Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1EUROPLANET new horizons in FP7 as a European
Research Infrastructure for planetary science
M. Blanc N. Krupp A.-M. Hari H.O. Rucker S.
Miller M.L. Khodachenko, J.-P. Lebreton O.
Dutuit K. Szego M. Grande R. Srama M.T.
Capria G. Chanteur N. Mason
CESR/CNES, France Max-Planck Inst. for Solar
System Research, Germany Finnish Meteorological
Inst., Finland IWF, Austria University College
London, UK OP-Paris, France CNRS-LPG, France
KFKI-RMKI, Hungary University of Wales
Aberystwyth, UK Max-Planck Inst. for Nuclear
Physics, Germany INAF, Italy CNRS-IPSL, France
Open University, UK
2FP6 project Main Facts
? Submitted to the EU, April 15th, 2003 ?
Supported as a Coordination Action within
6-th Framework Program, Research Infrastructures
Action ? Funding 2 M, for up to 48 months ?
Start date Jan 1st, 2005
3FP6 project Main Facts
Objectives ? Increase the productivity of
planetary projects with European investment ?
Initiate a long-term improvement of the European
planetary science infrastructure ? Improve
European scientific competitiveness, develop and
spread expertise in this research area ?
Improve public understanding of planetary
4FP6 project Structure
N1 EuroPlaNet Management Michel Blanc
42 participants (60 institutions/labs.)
from 17 EU countries 42 associate participants
Krupp, Hari Rucker, Miller Lebreton
Discipline Working Groups
Ground-based Observation Coordination
Outreach Strategy
Dutuit, Szego
Personnel Exchange
Activity N2 Discipline working groups
Establishment of discipline working groups in
the different science areas of planetary sciences
with the aim to cover all major fields of
planetary sciences.
Activity N4 Developing an outreach
strategy Developing a pan-European outreach plan
that will help to associate the European Citizens
to the Planetary Exploration program activities
in Europe (incl. space agencies, research
institutes, Universities and science museums).
Activity N5 Personnel exchange Supporting key
exchanges of personnel between research groups
with the aim to establish a long-term working
relation between the groups.
Activity N7 Design and development of the
IDIS Creation of an Integrated and Distributed
Information Service (IDIS) and its further
evolution into a European Virtual Planetary
Activity N3 Coordinated space/earth-based
observations Developing synergies between in-situ
exploration of the planetary systems and
telescope observations from the ground or Earth
Activity N6 Meetings, conferences Organisation
of EuroPlaNet meetings during the project.
Srama, Grande
Chanteur, Capri
5General Philosophy
ESAPlanetary Missions
Venus Express
Bepi Colombo
Smart 1
Mars Express
6FP7 project Motivation
? EUROPLANET in modern space missions context
7FP7 project Motivation
? EUROPLANET -- Two main scientific objectives
- 1. Science activities in support of the
optimal use of data from - past and present space missions (using
IDIS and involving the - broad planetary science community)
- 2. Science activities for the preparation of
future planetary missions - Earth-based preparatory observations,
laboratory studies, RTD on - advanced instrumentation and exploration
technologies, theory - and modelling
? Integrated Research Infrastructure (RI) project
-- the form for continuation of
8FP7 project Motivation
? Main available RIs in EUROPLANET
? Space Missions ? Earth-based Observatories and
their instruments ? Laboratory facilities open
to the community ? Data Bases ? Numerical
codes computing facilities for cooperative and
coordinated use by a community ? IDIS -- the
common portal and scientific server for access to
and use of planetary science resources (data
bases, infos, communication)
-- Improvement and development of these tools and
services, -- stimulation and dissemination of
their use
9FP7 project Motivation
? EUROPLANET-RI project goals in FP7
- Central aim to overcome the current
fragmentation of the EU - planetary science
community. - two ways
- 1. Achievement of a long-term integration of the
European planetary - science community with the purpose of
enhancing the quality and - productivity of the European planetary
science (was started with - Europlanet in FP6 as Coordination Action)
- 2. Maximizing synergies between different
contributing fields, (space- - and earth- based observations,
laboratory studies, data base - development, theoretical and numerical
modelling) by creation of a - major distributed European
infrastructure for planetary science to - be shared, fed and expanded by scientists.
10FP7 project Motivation
? EUROPLANET-RI project goals in FP7
- Central aim to overcome the current
fragmentation of the EU - planetary science
community. - two ways
- 1. Achievement of a long-term integration of the
European planetary - science community with the purpose of
enhancing the quality and - productivity of the European planetary
science (was started with - Europlanet in FP6 as Coordination Action)
- 2. Maximizing synergies between different
contributing fields, (space- - and earth- based observations,
laboratory studies, data base - development, theoretical and numerical
modelling) by creation of a - major distributed European
infrastructure for planetary science to - be shared, fed and expanded by scientists.
A special focus of EUROPLANET RI is the
development of research infrastructures
in support of present and future planetary
exploration missions.
11FP7 project Main Facts
? EUROPLANET proposal in FP7
? Project type Integrating Activity under
the FP7 Specific Programme
"Capacities", in its Part 1 Research
Infrastructures. ? Project Funding Scheme
Combination of Collaborative Project and
Coordination and Support Action (CP-CSA).
(allows maintaining under the same grant
agreement of Research,
Coordination and Support activities) ?
Requested funds 8,000,000 Euro ? Number of
participants 27 institutes (leaders of project
tasks) ? Project structure Combination, in a
closely co-ordinated manner, of (i)
Joint research activities (JRA) -- 4 JRAs (1,
2, 3, JRA-IDIS) (ii) Trans-national access
/ service activities (TNA / SA) -- 3 TNAs, 1 SA
(iiI) Networking activities (NA) -- 4 NAs,
12FP7 project Main Facts
? EUROPLANET proposal in FP7
? 3 TNA activities will provide a wide community
of users the opportunity to exploit the
unique range of laboratory and field site
facilities selected for the project. ?
SA IDIS (Integrated and Distributed Information
Service) will provide a user-friendly
web-based access to the available planetary
science data, information and software
tools. ? 4 JRAs will broaden the scope and
range of the EUROPLANET RI by opening
access to new field sites, developing innovative
tools, upgrading and improving laboratory
facilities and widening the opportunity of
remote data access by upgrading IDIS into
Planetary Virtual Observatory. ? 4 NAs will
publicize the aims, objectives and opportunities
of the research infrastructure and
disseminate project results amongst the
scientific community, industries, SMEs,
space agencies and the public.
13FP7 project Structure
? Interaction of EUROPLANET components
14FP7 Functional connection of the project
Data flow Knowledge flow
I. Data acquisition
II. Data operation
III. Sci. Knowledge acquisition
IV. Sci. Knowledge operation
15FP7 project Main Facts
? EUROPLANET management structure
16FP7 project Main Facts
? EUROPLANET consortium structure
? 4 levels of the project community
17FP7 project Main Facts
? EUROPLANET added values
? EUROPLANET will provide the European
planetary science community with a unique
RI and services, combining access to a suite of
state of the art research facilities
while fostering their joint development
and integration in terms of capacity and
performance. ? EUROPLANET will play a vital
role, enhancing the European Union as a
leading player in future planetary and space
exploration and structuring the European
Research Area in this field. ? EUROPLANET
research infrastructure will include access to
laboratory and field site facilities,
to advanced modelling and data analysis
resources, to the data produced by
space missions and ground-based telescopes
? will maximise the scientific exploitation
and impact of major European investment
in space missions and ground - based