Title: BPI Building Analyst I Training
1Energy Efficiency at Home
2Energy Efficiency and Energy Management Why is
it important today?
3What is Energy Efficiency?
- Energy efficiency is doing more with the same
amount of energy or less energy. - Energy efficiency saves money and makes buildings
more comfortable, healthy, and safe.
4Benefits of Energy Efficiency
- Lowers utility bills
- Increases comfort safety
- Reduces pollution
- Makes our economy stronger
- Increases our energy security
5There are many ways we can use energy more
efficiently. Can you name some?
6Past Achievements of Energy Efficiency
- Mandated efficiency improvements for
refrigerators in the 80s have prevented the
construction of over 40 large power plants.
(Rocky Mountain Institute) - It is estimated that efficiency improvements
already made have reduced our total energy
consumption by 25. (Alliance to Save Energy)
7National ENERGY STAR Program
- Joint program of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of
Energy. - National symbol for energy efficiency.
- Products and/or buildings must meet certain
standards to display label. - For homes businesses.
8There is still a lot to be done!
- U.S. power plants discard more energy in waste
heat than is needed to run the entire Japanese
economy. (Rocky Mountain Institute ) - According to U.S. EPA, our nations buildings use
30 more energy than they need to. These savings
can be had simply by using existing technology.
9How Do You Use Energy at Home?
10What is the largest user of energy in your home?
12True or False?
13 Don't turn down your thermostat at night. You
will use just as much energy as you save at night
heating the building back up in the morning."
14It's false!
The Facts
Studies have confirmed that thermostat
temperature setback saves energy. You can expect
to save roughly 1 to 3 of your fuel bill for
every degree you turn down the temperature for
100 hours per week in the heating season.
15What is the second largest user of energy in your
16Electricity Whats a Watt?
- Its a measurement of electrical power.
- The more watts that a light or appliance uses,
the more energy it uses. - An efficient light or appliance does more work
while using fewer watts to get the job done. - Electric companies charge us for how many
kilowatt hours we use. A kilowatt is 1,000 watts.
17What are the major users of electricity in the
- Electric Space Heaters
- Air Conditioning
- Electric Water Heaters
- Refrigerators/Freezers
- Electric Dryers
- Pool heaters/hot tubs
- Lighting
- Home entertainment and computers
18What is the third largest user of energy in your
19Natural Gas Water Heater
20Simple Ways to Save Heating, Cooling Hot Water
- Heating Turn down the heat at night and whenever
you leave for the day. Use a programmable
thermostat. - Cooling Fans use much less energy than air
conditioning. Use them whenever possible. - Hot Water Set water temperature to 120oF.
21What is the fourth largest user of energy in your
22- Refrigerators
- Refrigerator efficiency has improved dramatically
in the last 30 years. - A refrigerator that is only 10 years old uses
double the electricity of a new ENERGY STAR
refrigerator. - To see how your refrigerator compares to an
ENERGY STAR model go to www.GetEnergySmart.org
and click on ENERGY STAR products. Click on
REFRIGERATOR and use the savings Calculator.
23Summary Where We Use Energy at Home
24Simple Ways to Save Electrical Appliances
- Appliances Evaluate to determine if newer, more
energy-efficient models would be beneficial. - Refrigerator Clean coils and check to see if
gaskets are tight. - Computer Enable power management settings.
25- Personal Computers
- Computers consume from 30 watts (laptops) to
over 200 watts for some older desktop models. - In systems that use Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)
monitors, the monitor is the biggest user of
energy in the system. - New, flat panel monitors use 30 less energy.
26Disable screensavers!
Personal Computers
Enable Power Management Settings
- Set your computer to automatically go into
STANDBY mode after 10 minutes. - To bring it back up, either move your mouse or
hit the power button (depending on your machine).
Types of Lighting
30- Ballast maintains an electric current that runs
through the tube from one end to the other. - Current causes mercury gas to emit ultraviolet
(UV) radiation (which we cant see). - Phosphors on the inside of the tube glow when
they come in contact with the UV.
31Compact Fluorescent
- Miniature fluorescent with built in ballast
- Ideal for replacement of incandescent lamps
- Saves 66-75 on energy use
- Lasts 7-10 times longer than an incandescent
- Low heat output
- Improved color rendition
32Do CFLs really save money? Do the Math!
33Simple Ways to Save Lighting
- Turn off the lights whenever they are not in use.
- Use daylighting when possible.
- Use task lighting.
34Replace incandescent lighting with ENERGY STAR
Start with the fixtures that you use the most.