Title: Key to Success
1Key to Success
- David Mason
- Content manager
- The London Grid for Learning
- www.lgfl.net
- david.mason_at_lgfl.org.uk
2Harnessing Technology
- Six priorities
- an integrated online information service for all
citizens - integrated online personal support for children
and learners - a collaborative approach to transforming teaching
and learning - a good quality training and support package for
practitioners - a leadership and development package for
organisational capability in ICT - a common digital infrastructure to support
transformation and reform
3LGfL support for Secondary
Anytime, anywhere content Shibbolethaward-winning
authenticated access system Videconferencing
service Curriculum consultants teamin-school
support (contact your LA)
4Secondary Maths
Skoool for KS3 and 4 Mathematical Association KS3
Maths Toolkit for whiteboards Mathematical
Association as mentor for LGfL Virtual Maths
Staffroom Pearsons GCSE Maths Exam Tutor Absorb
Maths for KS4
5Skoool KS3 4
6Skoool KS3 4
Anytime, anywhere personalised learning
7MA KS3 Maths Toolkit
Toolkit 2 create and save own scenarios,
everything online
8LGfL Virtual Maths Staffroom
9Secondary Science
Skoool Physics, Biology and Chemistry for KS3
4 Sunflower Learning Colour, Sound, Motors
Generators, Osmosis, Predator/Prey, Simple
Circuits Data Analyser units for KS3 4 Absorb
KS4Physics Chemistry Coming soon Multimedia
Science School units for KS3 4
10Sunflower Learning
DiDA (Edexcel) Mission Maker I-Media
(OCR) engagement and creativity
13Game authoring
Site licence for one location in every London
LA Training programme for LA/CLC
advisers Negotiating automatic upgrade
14Edexcel OCR
Edexcel DiDA Working with Pearson Edexcel on the
introduction of a games authoring DiDA unit
OCR I-Media Games authoringunits 7 and 8 at both
levels 2 and 3 Working with OCR and Immersive
Education on resources to support all units
15Sharing Good Practice projects
Some examples CSIBromley Using British Pathe in
Secondary History (Southwark) Barnet Migration
17Using British Pathe
18Barnet Migration project
19Coming soon
KS3 Englishlistening and interpreting media
(from Espresso) DiDA D201teacher and student
materials (from Pearson Edexcel) Steljes Smart
Ideas (mindmapping software) downloadable site
licence for all secondaries Geography
ICTLondon Weather Stations Online Business
StudiesVisual Business simulation covering all
of level 1 MFLRosetta Stone Italian Sony
PSPimproving the functionality of LGfL content
on the PSP
20Where to find it
21Where to find it