Experimental - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ex post facto research designs - observes what is or what has been, also has the ... however the resourcefulness and creativeness of the researcher are needed to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Experimental

Experimental and Causal-Comparative Designs
  • Examine the possible influences that one factor
    or condition may have on another factor or
  • cause-and-effect relationships
  • ideally, by controlling all factors except those
    whose possible effects are the focus of

What is Experimentation?
  • Why do events occur under some conditions and not
    under others?
  • Research methods that answers these questions are
    called causal methods
  • ex post facto research designs - observes what is
    or what has been, also has the potential for
    discovering causality, but researcher is required
    to accept the world as found
  • experiment allows the researcher to alter
    systematically the variables of interest and
    observe what changes follow

  • Studies involving intervention by the researcher
    beyond that required for measurement
  • The researcher manipulates the independent or
    explanatory variable and then observes whether
    the hypothesized dependent variable is affected
    by the intervention

Example of Bystanders and Thieves
  • Students were asked to an office where they had
    an opportunity to see a fellow student steal some
    money from a receptionists desk. A confederate
    of the experimenter, did the stealing. The
    hypothesis concerned whether people observing a
    theft would be more like to report it (1) if they
    saw the crime alone or (2) if they were in the
    company of someone else.

Variables in the Study
  • Independent - was the state of either being alone
    when observing the theft or being in the company
    of another person.
  • Dependent - whether the subjects reported
    observing the crime
  • the results indicated that people were more
    likely to report the theft if they observed it
    alone rather than in another persons company

How did the researchers come to this conclusion?
  • first there must be an agreement between the
    independent and dependent variables
  • the presence or absence of one is associated with
    the presence or absence of the other
  • more reports of the theft came from lone
    observers than from paired observers

How did they come to this conclusion?
  • second, the time order of the occurrence of the
    variables must be considered.
  • The dependent variable should proceed the
    independent variable.
  • It is unlikely that people could report a theft
    before observing it

How did they come to this conclusion?
  • Third - researchers are confident that other
    extraneous variables did not influence the
    dependent variable
  • researchers controlled their ability to confound
    the planned comparison
  • the event was staged without the observers
  • only the receptionist, observers, and the
    criminal were in the office
  • the same process was repeated with each trial

Conducting an Experiment
  • Experiment is the premier scientific methodology
    for establishing causation
  • however the resourcefulness and creativeness of
    the researcher are needed to make the experiment
    live up to its potential
  • to make it successful the researcher must plan

Seven Activities to Accomplish
  • Select relevant variables
  • Specify the level(s) of treatment
  • Control the experimental environment
  • Choose the experimental design
  • Select and assign the subject
  • Pilot-test, revise and test
  • Analyze the data

Selecting Relevant Variables
  • It is the researchers task to translate an
    amorphous problem into the hypothesis that best
    states the objectives of the research
  • hypothesis is a relational statement because it
    describes a relationship between two or more
  • researcher must select variables that are the
    best operational representation of the original

Specifying the Levels of Treatment
  • Treatment levels of the independent variable are
    the various aspects of the treatment condition.
  • For example, if education was hypothesized to
    have an effect on employment stability, it might
    be divided a high-school, college, graduate
  • based on simplicity and common sense
  • alternatively a control group could provide a
    base level for comparison

Controlling the Experimental Environment
  • The potential for distorting the effect of
    treatment on the dependent variable must be
  • examples videotaping instructions, arrangement
    of room, time of administration, experimenters
    contact with subjects

Choosing the Experimental Design
  • Experimental design serves as positional and
    statistical plans to designate relationships
    between experimental treatment and the
    experimenters observations or measurement points

Selecting and Assigning Subjects
  • Represent the population to be generalized
  • random assignment
  • matching - each experimental and control subject

Pilot Testing, Revising and Testing
  • Pilot test - reveal errors in design
  • refinements

Analyzing the Data
  • If planning and pretesting have occurred,
    experimental data will take an order and

Validity in Experimentation
  • Always a question if the results are true
  • internal validity - do the conclusions we draw
    about the demonstrated experimental relationship
    truly imply cause?
  • External validity - does an observed causal
    relationship generalize across person, settings
    and times

Internal Validity
  • History
  • during the time an experiment is taking place,
    some events may occur that confuse the
    relationship being studied
  • take a control measurement (O1) of the dependent
    variable before introducing the manipulation (X),
    after the manipulation we take an after
    measurement (O2) of the dependent variable. Then
    the difference between O1 and O2 is the change
    that the manipulation caused

  • Changes occur within the subject that of the
    function of the passage of time and not specific
    to any particular event
  • special concern when study covers a long time
  • hunger, bored, tired are also factors in shorter

  • The process of taking a test can affect the
    scores of a second test
  • the more experience of taking the first test can
    have a learning effect that influences the
    results of the second test

  • Changes between observations
  • using different questions at each measurement
  • using different observers or interviewers
  • observer experience, boredom, fatigue and
    anticipation of results can all distort the
    results of separate observations

  • Differential selection of subjects for
    experimental and control group.
  • Groups must be equivalent in every respect
  • if subjects are randomly assigned to experimental
    and control groups, the selection problem can be
    largely overcome

Statistical Regression
  • This factor operates especially when groups have
    been selected by their extreme scores
  • suppose we only take the workers with top 25 and
    bottom 25 of productivity scores
  • no matter what is done between O1 and O2 there is
    a strong tendency for the average of the high
    scores at O1 to decline at O2 and for the low
    scores at O1 to increase
  • In the second measurement, members of both groups
    score more closely to their long-run mean scores

Experiment Mortality
  • Composition of the group changes during the test
  • attrition - people dropout
  • because members of the control group are not
    affected by the testing situation, they are less
    likely to withdraw
  • diffusion or imitation of treatment - if the
    people in control and experimental group talk,
    they learn of the treatment eliminating the
    difference between the group

Experiment Mortality
  • Compensatory equalization - the experimental
    treatment is much more desirable, there may be an
    administrative reluctance to deprive the control
    group members
  • Compensatory rivalry - when members of the
    control group know they are the control group.
    This may generate competitive pressures causing
    them to try harder

Experiment Mortality
  • Resentful demoralization of the disadvantage -
    when the treatment is desirable and the
    experiment is obtrusive, control members may
    become resentful of their deprivation and lower
    their cooperation and output
  • local history - when one assigns all
    experimenters to one group and all control people
    to another - there can be idiosyncratic events
    that may confound

External Validity
  • Internal validity factors cause confusion about
    whether the experimental treatment (X) or
    extraneous factors are the source of observation
  • In contrast, external validity is concerned with
    the interaction of the experimental treatment
    with other factors and the resulting impact on
    abilities to generalize to times, settings, or

The Reactivity of Testing on X
  • Is one of sensitizing subjects by the pretest so
    they respond to the experimental stimulus in a
    different way.
  • A before measurement of the level of knowledge
    about the ecology programs of a company will
    often sensitize the subject to the various
    experimental communication efforts that might
    then be made about the company

Interaction of Selection of X
  • The process by which test subject are selected
  • the population from which one selects subjects
    may not be same as the population to which one
    wishes to generalize the results

Other Reactive Factors
  • Experimental setting themselves may have a
    biasing effect on the subjects response to X
  • if subjects know they are participating, they may
    have a tendency to role-play
  • external validity may be hard to control because
    it is a matter of generalization
  • try and secure as much internal validity

Experimental Research Designs
  • Many
  • vary widely in their power to control
    contamination of the relationship between
    independent and dependent variables
  • the most widely accepted designs are based on
    this characteristic of control
  • preexperiments
  • true experiments
  • field experiments

Key to Design Symbols
  • X - an X represents the introduction of an
    experimental stimulus to a group. The effects of
    this independent variable(s) are of major
  • O - an O identifies a measurement or observation
  • R - an R indicates that the group members have
    been randomly assigned to a group.

Keys to Timing
  • The Xs and Os in the diagram are read from left
    to right in temporal order.
  • O X O O
  • Xs and Os vertical to each other indicate that
    the stimulus and or observation take place

Keys to Selection
  • Parallel rows that are not separated by dashed
    lines indicate that comparison groups have been
    equalized by the random process
  • those separated with a dashed line have not been
    so equalized

Seven Activities to Accomplish
  • Select relevant variables
  • Specify the level(s) of treatment
  • Control the experimental environment
  • Choose the experimental design
  • Select and assign the subject
  • Pilot-test, revise and test
  • Analyze the data

Experimental Designs
Preexperimental Designs
  • One-Shot Case Study
  • One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design
  • Static Group Comparison
  • All three are weak in their scientific
    measurement power because they fail to control
    the various threats to internal validity. This
    is especially true of the one-shot case study.

One-Shot Case Study
  • X
  • Treatment or manipulation of independent variable
  • O
  • Observation or measurement of dependent variable

An example is an employee education campaign
about new technologies without prior measurement
of employee knowledge. Results would reveal only
how much the employees know after the campaign,
but there is no way to judge the effectiveness of
the campaign. The lack of pretest and control
group make this design inadequate for
establishing causality.
One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design
O Pretest
Manipulation Posttest
Can be used for the educational example, but how
well does it control for history? Maturation?
Testing effect?
Static Group Comparison
This design provides for two groups, one of which
receives the experimental stimulus while the
other serves as a control. A forest fire or
other natural disaster is the experimental
treatment, and the psychological trauma (or
property loss) suffered by the residents is the
measured outcome. A pretest before the fire
would be possible but. The control group,
receiving the posttest, would consist of
residents whose property was spared. Weakest
link, no way certain that the two groups are
True Experimental Designs
  • Major deficiency of the preexperimental designs
    is they fail to provide comparison groups that
    are equivalent.
  • The way to achieve equivalence is through
    matching and randomization.
  • Two Classical
  • Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design
  • Posttest-Only Control Group Design

Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design
R O1 X
O2 R O3
The effect of the experimental variable is E
( O2 O1 ) ( O4 O3 )
In this design, the seven major internal validity
problems are dealt with fairly well, although
there are still some difficulties. Local history
may occur in one group and not the other,
communication between people in test and control
groups, and mortality.
Solomon Four-Group Design
R O1 X
O2 R O3
O4 R
O5 R
The addition of the two groups that are not
pretested provides a distinct advantage. If the
researcher finds that O5 and O do not differ from
the top two groups observation, the researcher
can generalize findings to situations where no
pretest was given. The Solomon Four-Group Design
enhances the external validity
Posttest-Only Control Group Design
O1 R
In this design the pretest measurements are
omitted. Pretests are not really necessary when
it is possible to randomize. Experimental effect
is ( O1 O2 ) Since the subjects are measured
only once, the threats of testing and
instrumentation are reduced.
Extensions of True Experimental Designs
  • Those which were discussed were classical design
    forms, but researchers normally use an
    operational extension of the basic design in
  • The number of different experimental stimuli that
    are considered simultaneously by the experimenter
  • The extent to which assignment procedures are
    used to increase precision

  • Widely used to denote an independent variable
  • May be divided into treatment levels, which
    represent subgroups
  • Active factors are those that the experimenter
    can manipulate by causing a subject to receive
    one level or another
  • Blocking factor can only identify and classify
    the subject on an existing level
    (gender,age,organizational rank)

Completely Randomized Design
R O1 X1
O2 R O3
X2 O4 R O5
X3 O6
Experiment to determine the ideal difference in
price between a stores private brand of
vegetables and national brands. There will be
three price spreads (treatment levels) of 7, 12
and 17 cents. 18 stores are randomly divided (6
to each treatment group). The price differential
is maintained for a period and then a tally is
made of the sales volumes and gross profit of the
cans for each group of stores.
Randomized Block Design
The critical reason for randomize block design is
that the sample size is too small that is risky
to depend on random assignment alone. Small
samples such as 18 stores are typical in field
experiments because of high costs. Another
reason for blocking is to learn whether
treatments bring different results among various
groups of subjects. Assume there is reason to
believe that lower-income families are more
sensitive to price differentials than are
higher-income families. This factor could
seriously distort our results unless we stratify
the stores by customer income.
Randomized Block Design
Active Factor Blocking Factor
Customer Income Price Difference High
Medium Low 7 cents R
X1 X1
X1 12 cents R X2
X2 X2 17 cents
R X3 X3
The Os have been omitted. The horizontal rows
no longer indicate a time sequence but various
levels of the blocking factor. Before and after
measurements are associated with each of the
treatments. One can measure both main effects and
interaction effects.
Latin Square Design

Customer Income Store Size High
Medium Low Large
X1 X1
X1 Medium X2
X2 X2 Small
X3 X3
Latin square may be used when there are two major
extraneous factors. Continuing the store example,
we decide to block on size of the store and
income (9 stores). One treatment per
cell. Assumes there is no interaction between
treatments and blocking factors. With the above
design we cannot determine the interrelationships
among store size, customer income, and price
spreads. (this would require 27 cells)
Factorial Design

Price Spread Unit Price Information
7cents 12 cents 17
cents Yes
X1 Y1 X1 Y2
X1 Y3 No
X2 Y1 X2 Y2
X2 Y3
One misconception is that a researcher can
manipulate only one variable at a time. With
factorial designs you can deal with more that one
simultaneously. Our pricing experiment. We are
interesting in finding the effect of posting unit
prices on the shelf to aid shopper decision
making. Above includes both price differentials
and the unit pricing. This is known as a 2x3,
with two levels and three levels of intensity.
Stores are randomized, assigned to one of six
treatments. Results can answer the following
questions What are the sales effects of
different price spreads between company and
national brands? What are the sales effects of
using unit-price marking on the shelves? What are
the sales-effect interrelations between price
spread and the presence of unit-price
Covariance Analysis
  • You can directly control extraneous variables
    through blocking
  • It is also possible to apply some degree of
    indirect statistical control one or more
    variables through analysis of covariance
  • In our store example, we carried out a completely
    randomized design, only to later reveal a
    contamination effect from differences in average
    customer income levels.
  • With covariance analysis, you can still do some
    statistical blocking on average customer income
    even after the experiment has been run

Field Experiments Quasi or Semi Experiments
  • In the field you often cannot control enough of
    the extraneous variables or the experimental
    treatment to use a true experimental design.
    Because the stimulus condition occurs in a
    natural environment, a field experiment is

Modern Day Bystander and Thief
  • Electronic surveillance to prevent shrinkage due
    to shoplifting
  • Shopper comes to counter to see special designer
    frames from a salesperson behind a counter. The
    salesperson, a confederate of the researcher,
    replied that she would get them from a another
    case and disappears. The thief selected two
    pairs of sunglasses from an open display,
    deactivated the security tags at the counter, and
    walked out of the store

Modern Day Bystander and Thief
  • 25 of the subjects (store customers) reported
    the theft upon the return of the salesperson
  • 63 reported it when the salesperson asked
  • Unlike previous studies, the presence of a second
    customer did not reduce the willingness to report
    a theft
  • Notice this study was not possible with a control
    group, a pretest or randomization of customers.

Nonequivalent Control Design Group
  • O1 X
  • O3

This differs form the pretest-posttest group
design, because the test and control groups are
not randomly assigned. There are two varieties.
One intact equivalent design, in which membership
is naturally assembled. ( use different classes
in a school) The second, self-selected
experimental group design, are recruited
(weaker). Comparison of pretest (O1O2 ) is one
degree of equivalence.
Separate Sample Pretest-Posttest Design
  • R O1 (X)
  • R X

This design is most applicable when we cannot
know when and to whom to introduce the treatment
but we can decide when and whom to measure. The
bracketed treatment is shown to suggest that the
experimenter cannot control the treatment.
Assume a company is planning an intense campaign
to change its employees attitudes toward energy
conservation. It might draw 2 random samples of
employees, one of which is interviewed about
energy use attitudes before the information
campaign. After the campaign the other group is
Group Time Series Design
  • Time series introduces repeated observations
    before and after the treatment and allows
    subjects to act as their own controls
  • A single treatment group has before-after
    measurements as the only controls
  • Also a multiple design with 2 or more comparison
    groups as well as the repeated measurements
  • Especially useful where regularly kept records
    are a natural part of the environment
  • Time series approach is also a good way to study
    unplanned events in an ex post facto manner.
  • Ex. Federal price controls before and after

  • Ability to uncover causal relationships
  • Provisions for controlling extraneous and
    environmental variables
  • Convenience of creating test situations rather
    than trying to look for them
  • Replicating findings to rule out idiosyncratic or
    isolated results
  • Ability to exploit naturally occurring events

Question to Answer
  • Describe how you would operationalize variables
    for experimental testing in the following
    research question What are the performance
    differences between 10 microcomputers connected
    in a LAN and one minicomputer with 10 terminals?
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