Title: LENSOverview
1LENSOverview R. S. Raghavan Virginia
Tech LONU-LENS Mini Workshop Oct 14, 2006
2- Neutrino beams from SUN
- Very Low Energy
- Pure Favor (?e)
- Largest Fluxes
- Longest Base Line
- Largest Intervening Mass
- Highest Magnetic Fields
- Unique Machine for Exploration of
- Neutrino Phenomenology in
- Vacuum, Matter Magnetic Fields
- From High Energy Nus ( 8B Atmos)
- Non-zero Neutrino Mass
- ?Neutrino Flavor Conversion
- NEXTDoor open to Explore
- New Physics Astrophysics
Solar Neutrinos-Past Future
SSM Prediction
Directly measured so far
Directly measured
The New Frontier
- New Quest Discoveries beyond Oscillations-
- New Paradigm Precision Data, solar model
independence - New Frontier lt 2 MeV
- ?Central Objectives of LENS
3 Tagged ? capture reaction in Indium ?LENS is
the only developed CC real time detector for
solar neutrinos
Tag cascade
- Unique
- Specifies ? Energy
- E? Ee Q
- Complete LE nu spectrum
- Lowest Q known? 114 keV
- ?access to 95.5 pp nus
- Target isotopic abundance 96
- Powerful delayed coinc. Tag
- Can suppress bgd 1011 x signal
- Downside
- Bgd from 115In radioactivity to
- ( pp nus only)? rate 1011 x signal
- Tools
- Time Space coinc.? Granularity (106suppression)
- Energy Resolution
- In betas lt500 keV ?Tag 613 keV
- 3. Other analysis cuts
4Indium Solar Neutrino DetectionRD History
Granularity(109) --Lo precision pp (3s) Tagged
pp reaction in Indium RSR-PRL 1976 Bell Labs
(rsr, Pfeiffer, Mills) 1976-79 pp
InLS/Plastic Sandwich
Indium ß-spectrum Bell Labs-MIT
(rsr, Deutsch) 1979-84 pp
Plastic/Quartz Fiber Scint Oxford (Booth)
1978-90 pp
Indium Tunnel Diodes CEA Saclay (Cribier, Spiro)
1979-81 pp Hybrid
TPC/Plastic Penn-Coll de France-KEK-BL-TUM
1987-89 Be InLS (KEK- Suzuki,
Inoue) Borexino
1989 - Be ?-e-scattering
no tag
?Brute force reduction of bgd via
invention of new
ultrapurity chemistry New tgged pp capture
reactionsnon radioactive targets RSR-PRL
1997 LENS RD LNGS-EU-Russia-USA 1999-01
pp Yb, Gd, Se YbLS
Lo Granularity (105) Hi
Precision pp (3) (SNO result !
) RSR-hep-ph/010605 LENS RD LNGS--
2001-03 pp In InLS
2004- Nu Lum InLS (LENS-Sol)
Plastic Sandwich
5- Major Progress from LENS LNGS? LENS Sol
- lt Towards Hi Precision pp gt
- Hi
Quality InLS Developed - Background
Analysis Insights - New Detector
Design Invented
6- Expected Result from LENS
- Background precisely and concurrently measured
- Well resolved low energy solar nu spectrum
- ? pp, 7Be, pep, CNO with 99 of solar nu flux
- Solar luminosity in nus
- pp spectral shape accessible for first time
7- pp Spectral Shape ?New Science Goal
- Directly Probe Temperature Profile of Energy
Production in the Sun - by experimentally measuring the Gamov Energy
Shift in - pp Fusion (not observed in laboratory so
far) - Experiments focused so far on fluxes, not
(absolute) energies of solar nus ----not
possible via electron scattering or
radiochemistry - ? need energy specific CC detection
technology -?LENS - Energies of neutrinos from Fusion reactions are
usually taken from exothermal - energy release (Q value i.e. difference of
initial and final masses) e.g. - p p ? d e ?e (420 keV max) p
e- p ? d ?e(1442 keV) - This does not include the kinetic (Gamov) energy
needed to initiate pp fusion - Gamov Energy E0 (T) is temperature dependent
- E (T) is added to the pp and pep energy spectra
weighted by the fraction of the flux produced at
that temperature---E is typically 5 keV - i.e. pp?425 keV and pep?1447 keV
- Can one observe the Gamov shift by measuring pp
and pep energies? - If so---we can directly measure the
8 aMaximum energy bShift of mean energy of signal
spectrum in the detector, in the case of pp in
the energy range lt110-340gt keV cShift of
maximum energy in sun. The ?E includes likely
systematic errors (see text)
P lab (q,Qs) q2 p W F(Z,W,Qs) (Z -1 )
Fit measured spectrum to Psun leaving q max
free Find dE from repeated trials compare to
predicted ?E
s 1.63 keV
Grieb/RSR hep-ph/0609030
9- Science from Neutrino Flux Data
- Basic Dichotomy in Solar neutrino Research
- Measured Fluxes vs Unknown Original Fluxes in sun
- All science interpretations need ORIGINAL fluxes
- Usual Practice Appeal to predictions of Standard
Solar Model - How to make inferences completely free of models?
- First Breakthrough Made by SNO in the case of
8B flux - ?Single solar source? 8B
- ?SNO, SK
- ?Measured 8B NC flavor-blind flux?original flux
in sun - ?SK CCNC spectrum flavor survival independent
of energy - ?Kamland data with ANTINEUTRINOS
- ?LMA matter conversion at 8B neutrino energies
(10 MeV) - Major Questions
- Conclusion assumes CPT invariance. Is This
Correct ?First opportunity to - Test this for NEUTRINOS
10- Major Questions
- 1) CPT invariance for NEUTRINOS
- 2) LMA prediction of different type of
conversion at LOW ENERGIES - 3) Deviations from LMA predictions? Discovery
- Imperative tests
- HOW to attack the problem on a model independent
basis? - ? Model Independent Fluxes at LOW ENERGIES ?
- Basic Need Fluxes of
single sources -
?Well identified and resolved Spectroscopic data -
?Removal of precisely measured background - ? Requires CC based Low
Energy Detection?Developed only in LENS
Bgd Est.
Bgd measured
Scattering Spectrum (CLEAN)
Absorption Spectrum (LENS)
11- Solar Luminosity from Low Energy Neutrino Flux
data from LENS - Use Best Known Neutrino Model (e.g. LMA) to
reverse calculate original - Fluxes from measured fluxes of INDIVIDUAL
sources - ?pp, Be, pep CNO, constitute 99 of solar
neutrino flux - ?Calculate Energy by weighting fluxes with
coefficients of energy released - in each solar reaction (Bahcall,
Phys. Rev C 65 (2002), 025801) - Solar Luminosity in Neutrinos L(? inferred)
- From Solar Constant
- Solar Luminosity in Photons L(h?)
- Energy Match from two probes
- L(?
inferred) / L(h?) 1.00 - This tests if the neutrino model used is CORRECT
- No SSM used Inference only via measured
quantities - Present Status after 40 years of Solar nu
research - L(? inferred) / L(h?) 1.4 (0.2-0.3 1
s)( 0.7-0.6 3s) - Bahcall C. Penya-Garay, JHEP 4, 0311 (2003)
12- New Global Analysis using
- Data from LENS
- Measured v Fluxes of pp, Be, pep, CNO
- ?Solar Luminosity in Neutrinos
- Temperature of sun via Gamow shift
- Data from SNO
- 8B flux (CC and NC)
- SK data on spectrum
- Match to Measured Photon Luminosity by varying ?
parameters - (use the temperature shift to test SSM prediction
of dependence of - of pp flux on T (? (1-0.08(T/TSSM)-1.1) J. N.
Bahcall A. Ulmer, Phys. Rev. D53, 4202 (1996). - This global analysis ASSUMES
- 1) Nuclear Reactions SOLE source of Suns Energy
- 2) Quasi hydrostatic Equilibrium
13With Precise Model Independent pp, Be,pep
fluxes Energy Dependence of Survival
Probabilities Test LMA, NSI, MVA, Measure ?12
Be/pp 5 pep/pp9
Mass Var. Nus
Precision ?12
Sterile Nu
Be/pp 18 pep/pp40
for Discovery in Particle Physics --CPT, NSI,
MVN, T12 , T13 from absolute energy Astrophysics
of Sun CNO,Hidden sources of energy, Past Sun vs
Present Sun, Temp of pp fusion (test SSM) A new
comprehensive approach for model independence
Measuring the Solar Luminosity in Neutrinos
and comparing it directly with the Photon
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