Title: Phylum Nematoda
1Phylum Nematoda
- Most abundant animal on earth
- Diverse
- Important role in
- Decomposition and nutrient cycling
- Human health
- Agriculture (animal and plant)
- Science
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2Nematodes that live in soil are -
microscopic - transparent
reproductive system
4Plant parasitic nematodes have stylets
5Microbivorous nematodes have open stoma
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10ectoparasitic nematodes - only the stylet enters
11- endoparasitic nematodes
- enter into the root and feed from the inside
- sedentary root knot and cyst
nematodes - migratory root lesion
egg mass
12Sedentary Endoparasites
All sedentary endoparasites have specialized
feeding sites in the root.
13- root knot nematodes Meloidogyne spp.
- vegetable and ornamental crops
- 4 major species
- (many more)
14root-knot affects both quality and yield
15root knot female (on the head of a pin)
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17juvenile stages female
juvenile male
adult stages
18nematode feeds on 4-6 giant cells
19Diagnosing a root knot nematode problem
Which plants are infected with root knot nematode?
symptoms sign
20sign root knot egg masses stained red
21cyst nematode Heterodera spp.
Many species - narrow host range - named for
primary host
SCN Management Guide
cyst dead body of female
22SCN is the most important disease of soybean in
the U.S.
23susceptible cultivar on left / resistant on right
24Heterodera glycinessoybean cyst nematode
nematode feeding cells
26soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines
27Symptoms stunting, chlorosis, patchy
distribution in field