Title: Real-Time Communication - Industrial Embedded Systems
1Real-Time Communication - Industrial Embedded
Hoai Hoang, Magnus Jonsson School of Information
Science, Computer and Electrical Engineering,
Halmstad University, Sweden
2Problem statement
- Embedded systems become more complex
- Increase the demand on heterogeneity, QoS
- Low down the cost installation, maintenance
ERIEYE radar system (EMW)
3Main research's goals
- Developing Real-time services over System Area
Networks using Switch Ethernet - Support special traffic pattern for embedded
system - Find the communication solution
- Meet real-time demand
- Guarantee networks performances
4Project overview
- Using pure switched base network
- Increase heterogeneity, performance...
- Support time-critical applications
- Focus on real-time service in industrial and
embedded system. - Provide both real-time and non-real-time traffic
5Related work
Real-time traffic handling
Coordination ofmany-to-manycommunication etc
Switched Full-Duplex Real-Time Ethernet Network
6Previous result
- Proposed method for distribution end-to-end
deadline for messages - Improve network performances special master-slave
7Previous result
75 more channels using asymmetric deadline
partitioning for a network with 10 master nodes
and 50 slave nodes. Each channel i is
characterized by Ci3, Pi100, Di40
8Real-time over WANs
- Extend the network topology
- More switches in the network
- Multihop network
- Guarantee real-time communication over WANs
9Real-time over WANs
- Sender, Receiver
- Deadline (relative)
- End-to-End (D)
- Node-to-Node (Dj)
- Minimum (minDj)
- The RTC feasible If
10Real-time over WANs
- Slack can occur
- Question What the system do with the slack?
11Real-time over WANs
- Ferrari and Verma Divide it equally between the
Node-to-Node deadlines of the channel - We divide it such that links with a history of
demanding traffic gets more
12Real-time over WANs
- We want to see if our approach is better, in the
sense that more real-time traffic can be feasible
schedule. - For what kind of topologies?
- Under what kind of traffic patterns?
13Real-time over SAN - Future works
Emerging SAN (and LAN) standards
- Real-time services
- Normal data exchange
- Synchronization of software processes
- Real-time debugging
- Clock synchronization
- Group communication (many-to-many etc)
- etc
Single real-timemulti-service SANin each
- Problem The SAN standards do not deliver this
real-time multi-service functionality as is. At
the same time the industry has to cope with
complex designs, high engineer efforts and high
product costs when forced to use several
service-specific networks in the same application.
14Real-time over SAN - Future works
- Heterogeneous communication
- Heterogeneous network
- Heterogeneous services
- Example Radar signal processing systems
- Control traffic, periodic with a master-slave
pattern and delay-bound - Data traffic (radar data), periodic with a very
high bit-rate and a partially pipelined data
flow. Probabilistically guaranteed delay-bound - Other non-real-time traffic