Title: Tieyan Li, Hongjun Wu, Feng Bao, Henry Lee'
1Flagship project SmartCondo-gtSecureSensor
Design SenSec with improvement cryptanalysis
Tieyan Li, Hongjun Wu, Feng Bao, Henry
Lee. InfoComm Security Department
(ICSD) Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) 9th,
Jul. 2004
- Improvement and cryptanalysis SenSec (formerly
TinySec) - Improvement
- Cryptanalysis
- Packet format
- Analyze overheads
- Analyze performance
- Source code (to be changes)
- New component graph
- In proceeding
- TinySec
- Optional design (No TinySec, TinySec-Auth
(default), TinySec-AE). Confusing - Using a block cipher for both encryption
authentication is smart. Processing encryption
authentication separately is not wise - Assuming Msg gt 8 bytes. How to process smaller
msg - SenSec
- AE by default (SenSec-AE). Clearing
- Completing encryption authentication in one
process. Saving energy (-2) - Assuming all msg lengths (including lt 8 bytes).
Padding additional bytes with msg length nlt8
- The IV in TinySec
- Each sensor keeps an IV for every destination
address - If too many destination addresses, high memory
consumption - If limited memory space, same IV being used
repeatedly - TinySec -- assume each sensor communicate with
only a few sensors - (say, 4 or 5). Not general.
- SenSec
- Keep the one byte group ID (distinguish the
group messages) - Each sensor only needs to keep one IV
- No restriction on the number of sensors in a
group to communicate with each other (group id,
one byte, differentiate the motes in the
different groups)
5SenSec (Packet format)
Old packet (CRC) 7 b
Authentication Only (TinySec-Auth) 8 b
Authentication, Encryption (TinySec-AE) 12 b
Dest (2)
AM (1)
Len (1)
Data (0..29)
MAC (4)
Ctr (3)
Grp (1)
(SenSec) 12 b
6SenSec (Predicted Overhead)
7SenSec (Performance Summary)
8SenSec (Sources need to be changed)
- tos.interfaces (may not be the same name)
- TinySec.nc _at_author Tieyan Li
- TinySecControl.nc _at_author Tieyan Li
- MAC.nc _at_author Hongjun Wu, Interface to
compute a message authentication code. - BlockCipher.nc _at_author Hongjun Wu
- BlockCipherInfo.nc _at_author Hongjun Wu
- BlockCipherMode.nc _at_author Hongjun Wu, Presents
an encryption mode interface on type of the
BlockCipher interface - tos.lib.TinySec (may not be the same name)
- AMStandardTinySec.nc _at_author Tieyan Li
- CBCMAC.nc _at_author Hongjun Wu
- CBCModeM.nc _at_author Hongjun Wu, Implements
Cross Block Chaining mode. - Security.nc _at_author Hongjun Wu
- SecurityM.nc _at_author Hongjun Wu
- SkipJackM.nc _at_author Hongjun Wu
- TinySecC.nc _at_author Tieyan Li
- TinySecM.nc _at_author Tieyan Li
9SenSec (Component graph)
10In proceeding
Available at http//www.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/icsd/Se
Thank you! Q A