Title: Computer Security Cryptography an introduction
1Computer SecurityCryptography an introduction
- key KE
key KD - x plaintext
y ciphertext
original plaintext x
. encryption
decryption -
- A cryptosystem involves
- an encryption algorithm E, and a
- a decryption algorithm D
- Both algorithms make use of a key.
- Let KE be the encryption key and KD the
decryption key. - For symmetric cryptosystems the same key is used
both - encryption and decryption KE KD.
- If P is the plaintext message, C the ciphertext,
then for - symmetric cryptosystems
- C EK(P) and P DK(EK(P)) DK(C)
- For an asymmetric cryptosystem
- C EKE(P) and P DKD(EKE(P)) DKD(C)
5Kerchoffs assumption
- The adversary knows all details of the
- encrypting function except the secret key
6Symmetric key encryption
- There are two types of cipher systems
- Stream ciphers,
- Block ciphers.
7Stream ciphers
x ISSOPMI y wdhuvad
Key KE
8Block ciphers
Key KE
wdmar .
9Cryptanalysis Attacks on Cryptosystems
- Ciphertext only attack the opponent possesses a
string of ciphertexts y1, y2, - Known plaintext attack the opponent possesses a
string of plaintexts x1, x2, and the
corresponding string of ciphertexts y1, y2,
10 Attacks on Cryptosystems
- Chosen plaintext attack the opponent can choose
a string of plaintexts x1, x2, and obtain the
corresponding string of ciphertexts y1, y2, - Chosen ciphertext attack the opponent can choose
a string of ciphertexts y1, y2, and get the
corresponding string of plaintexts x1, x2, - Brute force attack exhaustively, for a given
plaintext x and ciphertext y try encrypting x
with all possible keys until you get the
ciphertext y.
11 Attacks on Cryptosystems
- In all these attacks the goal of the adversary is
to decrypt a challenge ciphertext.
12Cryptanalysis(breaking cryptosystems)
- Ciphertext attack the traditional way was to
use the statistical properties of the language.
Most of the classical ciphers are broken this
way. - Known plaintext attack Linear Cryptanalysis,
see DES. - Chosen plaintext attack Differential
cryptanalysis, see DES. -
13Block ciphersAn overview of the DES Algorithm
- DES is an iterated block cipher with
- 16 rounds,
- block length 64 bits and
- key length 56 bits
14Iterating Block ciphers
- 1. Iterated block cipher
- Random (binary) key K ? round keys K1,,
2. Round function g w r g(w r-1, K
r), where w r-1 is the previous state
15Iterated cipher
Encryption operation w0 ? x (x
plaintext) w1 g(w0, K1), w2 g(w1,
K2), wNr g(wNr-1, KNr), y ? wNr
(y ciphertext)
16Iterated cipher
- For decryption we must have
- g(.,K) must be invertible for all K
- Then decryption is the reverse of encryption
- (bottom-up)
17Data Encryption Standard
- DES is a special type of iterated cipher called a
- Feistel cipher.
- Block length 64 bits
- Key length 56 bits
- Ciphertext length 64 bits
- The round function is
- g(Li-1,Ri-1 ),Ki ) (Li ,Ri),
- where
- Li Ri-1 and Ri Li-1 XOR f (Ri-1, Ki),
- with f (? , ?) the inner function
19A DES round encryption
20DES computation path
21The DES inner function
22Inner function f
- Combines 32 bit input and 48 bit key into 32 bit
output by - Expanding a 32 bit input to 48 bits
- XOR the 48 bit key with the expanded 48 bit input
- Applying the S-boxes to the 48 bit input to
produce 32 bit output - Permuting the resulting 32 bits
23S Boxes
- There are 8 different S-Boxes,1 for each chunk
- S-box process maps 6 bit input to 4 bit output
- S box performs substitution on 4 bits
- There are 8 possible substitutions in each S box
- Inner 4 bits are fed into an S box
- Outer 2 bits determine which substitution is used
24DES Initial and Final Permutations
- There is also an initial and a final permutation
the - final permutation is the inverse of the initial
25Decrypting DES
- DES (and all Feistel structures) is reversible
through a - reverse encryption because
- No input data is mangled and passed to the output
- The properties of XOR
- S-boxes are not reversible (and don't need to be)
- Everything needed (except the key) to produce the
input - to the n-1th step is available from the
output of the nthstep. - 4. The input to the nth step is the output of the
n-1th step. - 5. Work backwards to step 1.
26Encrypt round n Decrypt round n1
64 bit output
27Attacks on DES
- Brute force
- Linear Cryptanalysis
- -- Known plaintext attack
- Differential cryptanalysis
- Chosen plaintext attack
- Modify plaintext bits, observe change in
ciphertext - No dramatic improvement on brute force
28Countering Attacks
- Large keyspace combats brute force attack
- Triple DES (say EDE mode, with usually 2 keys)
- Use AES
29Modes of operation
- Four basic modes of operation are available for
- block ciphers
- Electronic codebook mode ECB
- Cipher block chaining mode CBC
- Cipher feedback mode CFB
- Output feedback mode OFB
30Electronic Codebook mode, ECB
- Each plaintext xi is encrypted with the same key
K - yi eK(xi).
- So, the naïve use of a block cipher.
32Cipher Block Chaining mode, CBC
- Each cipher block yi-1 is xor-ed with the next
plaintext xi - yi eK(yi-1 XOR
xi) - before being encrypted to get the next plaintext
yi. - The chain is initialized with
- an initialization vector y0 IV
- with length, the block size.
34Cipher and Output feedback modes (CFB OFB)
- z0 IV and recursively
- zi eK(yi-1) and yi xi
XOR zi - OFB
- z0 IV and recursively
- zi eK(zi-1) and yi xi
XOR zi
35CFB mode
36OFB mode
37Double Triple DES
- Double DES C E(k2,E(k1,m))
- Triple DES C
- Block length 128 bits.
- Key lengths 128 (or 192 or 256).
- The AES is an iterated cipher with Nr10 (or 12
or 14) - In each round we have
- Subkey mixing State ? Roundkey XOR State
- A substitution SubBytes(State)
- A permutation ShiftRows(State)
39One time pad
- This is a binary stream cipher whose key
stream is a random stream. - This cipher has perfect secrecy.
40One time pad
- The One-Time-Pad is a Stream Cipher for which
- The plaintext x e P, ciphertext y e C and key K e
K are - all binary n-tuples.
- P C K (Z2)n
- and
- eK(x) (x1K1, , xnKn) mod 2
- Decryption is identical to encryption
- dK(x) (y1K1, , ynKn) mod 2
41Perfect secrecy
- Definition
- We have perfect secrecy if
- PrXx Yy PrXx ,
- for all x e P ,y e C.
42Perfect secrecy
- Theorem
- The One-Time-Pad provides perfect secrecy.
- Proof
- Fix the plaintext x e P.
- For each ciphertext y e C there is at least one
key K with - y eK (x) xK mod 2,
- and, for each plaintext x e P there is a key K
with - x dK (y) yK mod 2.
- So C K, and there is exactly one key K with
- y eK (x) .
43Perfect secrecy
- Proof, continued
- Using Bayes theorem
- Prxy Pryx (Prx / Pry)
- PrKK (Prx / Pry).
- We have PrKK 1/K Pry.
- It follows that
- Prxy Prx,
- so we have perfect secrecy.
44Asymmetric key encryptionPublic Key Cryptography
45Public Key Cryptography
Alice and Bob want to exchange a private key in
46Public Key CryptographyThe Diffie-Hellman
- Alice ga mod p
Bob - gb mod p
- The private key is gab mod p
- where p is a prime and g is a generator of Zp
47Finite Fields
- Theorem
- If p is a prime then Zp is a cyclic group.
- The generator of Zp is called a primitive element
- modulo p
48Public Key CryptographyEncryption schemes
- Let
- P be the set of all plaintext messages
- C be the set of ciphertexts
- K be the set of all keys
49The RSA cryptosystem
- Let n pq, where p and q are primes.
- Let P C Zn, and define
- K (n,p,q,e,d) ed 1 mod f(n) .
- For each key K (n,p,q,e,d), define
- c eK(m) me mod n
- and
- dK(c) cd mod n,
- where (m,c) e Zn.
- Public key (n,e), Private key (n,d).
- We have ed 1 mod f(n), so ed 1 tf(n).
- Therefore,
- dK(eK(m)) (me)d med m tf(n)1
- (mf(n)) t m 1.m m
mod n
- p 101, q 113, n 11413.
- f (n) 100x112 11200 26527
- For encryption use e 3533.
- Then d e-1 mod11200 6597.
- Bob publishes n 11413, e 3533.
- Suppose Alice wants to encrypt 9726.
- She computes 97263533 mod 11413 5761
- To decrypt it Bob computes
- 57616597 mod 11413 9726
- Generate two large primes p,q
- n ? pq and f (n) (p-1)(q-1)
- Choose random e with 1ltelt f (n) gcd(e,f (n))1
- d ? e -1 mod f (n)
- The public key is (n,e) and the private key is
53Security of RSA
- Relation to factoring.
- Recovering the plaintext m from an RSA
ciphertext c is - easy if factoring is possible.
- The RSA problem
- Given (n,e) and c, compute m such that me c
mod n -
54The ElGamal encryption scheme
- Let p be a prime and g e Zp a primitive element.
- Let P Zp-1,
- C Zp-1 x Zp-1 and
- K (p,g,x,y) y gx modp .
- The values p,g,y are the public key.
- x is the private key.
55The ElGamal encryption scheme
- Encryption
- Let m e Zp-1 be a message.
- For K (p,g,x,y) y gx mod p , and
secret random - number k e Zp-1, define eK(m,k) (s,t),
where - s gk mod p
- t m yk mod p
- Decryption
- For s,t e Zp-1, define dK(s,t) t
(sx)-1mod p
56The security of ElGamal
- The Diffie-Hellman problem.
- Given a prime p,g e Zp-1, and x,y e Zp-1,
find x log gy mod p. - The security of the ElGamal encryption is reduced
to the - difficulty of breaking the Diffie-Hellman
57Digital Signatures
58Public Key CryptographySignature schemes
- Let
- P be the set of all messages
- A be the set of signatures
- K be the set of all keys
59The RSA digital signature
- Let n pq, where p and q are primes.
- Let P A Zn , and define
- K (n,p,q,e,d) ed 1 mod f(n) .
- For each key K (n,p,q,e,d), define
- sigK(m) md mod n
- and
- verK(m,y) true ye m mod
n, - where (m,y) e Zn.
- Public key (n,e), Private key (n,d).
60The ElGamal signature scheme
- Let p be a prime and g e Zp a primitive
element. - Let P Zp-1,
- A Zp-1 x Zp-1 and
- K (p,g,x,y) y gx modp .
- The values p,g,y are the public key.
- x is the private key.
61The ElGamal signature scheme
- Signing
- Let m e Zp-1 be a message.
- For K (p,g,x,y) y gx mod p , and
secret random - number k e Zp-1, define sigK(m,k) (s,t),
where - s gk mod p
- t (m-xs)k-1 mod p-1
- Verification
- verK(m,(s,t)) true
stys gm modp .
62Toy example
- Let p 467, g 2, x 127,
- message m 100,
- Choose k 213. Then k-1mod 466 431.
- The signature is
- s 2213 mod 467 29
- t (m-xs)k-1 mod(p-1) (100-127x29)431 mod 466
51 - Verification 2100 ?? 132292951 mod 467
63The security of the ElGamal signature
- If the Discrete Logarithm problem can be solved
then ElGamal signatures can be forged. - The converse may not be true.
- The exponent k must be
- private
- cannot be used twice
- best chosen at random.
64The Digital Signature Algorithm
- Let p be a an L-bit prime prime,
- 512 ? L ? 1024 and L ? 0 mod 64 ,
- let q be a 160-bit prime that divides p-1 and
- Let ? e Zp be a q-th root of 1 modulo p.
- Let P Zp-1,
- A Zq x Zq and
- K (p,q,?,x,y) y ? x modp .
- The values ?,y are the public key.
- x is the private key.
65The Digital Signature scheme
- Signing
- Let m e Zp-1 be a message.
- For K (p,q,?,x,y) y ?x mod p , and
secret random - number k e Zp-1, define sigK(m,k) (s,t),
where - s (?k mod p) mod q
- t (SHA1(m)xs)k-1mod q
- Verification
- Let
- e1 SHA1(m) t-1 mod q
- e2 st-1 mod q
- verK(m,(s,t)) true
(?e1 ye2 mod p) mod q s).
66The Digital Signature scheme
- Verification continued
- Check
- (?e1 ye2 mod p) mod q (? SHA1(m) t-1 y
st-1mod p) mod q - (?
SHA1(m) t-1 ? xst-1mod p) mod q - (?
SHA1(m) t-1 ? xst-1mod p) mod q - (?
(SHA1(m) xs)t-1mod p) mod q - (? k mod
p) mod q s -
67Cryptographic hash functions
- Messages can be quite long. Therefore, before
digitally signing a - message it is hashed.
- A hash function (unkeyed) is a mapping h X ? Y,
- where
- X is a set of possible messages
- Y is the set of possible message digests
- Message digests have fixed length (typically 160
bits, - but also 256 or 516)
68Properties of cryptographic hash functions
- One way or preimage resistant given a hash
function h, - and a message digest y, the equation
- y h(x) cannot be solved efficiently for x.
- Second preimage resistant given a hash function
h, - a message x and the message digest y h(x),
- the equation y h(x) cannot be solved
efficiently for - a second preimage x, different from x, with
y h(x). - Collision resistant one cannot find efficiently
a pair of distinct messages x, x for which h(x)
69Properties of cryptographic hash functions
- One way or preimage resistant given a hash
function h, - and a message digest y, the equation
- y h(x) cannot be solved efficiently for x.
- Second preimage resistant given a hash function
h, - a message x and the message digest y h(x),
- the equation y h(x) cannot be solved
efficiently for - a second preimage x, different from x, with
y h(x). - Collision resistant one cannot find efficiently
a pair of distinct messages x, x for which h(x)
70Properties of cryptographic hash functions
- One way or preimage resistant given a hash
function h, - and a message digest y, the equation
- y h(x) cannot be solved efficiently for x.
- Second preimage resistant given a hash function
h, - a message x and the message digest y h(x),
- the equation y h(x) cannot be solved
efficiently for - a second preimage x, different from x, with
y h(x). - Collision resistant one cannot find efficiently
a pair of distinct messages x, x for which h(x)