Title: Bivariate Mixed Discrete and Continuous Responses
1Bivariate Mixed Discrete and Continuous
2Articles referenced
- R1) Fitzmaurice and Laird (JASA, 1995).
Regression models for a bivariate discrete and
continuous outcome with clustering - R2) Fitzmaurice and Laird (Biometrics, 1997).
Regression models for mixed discrete and
continuous responses with potentially missing
values - Other papers (not referenced) Cox (1972)
Catalano and Ryan (1992)
3National Toxicity Program (NTP) Study
- Ethylene glycol, EG, is a high volume industrial
chemical. - EG (at different doses) was applied to
pregnant lab mice over the period of major
organogenesis, beginning just after implantation - Each live fetus found (after sacrifice) was
examined for evidence of malformations (-- a
discrete response) - Fetal weight (-- a continuous response--) was
also measured - Primary question effects of dose on fetal weight
and malformation
4SimBaby Trial (A study at CHOP, Investigators
Aaron Donoghue and others)
- Randomized Trial
- 2 groups house staff performing mock
resuscitation exercises on a patient simulator
vs. standard manikin - Hypothesis Patient simulator (SimBaby) group
will have improved performance in test scenarios
compared to the manikin group - A list of tasks has to be performed in sequence
by both the groups
5SimBaby Trial - Responses
- Dichotomous variables indicating whether each
task was performed or not - If a task was performed, then the time taken for
that task is also measured - Performance evaluated on both these variables
6SCCOR (A study at CHOP, Investigators Elizabeth
Goldmuntz and others)
- Retrospective case-control study
- Main objective to test whether patients with
22q11 deletion, a genetic mutation, has worse
clinical outcomes than the non-deleted group - A few of the outcomes are bivariate mixed
discrete and continuous in nature
7SCCOR a few specific outcomes
- Cardiac Pulmonary Bypass (CPB) yes/no
- If yes, time taken for each run
- DHCA yes/no
- If yes, time taken for each run
8A brief note on the examples
- There is correlation between the bivariate
responses (since they are both measured on the
same subjects), which needs to be accounted for - Last two examples are qualitatively a bit
different from the first one The time variable
gets switched on only if the dichotomous
variable is yes so its more than just
9Likelihood representation (as given in R1)
- Xi continuous response, Yi binary response
- Assume (1 x P vector) Zi predicts both Yi and Xi
- The marginal distribution of Yi is Bernoulli,
- f(yiZi) expyi?i log1 exp(?i),
where - ?i logµ1i/(1- µ1i) Ziß1 and
- µ1i E(Yi) Pr(Yi 1/Zi, ß1)
10Likelihood representation (as given in R1)
- The log-likelihood is
- where f Xi, Yi (xi, yi) fYi(yi)fXiYi(xiyi
) is the joint density - We assume fXiYi(xiyi) (2ps2) -1/2
- ? is a parameter for the regression of Xi on Yi
11Likelihood representation (as given in R1)
- The continuous variable has a conditional mean
that depends on the binary response. -
- This dependency induces association or
correlation between Yi and Xi. - Also note that so
that both ß1 and ß2 are regression parameter that
have marginal interpretations
12Parameter estimates (as given in R1)
- The parameter estimates for
may be obtained by solving the score
equations - The covariance of the parameter estimates can be
approximated by the inverse of the Fisher
information matrix
13Correlated Bivariate Model (as given in R1)
- Extensions of the previous model to allow for
clustering - The responses for the ith cluster consists of
(Xi, Yi), where - Xi (Xi1, Xi2, , Xini)', Yi (Yi1,
Yi2, , Yini)' - Let Zi (zi1, zi2, , zini)' represent the
covariates for the ith cluster
14Correlated Bivariate Model (as given in R1)
- The model for the mean is assumed to be
- where
- ?1 ?2 association between binary and
continuous responses made on the same unit within
a cluster - ?2 association between binary and continuous
responses made on different units within a
15Correlated Bivariate Model (as given in R1)
- Also assumed separate intracluster correlations,
?Y and ?X, respectively for the binary and
continuous responses - GEE methodology is used for the estimation of
(ß1, ß2, ?1, ?2). Method of moments estimators
for s2, ?Y and ?X. - Maximum likelihood estimation is quite
complicated in the clustered data setting
16A closer look at SimBaby and SCCOR examples
- The discrete variable (task performed yes/no)
and the continuous variable (time taken for the
task) is much more than correlated. The
continuous variable gets switched on to a
nonzero value only when the discrete variable is
yes. For these examples, maybe the joint
distribution for discrete and continuous
variables should be reformulated to reflect this. - If the continuous variable is e.g. time taken,
its range is 0, 8). Maybe a gamma distribution
assumption is better than a normal distribution
17Thank you!