Title: Search for Exotic Hadrons, Hdibaryon resonance and Pentaquark
1Search for Exotic Hadrons, H-dibaryon resonance
and Pentaquark
- K.Imai (Kyoto Univ.)
- for KEK-PS E522 collaboration
- Introduction
- KEK-PS E522 experiment
- H-dibaryon resonance by C(K-,KLL) reaction
- Pentaquark, Q, by p- p -gt K- Q
- Summary
2LL-Enhancement by the KEK-E224
J.K.Ahn et al., Phys. Lett. B444,267(1998)
(1) H-dibaryon Resonance? K-p-gtX-K
X-(p) -gt H, H-gtLL
(2) Strong LL Final State Interaction?
3 Can we understand Consistently ?
DBLL1.01 MeV
4 M.Hyata, H.Sato a)
J.Asai, M.Kurosawa b)
M.Kurosawa b)
M.Ieiri, H.Takahashi c)
, B.H.Choi g)
SCIFI active target
20 cm
6 Performances / Results
151 events, 12C(K-,KLLX) Analyzed
7(No Transcript)
8Real Data
Simulation Data
9 LL-Invariant Mass
S 9 s to the Combinatorial S3 s to the
fss2 well reproduce BLL(6LLHe) 1. MeV
10Conclusion 1
- We have confirmed the peak near threshold in LL
mass spectrum previously observed by E224 with
higher statistics. - The data can not be explained with final state
interaction which is consistent with weak
attractive LL binding energy determined from
the mass of 6HeLL. - The H-dibaryon resonance is a possible
interpretation of the peak. More theoretical
input is needed as well as experiments. - Data Analysis was done by C.J.Yoon (Kyoto)
11Pentaquark search in KEK-PS E522
- Objectives of E522
- H-dibaryon resonance search via (K-,K) reaction
- Kaonic Nuclei search via (K-,p) reaction
- Q search via (p-,K-) reaction (as extra)
12Missing mass spectrum of (?,K) reaction
- Inverse reaction of (?-,K-)
- Observe ? peak
13Missing mass spectrum of (??,K?)
CH2 data A bump around 1.53GeV/c2 Statistical
SCIFI , CH2 data are combined No clear peak
14Fitting of spectrum
- Peak position
- Width
- Counts 182.5?70.8(stat.) ?9.9(syst.)
- Statistical significance 2.52.7?
- Upper limit of peak count N? lt 298.3(90 C.L.)
15Upper limit of cross section
- fbeam83(e,? contamination 13,
- ? reaction 4)
- eK272.3
- eDAQ94
- fKabs89.8
- etrack84.6
- fdecay57.6
- fcherenkov91
- eMT95.7
- eana51
- d?0.14sr
16Conclusion 2
- We have searched for Pentaquark Q by p- p -gt K-
Q reaction at KEK-PS - A peak of 2.6 s was observed at 1531 MeV.
- Upper limit of the production cross section was
obtained to be about 4 mb which is smaller than
most of theoretical calculations. - (The analysis was done by K.Miwa (Kyoto))