Title: Issues in Classroom Acoustics
1Issues in Classroom Acoustics
- Adequacy of the Communication Environment and
Teaching in the Dark - John Erdreich, PhD, FASA and
- R. Kring Herbert, FASA, INCE Board Certified.
- Ostergaard Acoustical Associates
2Why the Concern?
- Aspects of energy efficient design
- Addition of noisy computer equipment
- Recognition of needs of population with
disabilities - New testing including verbal abilities
3Plan of the Workshop
- Provide the scientific validation of the concern
- How acoustical engineers evaluate a space
- How to select criteria
- How to achieve criteria
- Activities re ADA
- Incorporating acoustics in to the design process
- Specialized spaces
4Two Perspectives
- Occupational work environment
- Noise exposure
- Vocal pathology
- Classroom communication
- Speech intelligibility
- Language acquisition
- Effect of hearing impairment in children
5Standards for Classroom Ambient Conditions
- Light
- Temperature
- Air changes
- Humidity
6Areas for Acoustical Control
- Room finishes
- Activity sound
- Ventilation noise
- Sound intrusion from other rooms
7Rationale for Acoustical Control
- Language development
- Communication by hearing impaired children
- Prevalence of hearing impairment in the school
8Relationship Between Hearingand Learning
- Hearing impairment in school-age children
- Differences in speech perception with hearing
9Normal Vs. Impaired Hearingin Children
- Normal 15 dB HL 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 Hz
- Auditory disorders
- Conductive
- Sensorineural
- Mixed
- Central
10Impaired Speech Perception in Non-optimal
Listening Conditions
- Non-native English speakers
- Language deficits
- Attention deficit disorder
- Minimal SNHL
- Bilateral SNHL
- Conductive hearing loss associated with OME
- Normal hearing with history of OME
- Unilateral hearing impairment
- Learning disabled
11Intervention Strategies Require Optimal Classroom
Acoustics to Be Effective
- Audiometric screening
- Preferential seating
- Personal hearing aids
- FM systems
- Soundfield FM systems
12Comparison of Word Recognition NORMAL vs SNHL
13Improvement in Recognition With Age
14Sentence Recognition Performance With Age
15Comparison of Noisy vs. Quiet Ventilator