0049 Correc
ted MC for low q2 sin22q1.00 Dm22.7310-3eV2
Prob.(null oscillation)0.011
Toy MC
systematic bias
There is a small bias in nQE/QE and the low
energy flux.
42Oscillation result with a default MC
Without low q2 MC correction
The result w/o low q2 MC correction gives the
better (biased) measurement due to the more low
energy flux and the smaller nQE/QE.
43K2K-I vs K2K-II
- Best fit values.
- sin22q 1.08, 1.51
- Dm2 eV2 2.73?10-3, 2.19?10-3
- Best fit values in the physical region.
- sin22q 1.00, 1.00
- Dm2 eV2 2.86?10-3 , 2.79?10-3
- DlogL0.02, 0.75
- KSK2K-I K2K-II 77
44Enrec for K2K-I and K2K-II
45K2K-I vs K2K-II
46- 1KT sys error summary and the change.
- SciBar sys. error
471KT sys. error
- Systematic error
- Fiducial updated -4.0 (lt- 4.0)
Smys analysis - Escale updated -0.3
- FADC (scale) updated -0.8
- FADC(cut position) -1.5 (New)
Shaomins analysis - Background -0.5
- Multi-event -0.7
- Event rate(New) -2.0
- Profile (New) -0.3
- KT origin -4.9 (Prev.
4.4) - SK efficiency -3.0
- CT norm. -0.3 for K2K-II 0.6
for K2K-I - Far/Near 5.6 -7.3
48SciBar Systematic Error (2track/1track)
- Detector oriented
- Vertex Matching Efficiency 2.7
-1.0 - Threshold Effect (-15) 0.7
- Xtalk Effect (2/4/6) 1.1
-1.1 - Finding Efficiency
0.9 -4.3 - Total (Detector)
3.1 -4.5
- Nuclear Effect
- Proton Re-scattering
2.9 -2.6 - Pion Absorption
1.7 -1.7 - Pion inelastic scattering
2.3 -2.9 - Total (Nuclear)
4.1 -4.2
49SciBar Systematic Error (2track QE/2track nQE)
- Detector oriented
- Angle resolution
1.0 - X-talk Effect
2.2 -2.9 - Momentum scale (-2.7) 1.5
-4.3 - Total (Detector)
2.8 -5.2
- Nuclear Effect
- Proton Re-scattering
2.9 -2.8 - Pion Absorption
-5.4 - Pion inelastic scattering
0.3 -4.7 - Total (Nuclear Effect)
2.9 -7.7
50Track finding Efficiency
2nd Track Efficiency (MC)
MC true 2nd Track (NHITX/Y?3Hit)
Detected! ( 1. Could Find 2nd Track
2. Rec.track overlap
with more than 1 true Hit)
Overall Eff. 59.0 gt20Hit 85.3
gt40Hit 91.1
Finding Efficiency
(This can be improved!)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Evaluated DATA/MC w/ Eye scan.
51Eye scan Result
Eye scanners (M.Hasegawa ,K.Hiraide
? Data (Eye) ? MC (Eye)
Integrated bin (gt40Hits)
1.35 0.93 0.97 1.01 1.00 0.96 0.98 0.98
52Systematic error (Finding Eff.)
2Track/1Track (default MC) vs 2Track/1Track
(MC )
Entry lt5 5 - 9 10 -14 15
-19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40
(each bin MC) 0 265 2257
3824 3976 3654 3027 2406
8009 27418 DATA/ MC 0 1.35
0.93 0.97 1.01 1.00 0.96
0.98 0.98
0 0.54 0.10 0.06 0.05 0.04
0.03 0.03 0.02 (stat.err)
Total 0 358 2108 3719
4034 3659 3017 2364 7849
27034 0 143
226 229 199 146 91
72 160 475
2track/1track 0.5032 (27418/54106) ? 0.496
/- 0.013 (27034/54490)
Systematic Error (Track finding Eff.) 0.9 ,
53Same as previous one except binning size is 125/2
nsec that is a half of intervals of two bunches.
54Residual of K2K-SK event timing relative to
neutrino beam bunches. Timing correlation is
clearly seen and a sigma is obtained as about
55Number of observed events (F.C. in fid. vol.) as
a function of integrated CT
56Number of observed events (F.C. in all inner
volume) as a function of integrated CT
57Results (without small angle)
- 1kt q gt 20deg., SciFi and SciBar q gt 10deg.
- In each En bin, fitted flux is consistent each
58CC1p suppression factor tuning
SciBar 2track nonQE
- By using SciBar 2track-nonQE and fitted flux, I
looked for the best value of CC1p suppression. - Suppression factor
- q2/A (q2gtA)
- Scan A value and calculate c2 of q distribution.
CC1p q2/0.10
(DataMC)/MC Agree quite well
Calculate c2
A0.10 / 0.03
59Results (CC1p re-weighted)
- CC1p re-weighting factor q2/0.10 (q2lt0.10)
- Flux is fixed
- nonQE value 0.979(q cut) ? 1.056(this result)
60Results (no coherent p) for comparison
- Coherent p production removed.
- Flux is fixed.
- nonQE value 1.093(this results)
- (CC1p re-weighting 1.056 3.5 difference)
61Results (no cut, no re-weighting)for comparison
- Flux is consistent with q cut results.
- nonQE is significantly small, and c2 is bad.
- nonQE 0.856, c2 / dof 773.8 / 595 1.30
62Flux v.s. fitting condition
- Fitted flux from q cut, CC1p re-weighting and no
coherent are consistent each other.
63NonQE v.s. CC1p re-weighting factor (SciBar only
- CC1p re-weighting factor / 0.03 (1s)
- ? nonQE
/ 4
SciBar Only Fit
64Likelihood for Oscillation analysis
f x Systematic error parameters
Poisson prob. for FC events
of observed events
of expected events
Period n flux SK parameters
K2K-Ia Ihorn 200 kA SK-I
K2K-Ib Ihorn 250 kA SK-I
K2K-II Ihorn 250 kA SK-II
65Likelihood for Normalization
i energy bin j Interaction mode
Data/MC for of events in KT
of interaction in MC
SK efficiency
66Likelihood for Spectrum Shape
SK efficiency
SK Energy Scale
Nj (Erec,Etrue) Event fraction in MC
N Normalization factor
67Likelihood for Systematic parameters
neutrino flux, nQE/QE,NC
Far/Near Ratio
SK efficiency
Overall Normalization
SK Energy Scale
Systematic parameters for n flux are common for
SK-Ib and SK-II
of free parameter in fit 25 ? 33
34 (fnQE ? fCC-nQE, fNC)
68Reconstructed vertex distribution for r2 vs Z
69Visible energy distribution for F.C. events in
the fiducial volume in data (closed circle), M.C.
expectation with no oscillation (solid
histogram), oscillated with sin22q1.0,Dm22.010-
3eV2 (dashed histogram), and oscillated with
sin22q1.0,Dm23.010-3eV2 (dotted histogram).
70Visible energy distribution for F.C. events in
the fiducial volume in data (closed circle), M.C.
expectation with no oscillation (solid
histogram), oscillated with sin22q1.0,Dm22.010-
3eV2 (dashed histogram), and oscillated with
sin22q1.0,Dm23.010-3eV2 (dotted histogram).
71Visible energy distribution for F.C. events in
the fiducial volume in data (closed circle), M.C.
expectation with no oscillation (solid
histogram), oscillated with sin22q1.0,Dm22.010-
3eV2 (dashed histogram), and oscillated with
sin22q1.0,Dm23.010-3eV2 (dotted histogram).
72Reconstructed muon momentum distribution for F.C.
1ring mu-like events in the fiducial volume in
data (closed circle), M.C. expectation with no
oscillation (solid histogram), oscillated with
sin22q1.0,Dm22.010-3eV2 (dashed histogram),
and oscillated with sin22q1.0,Dm23.010-3eV2
(dotted histogram).
73Reconstructed muon momentum distribution for F.C.
1ring mu-like events in the fiducial volume in
data (closed circle), M.C. expectation with no
oscillation (solid histogram), oscillated with
sin22q1.0,Dm22.010-3eV2 (dashed histogram),
and oscillated with sin22q1.0,Dm23.010-3eV2
(dotted histogram).
74Reconstructed muon momentum distribution for F.C.
1ring mu-like events in the fiducial volume in
data (closed circle), M.C. expectation with no
oscillation (solid histogram), oscillated with
sin22q1.0,Dm22.010-3eV2 (dashed histogram),
and oscillated with sin22q1.0,Dm23.010-3eV2
(dotted histogram).
75The distribution of the reconstructed direction
of muons relative to the direction from KEK to SK
for F.C. 1ring mu-like events in the fiducial
volume in data (closed circle), M.C. expectation
with no oscillation (solid histogram), oscillated
with sin22q1.0,Dm22.010-3eV2 (dashed
histogram), and oscillated with
sin22q1.0,Dm23.010-3eV2 (dotted histogram).
76The distribution of the reconstructed direction
of muons relative to the direction from KEK to SK
for F.C. 1ring mu-like events in the fiducial
volume in data (closed circle), M.C. expectation
with no oscillation (solid histogram), oscillated
with sin22q1.0,Dm22.010-3eV2 (dashed
histogram), and oscillated with
sin22q1.0,Dm23.010-3eV2 (dotted histogram).
77The distribution of the reconstructed direction
of muons relative to the direction from KEK to SK
for F.C. 1ring mu-like events in the fiducial
volume in data (closed circle), M.C. expectation
with no oscillation (solid histogram), oscillated
with sin22q1.0,Dm22.010-3eV2 (dashed
histogram), and oscillated with
sin22q1.0,Dm23.010-3eV2 (dotted histogram).
78Reconstructed neutrino energy distribution for
F.C. 1ring mu-like events in the fiducial volume
in data (closed circle), M.C. expectation with no
oscillation (solid histogram), oscillated with
sin22q1.0,Dm22.010-3eV2 (dashed histogram),
and oscillated with sin22q1.0,Dm23.010-3eV2
(dotted histogram).
79Reconstructed neutrino energy distribution for
F.C. 1ring mu-like events in the fiducial volume
in data (closed circle), M.C. expectation with no
oscillation (solid histogram), oscillated with
sin22q1.0,Dm22.010-3eV2 (dashed histogram),
and oscillated with sin22q1.0,Dm23.010-3eV2
(dotted histogram)
80Reconstructed neutrino energy distribution for
F.C. 1ring mu-like events in the fiducial volume
in data (closed circle), M.C. expectation with no
oscillation (solid histogram), oscillated with
sin22q1.0,Dm22.010-3eV2 (dashed histogram),
and oscillated with sin22q1.0,Dm23.010-3eV2
(dotted histogram).
81Summary of SK-2 absolute energy calibration
- Data agree with MC within /-1.9
- Time variation /-0.9 total uncertainty
/- 2.1
82Ring-counting likelihood for SK-2 m-like events
sub-GeV Plt400MeV/c
sub-GeV Pgt400MeV/c
83PID distributions for SK-2
multi-GeV (Evisgt1330MeV)
sub-GeV (Evislt1330MeV)
84Systematic error on spectrum
K2K-1 ring counting PID vertex E scale
0.-0.5 1.9 1.1 2.0
0.5-1.0 2.1 0.5 2.0
1.-1.5 2.5 0.7 2.0
1.5-2.0 5.9 0.6 2.0
2.0-2.5 5.9 0.7 2.0
2.5- 5.9 0.7 2.0
K2K-2 ring counting PID vertex E scale
0.-0.5 2.6 2.5 2.0
0.5-1.0 2.2 0.9 2.0
1.-1.5 7.9 0.6 2.0
1.5-2.0 7.5 0.5 2.0
2.0-2.5 7.1 0.5 2.0
2.5- 7.1 0.5 2.0