Title: On the Road to a Technology Rich School
1On the Road to a Technology Rich School
2Workstation Deployment Process--LCS
- Dr. Bill Piotrowski
- Machines, Money and Making It All Happen in Leon
County Schools
3State Federal MandatesLeon County Products
- No Child Left Behind
- FL Staff Development Protocol
- FL Star Report
- FL Accomplished Teacher Practices (EAP 12)
- LCS Standards, Competencies and Indicators
- LCS Web Portal
4LCS Competency Levels
Entry Intermediate Advanced Target
An entry level teacher has limited skills and knowledge about technology. This teacher has beginning awareness of curriculum integration possibilities. An intermediate level teacher is developing proficiency with technology skills. This teacher is beginning to integrate technology into instructional activities. An advanced level teacher has proficiency and understanding about the capabilities of technology. This teacher integrates technology into curriculum planning, delivery, and assessment. A target level is highly skilled in using a wide range of technology. This teacher consistently integrates technology into all professional practices. This teacher models technology use and trains others in the learning community.
5Car Analogy
- Buying a car?
- Consumer Reports Driving Lessons
- Practice.
- Refuel.
- Monitor progressno tickets!
- Many Ways to get there.
- Bumps in the Road
- Relevant, Ongoing, Aligned, and Dedicated to
Teacher Integration (R.O.A.D Professional
Development) Training
6Bottom Line
- You drive the technology integration in your
classroom and assess student achievement! - We need techno savvy teachers!
- Students are the winners!
- If you were a car, what make and model would you
- Introduction Xp OS
- Understanding the Network
- Outlook and Email
9Get on the Road Xp OS
- Fresh Interface
- Basic Navigation and Desktop Properties
- Add Printers
- Understanding the Network
- Legal Issues
10Easy Grade Pro
- Electronic Grading Program for any teacher in any
11Communication 101
- Outlook
- Email
- Calendars
- 24 Hour a day, Any time access
- www.webmail.leon.k12.fl.us
12Hardware Set Up
- Connecting your own cords Mouse, Keyboard, CPU,
Internet Power - Screen Pivot
- Start Up
- 24 Hour a day, Any time access
- www.webmail.leon.k12.fl.us
- Archive Tools-Options-Other-AutoArchive
- Out of Office Assistant Tools-Out of Office
Assistance - Make Folders New Folder or Right Click
- Delete BOTH Sent Items and Deleted Items
14LCS Technology Survey
- Still in development, our group will test the
surveys first component. - Go to http//www.tandl.leon.k12.fl.us/instruction
altechnology/index.html - Click New User and complete data.
- The password will be sent to your e-mail.
- Log in and click through the survey.
- Please put comments about layout and ease of use
at the end.
15Internet Use Resources
- Browsers Tool Bars
- URLs, Search Engines Boolean Searches
(worksheets) - Legal Issues (find LCS AUP)
- COPPA Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act
- Evaluating Web Sites
- Teacher Applications
- Web Resources-
- Professional and Instructional
16What is a Browser?
A software web browser program must be used to
view web resources, including text, graphics,
photos, and other media. Two examples of common
web browsers are Microsoft's Internet Explorer
and Netscape's Navigator. Both of these browsers
are free and can be downloaded and installed on
your computer.
17What is an URL?
Addresses for web locations are called URLs. When
you're connected to the Internet, the URL tells
your computer where to go to access a particular
resource. URLs are similar to e-mail addresses in
that they both specify locations. A URL can give
you a lot of information, such as the name of
the machine where the resource is located, the
directory structure, and maybe even the name of
the file itself.
Protocol or Access Method
Machine Name/Network
Html file
18Educator Web Sites
- FL Instructional Technology Resource Center
http//www.itrc.ucf.edu/ - SUNLINK www.sunlink.ucf.edu
- Intel Education www.intel.com\education
- UWF STEPS http//www.ibinder.uwf.edu/steps/welcome
.cfm - Miami Museum of Science http//intech2000.miamisci
.org/ - PAEC http//www.paec.org
- Beacon Learning http//www.beaconlc.org/BEACON/
- Museums http//www.flamuseums.org
19Instructional Internet Applications
- Research
- Virtual Field Trip
- Web Quests
- Web Pages
- Collaboration outside of Class
20Resources From Summer Training 2005
- Developed by Jennifer Womble
- womblej_at_mail.leon.k12.fl.us