Signal networks and pathways - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Signal networks and pathways


43,409 articles in Medline that mention G proteins. 1. Basic facts about G proteins ... Computer Science (AI) challenges. Represent signal networks. Such that ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Signal networks and pathways

Signal networks and pathways
  • Chitta Baral
  • Arizona State University

Goal Decoding the cell and
  • Ultimate goal
  • Decoding the cell (understand what is happening
    inside the cell)
  • Control cell behavior
  • It involves
  • Accurate description of cellular biochemistry
    that allows
  • Explanation of particular cell behaviors and
    phenotypes (such as proliferation, cell
    migration, cell death, etc.)
  • Prediction of future behavior
  • Planning interactions with the cell to control
    the cell behavior

Biochemistry, network of interactions
  • Relation between various molecules is often
    expressed using network of interactions (called
    Biochemical networks)
  • Three kinds of biochemical networks
  • Metabolic networks
  • Represent the chemical transformation between
  • Example Glycolysis (breakdown of glucose)
  • Signal networks (also called protein networks)
  • Representing protein-protein interactions
  • Gene networks
  • Representing relationship between genes that
    encode the impact of the expression level of one
    gene on another
  • Pathways Specific series of interaction in a

G proteins
  • 1994 Nobel prize. Discovery of G-protein coupled
    receptors and their role in signal transduction.
    Gilman, Alfred G. and Rodbell, Martin.
  • 43,409 articles in Medline that mention G
  • 1. Basic facts about G proteins
  • Each G-protein consists of 3 sub-units Ga, Gb,
    and Gg.
  • These sub-units can be together or separated.
  • Each G-protein has a binding site that can be
    occupied by either GDP or GTP.
  • A G-protein is said to be inactive when it is
    bound to GDP.
  • A G-protein is said to be active when it is
    bound to GTP.

cyclicAMP (cAMP) pathway
  • 2. Up regulation When a ligand binds to a
    receptor in a cell membrane the effect is that
  • A. the receptor becomes activated
  • B. the nucleotide binding site on the G-protein
    is altered,
  • C. GTP replaces GDP,
  • D. GDP is released,
  • E. and Ga-GTP gets disassociated from GbGg.
  • F. Ga being active triggers the binding of Ga-GTP
    to a membrane bound adenylate cyclase molecule,
  • activating it for production of cyclicAMP

G protein activation/inactivation cycle
cyclicAMP (cAMP) pathway
  • 3. Down regulation when the ligand dissociates
    from the receptor the effects are
  • A. GTP is hydrolyzed by a GTPase activity on Ga
  • B. Ga-GTP becomes Ga-GDP,
  • C. and disassociates from adenylate cyclase
    molecule, making the later inactive.
  • D. Ga then reassociates with GbGg
  • E. CyclicAMP (in the cytoplasm) is then
    inactivated by the enzyme phosphodiesterase,
    which hydrolyzes it to AMP.

Interference with cAMP
  • A. Cholera toxin inhibits the GTPase activity of
    the G-proteins of Gs subfamily, thus impacting
  • B. The ras gene produces a G-protein that lacks
    GTPase activity, thus impacting 3A.
  • C. Pertussis toxin inactivates the process that
    downregulates adenylate cyclase activity with
    respect to G-proteins of the Gi subfamily, with a
    few exceptions such as Gz, thus impacting 3C.
  • D. G-proteins of the Gq subfamily are not
    modifiable by pertussis toxin or cholera toxin,
    thus nullifying A and C above.

A specific example of CAMP mediated regulation
Glycogen degradation
  • In liver or muscle cells in presence of the
    ligand epinephrine hormone (also called
    adernalin) increase in the cAMP concentration (in
    the cytoplasm)
  • activates protein kinase,
  • active protein kinases then converts inactive
    phosphorylase kinase to active form by ATP
    dependent phosphorylation,
  • active phosphorylase kinase then phosphorylates
    (i.e., converts) less active phosphorylase-b to
    more active phosphorylase-a, and
  • phosphorylase-a then catalyzes the
    phosphorolytic cleavage of glycogen into
    molecules of glucose-1-phosphate. (i.e., glycogen
    breakdown happens.)

References (for stuff so far)
  • The world of cell 2nd ed. Becker, Deamer. Chapter
    21. (Latest one is 5th ed, by Becker, Kleinsmith
    and Hardin has a nice Cd-Rom with the book and
    explains signal transduction very well)
  • Biochemistry of signal transduction and
    regulation. G. Krauss. Sec 5.5.1
  • http//
  • Look for signal transduction, pathways, signal
    pathways, G protein, biochemical networks etc.

Reasoning about cAMP and Glycogen degradation
  • Observation cAMP concentration way above normal
  • Possible explanation presence of Cholera toxin
    or Pertussis toxin
  • Planning How to overcome it using drugs.
  • Predicting the impact of not having enough
  • Observation Lack of glycogen breakdown.
  • Explained by low cAMP concentration
  • Explained by G proteins not getting activated in
    adequate concentration

Computer Science (AI) challenges
  • Represent signal networks
  • Such that we can reason with it
  • We can elaborate on it (add more details) without
    making wholesale changes
  • Reason with them
  • Explain observations.
  • Predict effect of particular actions.
  • Plan to make the cell behave a particular way.

Analogy with current AI research
  • Goal To represent effect of actions on the
    world, executability condition of actions,
    relation between objects in the world, etc.
  • An example
  • Description D.
  • S1 Load causes loaded.
  • S2 Shoot causes alive if loaded.
  • S3 Intially alive.
  • S4 Initially loaded.
  • Planning D alive after X. XLoadShoot.
  • Explanation S1, S2, S3, alive after shoot
    Initially loaded
  • Prediction
  • D alive after Load? D loaded after Load?

Home work 3 (Due Feb 17th) 100 pts
  • Describe a particular signal pathway.
  • Draw the figure.
  • Write in English similar to the slides
  • Write in English-like syntax. (such as in the
    previous slide and make up specific terms like
    causes that you may need.)
  • Source (journal Cellular signaling signal
    transduction chapter in books on cell biology etc.) 50 bonus if you use a
    journal instead of a book.

  • Activation
  • A process of (i) initiating a chemical or
    biochemical reaction (ii) converting an inactive
    component to a functionally active form.
  • Adenylate Cylase
  • The enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of
    cyclic AMP (cAMP) from ATP,
  • ATP lt--gt cAMP PP
  • Allosteric
  • Pertaining to the topologically distinct sites on
    a protein or an enzyme molecule.
  • AMP
  • An Adenosine 3'-monophosphate or Adenosine
    5'-monophosphate nucleotide with the
    phosphate group linked to the carbon 3 (or 5
    resp.) of the ribose.
  • Arrestin
  • Family of inhibitory proteins that bind to
    tyrosine-phosphorylated receptors, thereby
    blocking their interaction with G-proteins and
    effectively terminating the

Glossary (cont)
  • Channel Protein
  • Proteins that form water-filled pores or
    channels across the membrane and are responsible
    for transporting solutes across the membrane.
  • conformational change
  • change in the form differing in secondary or
    tertiary structure.
  • cyclic AMP (cAMP)
  • An abbreviation for adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate
    or adenosine 2',3' -monophosphate.
  • An important intracellular regulator or second
    messenger for a number of cellular processes in
    animals, bacteria, fungi and plants.
  • Effector molecule
  • Small, biologically active molecule that acts as
    a regulator to control the activity of a protein
    or an enzyme by binding to a specific region on
    the protein or enzyme.
  • Enzyme
  • Bioactive protein that catalyzes the biochemical
    reactions in the living cell.
  • GAPs (growth-associate proteins)
  • Promote the hydrolysis of bound GTP, thereby
    switching the G-protein to the inactive form.
  • GDP (Guanosine 5'-Diphosphate)
  • GEFs (guanine nucleotide exchange factors)
  • Family of proteins that facilitate the exchange
    of bound GDP or GTP on small G-proteins such as
    ras and rho and thus activate them. (act in the
    opposite way to GAPs.)

Glossary (cont.)
  • G-Protein
  • A GTP binding membrane protein that is capable of
    hydrolyzing GTP, activating membrane bound CAMP,
    and mediating a variety of signal transducing
  • GRK G-Protein receptor kinase
  • GTP Guanosine 5'-Triphosphate
  • GTPase (Guanosine triphosphatase)
  • Enzyme that catalyzes the reaction GTP H20
    lt---gt Guanosine Triphosphate
  • Guanine A constituent base in nucleic acids.
  • Guanosine A nucleoside and constitutent of
  • Hydrolysis Splitting of 1 molecule to 2 by
    incorporation of 1 water molecule.
  • Induction
  • An increase in the rate of enzyme synthesis due
    to the presence of substrate or inducer.
  • Inhibition
  • (i) reduction or prevention in the rate of
    enzymatic activity (ii) repression of physical or
    chemical activity.
  • Kinase
  • The enzyme that catlyzes the transfer of a
    phosphate group from one compound to another.
  • Nucleoside
  • A component of a nucleotide that consists of a
    nitrogenous base (purine or pyrimidine) linked to
    a pentose sugar (ribose or deoxyribose)

Glossary (cont.)
  • Nucleotide The basic building blocks of nucleic
    acids it consists of a nucleoside and a
  • phosphatase (two kinds acidic and alkaline)
  • acidic phosphatase is an enzyme that catalyzes
    the hydrolysis of a number of phosphomonoesters
    at acid pH but not phosphodiesters.
  • Phosphoric monoester H2O lt--gt Alcohol
    Phosphoric acid.
  • alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme that catalyzes
    the hydrolysis of phosphomonoester at alkaline
  • phosphodiesterase
  • The enzyme that catlyzes the hydrolysis of
    phosphodiester bond in the polynucleotides or
    cyclic nucleotides.
  • PKA Protein kinase A
  • Protein
  • A polymer of L-amino acids that folds into a
    conformation specified by the linear sequence of
    amino acids nd functions as an enzyme, a hormone,
    an antibody or a structural component of the
  • Regulatory enzyme
  • The enzyme that possesses a regulatory site for
    binding effector molecules in addition to the
    catalytic binding site.
  • RGS (Regulators of G-Protein signalling)
  • RGS is a protein that can increase the GTPase
    activity by more than one order of magnitude.
  • Transport protein A protein that mediates the
    entry of specific substances into a cell.
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