Part 4' The Fly and the Fly Bottle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Part 4' The Fly and the Fly Bottle


Even mathematicians get trapped inside the fly bottle of dualistic ... Alfred Tarski, Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics (1956) Quine, W. V. Philosophy of Logic. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Part 4' The Fly and the Fly Bottle

Part 4. The Fly and the Fly Bottle
  • Can an Inquiry into the Foundations
  • of Mathematics Tell Us Anything
  • Interesting about Mind?
  • Written by Gabriel Stolzenberg
  • Reviewed by Gary Berg-Cross
  • Even mathematicians get trapped inside the fly
    bottle of dualistic thinking.

Gabriel Stolzenberg
Gary Berg-Cross
"Can an Inquiry into the Foundations of
Mathematics Tell Us Anything Interesting about
Mind?" by Gabriel Stolzenberg in P. Watzlawicks
Invented Reality How Do We Know What We Believe
We Know? (Contributions to constructivism).
Review by Gary Berg-Cross. Ph.D.
Engraving known as the Flammarion woodcut (1888)
depicting the Aristotelian conception of the
universe before the Copernican model - Pilgrim
peering through the sky as if it was a curtain,
after which you look at the hidden workings of
the universe..
  • Name Gary Berg-Cross Profession Cognitive
  • Affiliation EMI Scientist
  • Relation to Topic My PhD. Studied the
    construction of knowledge structures from
  • Question What are mathematical objects and is
    mathematics in a trap when it considers the
    foundations of mathematical knowledge? Is
    Mathematics Invented?
  • Biologists think they are biochemists,
    Biochemists think they are Physical Chemists,
    Physical Chemists think they are Physicists,
    Physicists think they are Gods, And God
    thinks he is a Mathematician.
  • (inference math is the ultimate truth.)  
  • Mathematics is made of 50 percent formulas, 50
    percent proofs, and 50 percent imagination.
  • Philosophy is a game with objectives and no rules
    whileMathematics is a game with rules and no

Alternative Views on Foundations of Mathematics
  • Whats the Issue?
  • Mathematical structure seem to mirror physical
    theory and often points the way to further
    advances in that theory and even to empirical
    predictions. So by induction we believe that this
    is not a coincidence but must reflect some larger
    and deeper truth about both mathematics and
  • Math is the foundation for the physical sciences.
    But what is maths foundation?
  • Foundations of mathematics is a term sometimes
    used for certain fields of mathematics, such as
    mathematical logic, axiomatic set theory, proof
    theory, model theory, and recursion theory.
  • The search for foundations of mathematics is also
    a central question of the philosophy of
    mathematics On what ultimate basis can
    mathematical statements be called true?
  • Mathematical truth is demanded to have a
    rigidity, an absoluteness, that is tantamount to
  • Platonist mathematical realism, seems exemplified
    by Kurt Gödel, who explored the existence of a
    world of mathematical objects independent of
  • In this view the truths about these objects are
    discovered by humans.
  • In this view, the laws of nature and the laws of
    mathematics have a similar status, and maths
    effectiveness ceases to be unreasonable.
  • Not our axioms, but the very real world of
    mathematical objects forms the foundation. The
    obvious question, then, is how do we access this
  • Alternate View
  • The foundations of mathematics is, at least
    partly, a scientific study of mathematical
  • In this view what mathematicians actually do and
    actually say is of direct interest to the
    foundations of mathematics. We are Trapped into
    Believing otherwise.

See Wigners Unreasonable Effectiveness of
Mathematics in the Natural Sciences http//www.dar
An Inquiry Into the Foundations of Mathby
Gabriel Stolzenberg
  • Intro View- the science of pure math fell into an
    intellectual trap
  • Fixed habits of thought prevent us from create a
    closed system
  • The Process of Entrapment
  • The Concept of an Act of Acceptance as Such
  • Acts in the Doman of Language use
  • Story of a Definition that was too good to be
  • Belief Systems Attitudes about Undoing Accepted
  • Descriptive Fallacies Produced by a Failure to
    Respect Considerations of Standpoint
  • The Case of Pure Mathematics Contemporary
    mathematicians Attachment to His Belief
  • A View from the Edge of the System The Tug of
    Language that Pulls one Inside
  • On Not Being Taken in by Language
  • Statements to Signals Using Language to Make
    Knowledge Sharable
  • Two mathematical Statements a Procedure for
    Getting into Position to make at Least One of
  • Understanding Mathematical Statements
  • One Way of making Mathematical Language Work
  • The Contemporary Mathematicians Unfulfilled Task
  • Making Mathematical Language function the Way he
    Wants it to
  • A Pseudomystery about the nature of Mathematical
    Knowledge and the Manner in Which it is Acquired
  • The Decisive Influence of Language Use on the
    Conduct of Mathematical Research

The Process of Entrapment
  • Since the late 19th century mathematicians with
    the help of logicians have been digging
    themselves deeply into a trap, but it is not
    perceived as that.
  • The trap is built from certain structures of
    logic and language reflecting beliefs and
    habits of thought.
  • Assumptions that are treated as givens/reality -
  • Theres a role for proper scientific inquiry to
    help us out of a closer system, but most
    mathematicians arent asking the questions
  • We need to step out of the trap to see it.

The Concept of an Act of Acceptance as Such
Acts in the Doman of Language Use
  • To accept something (experience or object) as
    such is to take it for what it appears (or is
    purported to be), and proceeding on that basis.
  • In science we should explore the consequences of
    such assumptions. We should not easily
    accept/reify something that is an assumption.
  • But in math the structures are built by ACTS
    which are accepted because they establish new
    theorems they become objects to manipulate.
  • Suppose we find a problem with accepting a
    conclusion. Only then do we check the proof.
  • But maybe what happened with Euclids 5th axiom
    (suppose IT is not TRUE) is more broadly
    applicable and this supposition testing should be
    the approach.
  • Conclusion adopt an activist policy concerning
    the invention and following of procedures that
    entail the undoing of accepted belief and the
    habits of thought.
  • A particular problem concerns language habits
  • that make us accept some statements.

Story of a Definition that was too good to be
true - PI
  • We LEARN the DEFINITION but Its NOT obvious that
    the ratio of large small circles will have the
    same C/D ratio
  • Proof should PRECEED definition in a well founded
  • Otherwise we have just knowledge of definitions
  • We are victims of an education that teaches
    definitions w/o proof or checks
  • Result is that our reasoning seems objective but
    is really standpoint oriented.

Belief Systems Attitudes about Undoing Accepted
  • We fall into traps from certain habits that
    include acceptance
  • A natural motivation to have a world view
  • But we can fall into the sin of certainty
    (Maturana) a belief system
  • Therefore we need a method that doesnt yield to
    such habits of acceptance and untested belief
    thats scientific.
  • If we accept a belief into our system, which
    then doesnt allow that belief to be challenged,
    then we are trapped.
  • We might have been trapped by a formalist
  • To a Formalist, like Hilbert, mathematical
    theorems can be formulated as theorems of set
  • The truth of a mathematical statement, in this
    view, is then nothing but the claim that the
    statement can be derived from the axioms of set
    theory using the rules of formal logic.
  • But in pure math the only criteria is consistency
    the consistency of the system itself. This may
    trap us in a System of thinking.
  • As a counter we need adequate acceptance

Descriptive Fallacies Produced by a Failure to
Respect Considerations of Standpoint
  • Examples of Beliefs
  • The sun is largely made of hydrogen
  • Every mathematical statement is either T or F.
  • Is this true or false?
  • Does everyone see it this way? No we can have
    deviant logics modal,
  • many-valued, dialethic, intuitionist, fuzzy etc.
  • In 1951 Quines Two Dogmas Of Empiricism
    challenged received notions of knowledge, meaning
    and truth.
  • He arguing that logic and maths, like factual
    statements, are open to revision in the light of
  • Experience, says Quine, does not confirm or
    falsify individual statements, but instead
    confronts an interlocking theory-laden system of
    statements, which has to be adjusted as a whole.
  • And there cannot be any universally-held system
    of beliefs, he argued in his major work Word And
    Object (1960), since the way any theory describes
    the world is relative to that theory's linguistic
    background webs of belief.
  • We use other criteria like simplicity and beauty
    when comparing systems and our logic SEEMS BETTER
    than the deviant ones when considering these.
  • But even Quine found it difficult to break out of
    our classical logic system.
  • Hes still an insider looking at the deviant
    outside from insider
  • criteria.

The Case of Pure Mathematics Contemporary
Mathematicians Attachment to His Belief
  • Mathematicians are trapped by their shared math
    experiences (reality) in terms of math objects
    belonging to a set.
  • This is learned and is seductively simpler than
    the deviant approaches, such as not accepted the
    law of excluded middle in the form that for any
    real numbers a, b, either a b or a ? b.
  • The failure of these seemingly unquestionable
    principles in turn vitiates the proofs of a
    number of basic results of classical analysis.
  • Most mathematicians consider the language of set
    theory foundational, simpler and more intuitive
    than that of lambda calculus (or the related
    category theory). So why switch?
  • BUT we might reconsider if we ask, how does
    accepting the law of excluded middle contributes
    to the construction of what we call mathematical

A View from the Edge of the System The Tug of
Language that Pulls one Inside - Intuitionist
  • Looking from the edge we have a better chance of
    freeing ourselves from being too inside a system.
    We can contrast inside and outside views by
    considering Goldbach's Conjecture, that all even
    numbers larger than 4 is the sum of two primes
    18 13 5, or 102 97 5.
  • At the edge or our understanding taking an inside
    stance (realist perspective) it makes sense to
    suppose that this conjecture might be true
    because every one of the infinite series of even
    numbers exists as a sum or two primes, even
    though there might be NO proof to be discovered.
  • To a realist the answer already exists, but is
    unknown to us, its real, a thingthat we
  • Our author GS follows Mike Dummetts approach
    (anti-realism). To understand this assertion
    means being capable of recognizing what would
    count as evidence for or against it.
  • Evidence is based on a procedure.
  • As far as the intuitionist/anti-realist is
    concerned, the only thing that COULD make the
    conjecture TRUE is that there be a proof, a
    procedure to establish it. We construct it.
    Before that it is indeterminate.
  • For all we know, according to the intuitionist,
    there might be NO PROOF and no counter-example,
    in which case there is nothing to give the
    conjecture a truth-value.
  • The belief that every proposition is
    determinately true or false is
  • the principle of bivalence. Its an assumption.
  • Dont accept that knowing an answer means
    something EXISTS

On Not Being Taken in by Language and Statements
to Signals Using Language to Make Knowledge
  • Indeterminacy seems distasteful especially when
    each step we think of is determinant.
  • Why this reaction to the idea that an answer may
    not exist before a procedure was carried out? GS
    proceeds as follows-
  • Is it the Platonic conceptual habits of language?
    Discovery not Creation of answers" in
    statements. Answers need not be things.
  • Consider that the role of language is to make
    knowledge sharable (Sq root of 2 is not a
    rational )
  • We must already share an understanding of how
    language is used to share this new info.
  • When we establish this initial understanding we
    may limit other understandings.
  • Thus a statement in nothing more than a signal
    of being in possession of some piece of
  • To inquire about a statements veracity is
    independent of our knowing it. Statements arent
    things they are only acts of stating.

From Theories, Models, Reasoning,Language, and
Truthby John F. Sowa. See also Gary Berg-Cross.
A Pragmatic Approach to Discussing Intelligence
in Systems, PerMIS 2004 and my discussion of
Scruffy Vs. Neat Approaches Models in
Information Assimilation and Indexed Knowledge
by Gary Berg-Cross BCIG 2002
Two mathematical Statements a Procedure for
Getting into Position to Make at Least One of Them
  • An invented example (you can invent your own)
  • The author, GS, considers the fractional part of
    the sequence (3/2)n and
  • discusses an assertion on where they fall as n
    goes from 1 to 2,000,000.
  • We can assert (S) that more than 1 million fall
    in the interval 0-1/2.
  • Or we can assert (T) that more than 1 million
    fall in the interval interval ½ to 1.
  • It seems clear why one or the other will be true
  • So is it discovery or creation? GS argues that
    it is better captured by a metaphor/sign of
    creation and not discovery.

Understanding Mathematical Statements One Way
of Making Mathematical Language Work
  • If you ask a philosopher what the main problems
    are in the philosophy of mathematics, then the
    following 2 are likely to come up
  • what is the status of mathematical truth, and
    what is the nature of mathematical objects? That
    is, what gives mathematical statements their aura
    of infallibility, and
  • what on earth are these statements about?
  • W. T. Gowers, Does mathematics need a
    philosophy?, presented at Cambridge University
    Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics 2002
  • Heres the confusion. The statements more than
    a million terms of the sequence", and
    fractional part etc. all are in present tense
    and thus seem to say that the terms already
  • Present tense is oriented to the world of
  • But all that is in the present tense is our
    signaling that we understand, which is a
    convention established in our language.
  • And if we accept this view, then perhaps lack of
    existence is also true when we talk about
    number sets functions.
  • As scientists we should not be uncritically using
    language like this
  • In GSs view mathematical language should signal
    mathematical knowledge involves conventions
    that govern the use of mathematical language.
  • Conventions are established by usto a purpose
    such as K or acts of strict counting and
    performing computation.
  • E.g. conventions on what ABC mean for 57 and
    AB etc.
  • The present tense in these is purely
  • It means if I want to be in the state of
    knowing I have a procedure/computation to arrive
    at something that witnesses the validity of the

The Contemporary Mathematicians Unfulfilled
Task Making Mathematical Language function the
Way He Wants it To
  • Using a constructive method as convention, math
    proofs would be of genuine scientific use in the
    traditional sense the proofs do say something
    about acquiring knowledge.
  • But the Contemporary Mathematician prefers to say
    that 347 is not about acts of counting but
    about the relation of numbers.
  • Our author claims that we dont have proper
    conventions to really support this.
  • What sort of thing is a set? We have
    intuitions but structures to model these seem
    insufficient to outsiders.
  • Better to talk about operational interpretations
    of sets.

A Pseudomystery about the nature of Mathematical
Knowledge and the Manner in Which it is Acquired
  • Here we enter the faculty of mind issue which
    is a Pseudomystery, since the Mathematician cant
    explain Mathematical Knowledge and how it is
  • Mathematicians conclude that it tells us about
    limits of our mind.
  • Both S and its negation are unprovable,
  • The First Incompleteness Theorem
  • What Gödel points out is that if a formal logical
    system contains a statement S, "This statement is
    unprovable" which can be proven true, then we
    have a contradiction.
  • Because the statement is provable, despite claims
    to the contrary.
  • On the other hand, if the statement is false,
    then the theory is incompleteit contains a
    statement which is not able to be proved.
  • This means no formal logical system can be both
    consistent and complete.
  • But this may tell us nothing really interesting
    about the mind only the incorrect assumptions
    about mathematical objects.
  • Consider
  • A great truth is a statement whose opposite is
    also a great truth. Niels Bohr
  • We have to do mathematics using the brain which
    evolved 100,000 years ago for survival in the
    African savannah. Stanislav Dehaene

The Decisive Influence of Language Use on the
Conduct of Mathematical Research The Influence
of Talk About Statements Being True
  • Does this understanding of language problems etc.
    lead to a mathematics that is useful and a method
    that is practical in daily work?
  • Yes we can reformulate mathematical statements to
    eliminate talk about mathematical objects.
  • If, for each X, either statement A(x) or B(x) is
    true then either all statements A(x) are true or
    some statement B(x) is true.
  • What is present tense is the statement and not an
    object referenced by the statement.
  • As for everything else, so for a mathematical
  • beauty can be perceived but not explained.
    Arthur Cayley

Concluding Remarks - The Title Question Answered
  • In mathematics how do we attain knowledge of
    object independent of us? Maybe
    we dont.
  • Its more an Illusion, produced by acceptance of
    beliefs that is encouraged by language habits
    than a special mental faculty.
  • Its not knowledge acquired in a special way, it
    is subject to scientific criteria, its
  • Numbers are tools, not rules. 
  • Numbers are symbols for things the number and
    the thing are not the same.
  • Skill in manipulating numbers is a talent, not
    evidence of divine guidance.
  • The product of an arithmetical computation is the
    answer to an equation it is not the solution to
    a problem.
  • Arithmetical proofs of theorems that do not have
    arithmetical bases prove nothing.
    Ashley-Perry from
    Statistical Axioms

Supplementary Material
  • In case you want a bit more on this topic and
    related topics
  • Gary Berg-Cross

Our Author - Gabriel Stolzenberg
  • Gabriel Stolzenberg is a Professor of Mathematics
    at Northeastern University. He has an A.B. from
    Columbia, a doctorate from MIT, and an honorary
    master's degree from Brown.
  • He has been a fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan
    Foundation and the John Simon Guggenheim
  • He spent one year at the Institut des Hautes
    Etudes Scientifiques in France.
  • He has been a Visiting Professor at the
    University of Paris, Orsay, the University of
    Caifornia at San Diego and MIT.
  • His best known mathematical work is "Volumes,
    Limits and Extensions of Analytic Varieties"
    (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, No. 19, Springer
  • His best known works about mathematics are
  • his critical review of Errett Bishop's,
    "Foundations of Constructive Analysis" (Bulletin
    of the American Mathematical Society, March 1970)
  • "Can an Inquiry into the Foundations of
    Mathematics Tell Us Anything Interesting About
    Mind?" (in Psychology and Biology of Language and
    Thought Essays in Honor of Eric Lenneberg,
    edited by Eliza Lenneberg and George A. Miller,
    Academic Press, 1978).
  • His non-mathematical interests include
    metaphysics, belief formation, interpretation of
    texts and legal theory. His main research has
    been on constructivist mathematics and the
    classical/constructivist gestalt shift.

Some References
  • Errett Bishop, Foundations of constructive
    analysis (1967)
  • L.E.J. Brouwer, Collected Works, Vol. 1
  • Alonzo Church, "An Unsolvable Problem of
    Elementary Number Theory," American Journal of
    Mathematics, Vol. 58, 1936, p. 351, fn. 10 --
    also in The Undecidable, ed. Martin Davis (1965),
    pp. 88-107
  • Michael Dummett, Elements of Intuitionism (1977),
  • von Glasersfeld, E. (1974). Piaget and the
    radical constructivist epistemology. In C. D.
    Smock E. von Glasersfeld (Eds.), Epistemology
    and education. Athens, GA Follow Through
    Publications. Alfred Tarski, Logic, Semantics,
    Metamathematics (1956)
  • Quine, W. V. Philosophy of Logic. 2d ed.
    Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press, 1986.
  • Alfred Tarski, "The Semantic Conception of
    Truth," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
    (1944), pp. 347, 349, 355, etc.
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Grammar (1974)
    (although not mentioned in the chapter, he Like
    Kuhn seems relevant Gary Berg-Cross
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein, Wittgenstein's Lectures on
    the Foundations of Mathematics (1976)

More on Hilberts Influence
  • German mathematician who reduced geometry to a
    series of axioms and contributed substantially to
    the establishment of Formalism in foundations of
  • His work in 1909 on integral equations led to
    20th-century research in functional analysis his
    Formalism, which treats mathematics as a series
    of symbols which can be rearranged according to
    various formal rules, sheds no light on the
    obvious relevance of mathematics to natural
    science, but led to the development of
    meta-mathematics, the systematic study of the
    comparative structures of mathematical theories,
    which was essential to subsequent elucidation of
    the problems of the foundations of mathematics by
    Gödel and others.
  • Hilbert completed his PhD at the University of
    Königsberg in 1884, remaining there till 1895,
    after which he was appointed Professor of
    Mathematics at the University of Göttingen, where
    he remained for the rest of his life.
  • Hilbert introduced a highly original approach to
    the consideration of mathematical invariants
    which allowed the structure of mathematical
    theories to be themselves the subject of
    mathematical analysis in a way hither to
  • An invariant is that aspect of something which
    remains the same when a corresponding
    transformation is applied to something.
  • The meaning of invariant is most easily
    understood in terms of geometrical
    transformations such as displacement (where shape
    and size are invariant) or dilation (where shape
    but not size are invariant).
  • Hilbert proved that all invariants can be
    expressed in terms of a finite number. His new
    method allowed him to produce a set of axioms for
    Euclidean geometry which marked a turning point
    in the theory of axioms.

Foundations for Classical Logic
Classical logic rests upon 3 axioms. These axioms
are held to be 'self evident'because all
syllogisms rely on them, and because they can be
defended through retortion. "Retortion" means
that any syllogism used to refute these axioms
will have to rely on them (!!!!!) - leading to a
self refutation (we call this type of self
refutation the "Stolen concept fallacy"). You
can see why GS talks about being trapped in a
What are Watzlawicks Roots on Invented Reality?
He was associated with Gregory Bateson who was
influenced by Korzybski Number is different
from quantity. Gregory Bateson
The map is not the territory, and the name is
not the thing named. Alfred Korzybski.
He was part of the Cybernetics era. The
anthropologists Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead
contrasted first and second-order Cybernetics in
the diagram on the right (1973). It emphasizes
the requirement for a possibly constructivist
participant observer in the second order case as
shown in their figure.
Second-order cybernetics was created from the
attempts of classical cyberneticians to construct
a model of the mind. Researchers realized
that . . . a brain is required to write a theory
of a brain. From this follows that a theory of
the brain, that has any aspirations for
completeness, has to account for the writing of
this theory. And even more fascinating, the
writer of this theory has to account for her or
himself. Translated into the domain of
cybernetics the cybernetician, by entering his
own domain, has to account for his or her own
activity. Cybernetics then becomes cybernetics of
cybernetics, or second-order cybernetics. Heinz
von Foerster
General Systems and Constructionists
Other Critiques of mathematical Foundations
  • Karl Popper believed that mathematics was not
    experimentally falsifiable and thus NOT a
  • However, other philosophers, e.g. Imre Lakatos,
    have applied a version of falsificationism to
    mathematics itself.
  • An alternative view is that certain scientific
    fields (such as theoretical physics) are
    mathematics with axioms that are intended to
    correspond to reality.
  • The theoretical physicist, J. M. Ziman, proposed
    that scienctific knowledge is public knowledge
    and thus includes mathematics.?
  • What mathematics seems to share with many of the
    physical sciences is the exploration of the
    logical consequences of assumptions.
  • Intuition and experimentation also play a role
    in the formulation of conjectures needed grow
    both mathematics and the (other) sciences.
  • Experimental mathematics continues to grow in
    importance within mathematics, and computation
    and simulation are playing an increasing role in
    both the sciences and mathematics, weakening the
    objection that mathematics does not utilize the
    scientific method.
  • In his 2002 book A New Kind of Science, Stephen
    Wolfram argues for a new kind of computational
    mathematics deserves to be explored empirically
    as a scientific field in its own right. Maybe it
    is the real math.

(No Transcript)
Some Related Publications by Gary Berg-Cross
  • Ph.D. SUNY Stony Brook, Cognitive Psychologist.
  • Dissertation Semantic model and organization of
    knowledge for discourse
  • BS Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
    Experimental Psychology, 1967
  • Relevant Publications
  • Incremental Semantics for Service Oriented
    Architecture Presented at SOA EGov Conference,
    at Mitre, Falls Church VA May 2007
  • Developing Knowledge for Intelligent Agents
    Exploring Parallels in Ontological Analysis and
    Epigenetic Robotics, NIST PerMIS conferences 2006
  • A Pragmatic Approach to Discussing Intelligence
    in Systems, PerMIS 2004
  • Dimensions of Intelligence and Intelligent
    Systems at PerMIS conference, August, 2002,
  • Applying an Ontological Analysis Methods and
    Ontological Design Patterns in Support of the EHR
    , Poster at KR-MED's "Biomedical Ontology in
    Action" workshop, Nov. 8, 2006
  • Handling Adaptive Complexity through
    Intermediate Developmental Cognitive Structures
    Applications of Cognitive Complexity in
    Organizations paper at ECHO workshop on
    Inquiries, Indices and Incommensurabilities ,
    GWU, Sept, 2004.
  • Exploring eGov Cooperation and Knowledge Sharing,
    presented at Toward More Transparent Government.
    Workshop on eGovernment and the Web, sponsored by
    W3C, held 18 - 19 June at the National Academy of
  • (with, John Hanna) Using Conceptual Structures
    to Translate Data Models Concepts, Context and
    Cognitive Processes. Workshop on Conceptual
    Graphs 1992 171-187
  • (with, John Hanna) Can a large knowledge base be
    built by importing and unifying diverse
    knowledge? lessons from scruffy work.
    Knowl.-Based Syst. 5(3) 245-254 (1992)

Gary Berg-Cross with daughter Amber grandson
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