Title: XTerminator 3 Rise of the HPs
1print smart
Jerry Rodman jrodman_at_lbmsys.com 203-966-0661
2- About LBM Systems
- Headquarters in New Canaan CT
- 1500 Customers Worldwide
- -John Deere to SMB Clients
- Software Developer for Unix, Linux, AS 400, and
Windows - 25 Years in Business
- HP Primary Solution Partner for 7 years
- Software suite called AXIAR
3Cost Reduction/Containment
Printer/MFP cost savings fleet optimization,
lower CPP devices, Managed Print Services, etc.
OS/application cost savings server
consolidation, virtualization, Linux, new
chipsets, etc.
Print stream cost savings AXIAR
Print request
Printed output
4How can we help you print more efficiently?
print smart
Error Detection
Back-up Printing
Print Management
User Profiles
Low-Cost Routing
Print Billing
Assess Optimize Manage
5Eliminate Waste
6Back-up Printing
3. AXIAR detects the printer is down and routes
to a back-up printer.
1. User submits 100 page job to printer
2. AXIAR manages communication with printer
4. AXIAR notifies the user via Windows Pop-up,
Email, and/or Banner Page of the change in
Printing Location
7How can we get people to use the less expensive
3 Cents a Page
1 Cent a Page
100,000 2,000 Saving per printer
How much could be saved enterprise wide?
8Low-Cost Routing
1. User submits 100 page job to printer
3. 100 Page Job Prints
2. AXIAR routes print Job to less expensive
4. AXIAR notifies the user via Windows Pop-up,
Email, and/or Banner Page of the change in
Printing Location
9- Control Print Streams
- Control your print environment
- Manage Print Streams
- Monitor Employees
- Capture Statistics
- Archive Jobs
- User Level Records
- Limit Access to Printers
Assess Optimize Manage
10Question and Answer
Jerry Rodman 203-966-0661 x 20 jrodman_at_lbmsys.com
Joe Salsbury 603-766-0090 jsalsbury_at_manageflex.