Title: Fundamental Symmetries of the Early Universe: The Standard Model
1Fundamental Symmetries of the Early UniverseThe
Standard Model Beyond
M.J. Ramsey-Musolf Caltech Wisconsin-Madison
2Fundamental Symmetries Cosmic History
- What were the fundamental symmetries that
governed the microphysics of the early universe?
The (broken) symmetries of the Standard Model of
particle physics work remarkably well at late
times, but they leave many unsolved puzzles
pertaining to the early universe
- What insights can low energy (E ltlt MZ)
precision electroweak studies provide?
New forces and their symmetries generally imply
the existence of new particles. Looking for their
footprints in low energy processes can yield
important clues about their character
- Motivation Why New Symmetries ? Why Low
Energy Probes ? - Brief Interlude Supersymmetry
- Three Probes, Three Questions Electric
dipole moments the origin of Matter Weak
decays, lepton scattering new
forces Neutrino mass and interactions
Why New Symmetries ? Why Low Energy Probes
5Fundamental Symmetries Cosmic History
6Fundamental Symmetries Cosmic History
7Fundamental Symmetries Cosmic History
8Fundamental Symmetries Cosmic History
Puzzles the Standard Model cant solve
- Origin of matter
- Unification gravity
- Weak scale stability
- Neutrinos
What are the symmetries (forces) of the early
universe beyond those of the SM?
9Fundamental Symmetries Cosmic History
Baryogenesis When? CPV? SUSY? Neutrinos?
WIMPy D.M. Related to baryogenesis?
New gravity? Lorentz violation? Effects on CMB?
10Fundamental Symmetries Cosmic History
11Fundamental Symmetries Cosmic History
12Fundamental Symmetries Cosmic History
13There must have been additional symmetries in the
earlier Universe to
- Unify all matter, space, time
- Stabilize the weak scale
- Produce all the matter that exists
- Account for neutrino properties
- Give self-consistent quantum gravity
14What are the new fundamental symmetries?
Two frontiers in the search
Collider experiments (pp, ee-, etc) at higher
energies (E gtgt MZ)
Indirect searches at lower energies (E lt MZ) but
high precision
Particle, nuclear atomic physics
High energy physics
15Precision, low energy measurements can probe for
new symmetries in the desert
16II. Brief Interlude Supersymmetry
17SUSY a candidate symmetry of the early Universe
- Unify all forces
- Protect GF from shrinking
- Produce all the matter that exists
3 of 4 Yes Maybe so
Maybe Probably necessary
- Account for neutrino properties
- Give self-consistent quantum gravity
18SUSY a candidate symmetry of the early Universe
19SUSY and R Parity
20SUSY must be a broken symmetry
21III. Three Probes, Three Questions
22What is the origin of baryonic matter ?
23EDMs Baryogenesis
Sakharov Criteria
- B violation
- C CP violation
- Nonequilibrium dynamics
Sakharov, 1967
24EW Baryogenesis Standard Model
Anomalous Processes
Different vacua D(BL) DNCS
Sphaleron Transitions
25EW Baryogenesis Standard Model
26Baryogenesis New Electroweak Physics
90s Cohen, Kaplan, Nelson
Joyce, Prokopec, Turok
Unbroken phase
CP Violation
27EDM Probes of New CP Violation
28Present n-EDM limit
Proposed n-EDM limit
Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in the Universe
M. Pendlebury B. Filippone
Riotto Carena et al. Lee, Cirigliano, R-M,
n-EDM has killed more theories than any other
single experiment
29Baryogenesis New Electroweak Physics
90s Cohen, Kaplan, Nelson
Joyce, Prokopec, Turok
Unbroken phase
CP Violation
Theoretical Issues Strength of phase
transition (Higgs sector) Bubble dynamics
(numerical) Transport at phase boundary (non-eq
QFT) EDMs many-body physics QCD
30Electroweak Phase Transition Higgs
31Quantum Transport SUSY CPV
Non-equilibrium quantum transport
Violent departure from equilibrium
Electroweak Baryogenesis
Gentle departure from equilibrium scale
32SUSY CPV Quantum Transport
Chargino Mass Matrix
Neutralino Mass Matrix
Resonant CPV M1,2 m
33EDM constraints SUSY CPV
34SUSY CPV Dark Matter
Chargino Mass Matrix
Neutralino Mass Matrix
35SUSY Baryogenesis Dark Matter
36SUSY Dark Matter Solar Neutrinos
Gravitational capture in sun followed by
annihilation into high energy neutrinos
37SUSY Dark Matter Future Experiments
38SUSY Baryogenesis Colliders
39Precision Ewk Probes of New Symmetries
Unseen Forces Supersymmetry ?
- Unification gravity
- Weak scale stability
- Origin of matter
- Neutrinos
40Weak Decays GF encodes information on the
spectrum via radiative corrections
Muon Decay
Drm depends on parameters of particles inside
41Comparing radiative corrections in different
processes can probe particle spectrum
Drm differs from DrZ
42Comparing radiative corrections in different
processes can probe particle spectrum
43Comparing radiative corrections in different
processes can probe particle spectrum
J. Ellison, UCI
44Weak decays light quarks
45Weak decays light quarks
46Weak decays SUSY
47SUSY Radiative Corrections
48Weak decays SUSY
49CKM Summary PDG04
50CKM Summary New Vus tn ?
New tn !!
51Weak decays SUSY
52Weak decays SUSY Chiral Symmetry
Chiral (c ) Rotation
53Weak decays SUSY Correlations
Chiral symmetry breaking in SUSY
54Pion leptonic decay SUSY
55Pion leptonic decay SUSY
56Lepton Scattering New Symmetries
Parity-Violating electron scattering
57Probing SUSY with PV eN Interactions
Kurylov, Su, MR-M
58Probing SUSY with PV eN Interactions
Kurylov, R-M, Su
??? SUSY dark matter
??? SUSY dark matter
- The fundamental symmetries of the Standard Model
provide a successful basis for explaining the
microphysics of the present universe, but
additional symmetries are needed to address
important questions about earlier times
Origin of matter, unification, size of the Fermi
constant, neutrino mass, gravity,
- High precision, low-energy studies provide a
powerful probe of new symmetries that complement
the view provided by colliders
EDMs, weak decays, lepton scattering, neutrino
properties interactions, lepton flavor
- This field provides a rich interplay of
particle, nuclear, atomic physics with
cosmology in both theory expt