The Principles of Water Disinfection by Copper Silver Ionization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Principles of Water Disinfection by Copper Silver Ionization


... large wooden water casks to provide them with safe drinking water on their long voyage. ... manufactures 37 different models to handle any amount of water. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Principles of Water Disinfection by Copper Silver Ionization

The Principles of Water Disinfection by Copper /
Silver Ionization
For thousands of years, man has attempted to
disinfect water without the use of hazardous
chemicals. Algae, bacteria and viruses in water
cause problems not only in drinking water, but in
commercial uses also. One of the means of water
disinfection that has been used is that of
copper/silver ionization. ClearWater Enviro
Technologies, Inc. is the first to perfect the
process of copper/silver ionization in various
applications. This presentation is broken up into
five chapters Chapter one will take a look a the
definition of ionization. Chapter two will review
the history of ionization. Chapter three will
explain how the ClearWater Purification System
has perfected the process of copper/silver
ionization. Chapter four will give a detailed
look at how copper/silver ionization actually
disinfects the water. Chapter five will look into
the various applications of copper/silver
Chapter 1 - Ionization
ClearWater Enviro Technologies, Inc. uses
copper/silver ionization as the basis for its
purification of water. To get a better idea of
this, lets first look into the definition of an
ion and ionization. An ion is an atom or
radical (group of atoms) which carries an
electrical charge as the result of having lost or
gained electrons. The atoms charge is negative
if it has an extra electron and positive if it is
short an electron. A positively charged ion is
called a cation, while a negatively charged ion
is called an anion. An ion often has entirely
different properties than the element (atom) from
which it was formed. Ionization is the process
in which a chemical combination breaks up into
simpler electrically charged components
(individual atoms or groups of atoms) called
ions. The ionization process is related to the
gaining or losing of electrons causing the atoms
or group of atoms to become electrically
charged. ClearWater Enviro Technologies, Inc.
uses copper and silver as the basis for its
technology, thus copper/silver ionization is the
electronic release of copper and silver ions.
Chapter 1 - Ionization
Properties of Copper and Silver Copper is atomic
number 29 in the Periodic Table of Elements. An
atom of copper has 29 protons. The atomic weight
is 63.54 and the atomic symbol is Cu.
Copper is in column IB of the Periodic Table of
Elements, above Silver, whose atomic symbol is Ag.
Chapter 1 - Ionization
Elements in the same column have some similar
properties. Copper has a Mohs hardness of 2.5
to 3.0, which is harder than a fingernail but
softer than a steel pocketknife. The surface has
a metallic luster. With a specific gravity of
8.2 (based on a density of 8.2 grams per cubic
centimeter, g/cm3), it is far denser than water
with a specific gravity of 1. Silver is below
copper in column IB, is far denser at 19. Silver
is the 1 mineral to conduct electricity where
copper is 2. Copper is an excellent conductor of
heat, making it an important metal in cookware,
refrigerators and radiators. Copper is also
resistant to corrosion--it will not rust. The
melting point of copper is 1083.4oC. Copper is
required in animal metabolism. Young children
require approximately 0.1 mg/day of copper for
normal growth and the daily requirements for
adults is about 2 mg/day.
Chapter 2 - History of Copper/Silver Ionization
Chapter 2 - History of Copper/Silver Ionization
Early American pioneers moving west across the
continent put copper and silver coins in large
wooden water casks to provide them with safe
drinking water on their long voyage. When the
wagons rolled, the agitation caused the coins to
discharge ions in the water. The copper ions
killed algae and the silver ions killed bacteria
and viruses. Today, copper is recognized as one
of the best algaecides killers known to man.
Oxides and sulfates of copper are used for
pesticides, algaecides and fungicides. Copper is
frequently incorporated into paints and wood
preservatives to inhibit growth of algae and
invertebrate organisms.
Chapter 2 - History of Copper/Silver Ionization
Chapter 2 - History of Copper/Silver Ionization
Silver dollars have been used to keep milk from
spoiling. Silver foil was used to cover wounds
and surgical lesions to prevent infection and
promote the healing process. Today, silver is the
leading method used for treatment of burn
victims. Bacteria multiplies very rapidly on
burn areas. Drops of silver nitrate solution are
applied to the eyes of newborn babies to prevent
blindness due to gonorrheal infection.
Chapter 2 - History of Copper/Silver Ionization
It was NASA that harnessed what nature already
knew and designed an ionization system for their
Apollo flights. The Johnson Space Center
developed an electrolytic silver ion generator
only slightly larger than a cigarette pack and
weighing only 9 ounces.
Chapter 2 - History of Copper/Silver Ionization
This small ionizer required minimal power and no
astronaut monitoring--a critical factor to
consider when in space. Mounted at various
locations in the potable water supply and waste
water systems, the ionizer would dispense silver
ions into the water to kill bacteria and viruses.
In 1962, silver was approved for use in drinking
water by the U.S. Public Health Service.
Chapter 2 - History of Copper/Silver Ionization
Today, the U.S. EPA allows 1.3 ppm copper and 100
ppb (parts per billion) of silver in the drinking
water. The ClearWater Purifier only uses about
1/5th of these totals.
Chapter 3 - The ClearWater Purification System
The ClearWater Purification System consists of a
state of the art, microprocessor control box and
a scientifically designed set of electrodes
comprised of copper and silver.
The control box works by generating a precise,
low voltage, DC current at milliamp levels to the
electrodes. These electrodes consist of a
metal-plated cathode and a metal-plated anode.
The metals consist of copper and silver.
Chapter 3 - The ClearWater Purification System
The percentage of silver versus copper varies on
the application. A swimming pool unit requires
only 1 of the electrodes to consist of silver,
while cooling towers and hospital water
disinfection requires up to 20 silver.
The electrodes are housed in a flow cell chamber
to allow easy access to them. The electrodes may
need occasional cleaning and need to be replaced
every year or two. The flow cell chambers vary
between the residential and commercial units.
The residential unit includes a black flow-cell
tee that the electrodes screw into. The
electrodes are secured in a clear bowl that can
be removed without any tools and installed
without Teflon tape.
Chapter 3 - The ClearWater Purification System
The flow cell is installed on the return line on
swimming pools after the pump and either before
or after the filter. On other applications, the
flow cell can be installed on the incoming line
as the water enters the building. Commercial
units have the option of two sizes of tees - 3
in. or 4 in. There is a clear extension coming
out of the tee that allows full view of the
electrodes. As water is passed through the
chamber, water flows past the electrodes where
the control box sends a low voltage DC (direct
current) charge to the electrodes. As the
current moves, it produces metal ions courtesy of
the copper and silver plating. The control box is
a micro-processor that releases a controllable
low voltage DC charge to the electrodes that
causes some of the outermost atoms to lose an
electron, thus becoming positive ions. As they
attempt to flow across from one electrode to
another, the flow of the water causes many of the
ions to be released into the water where the
copper ions kill algae and the silver ions kill
bacteria and viruses.
Chapter 3 - The ClearWater Purification System
To control the amount of ions to be released into
the water, simply turn the control knob on the
microprocessor clockwise to increase the amount
or counterclockwise to lower the amount. A
digital readout in milliamp levels tells you the
exact charge being applied to the electrodes.
This can vary due to TDS levels (total dissolved
solids) or conductivity of the water and wear
tear of the electrodes.
The charge or polarity switches back and forth
between the two electrodes bars to prevent
plating of the cathode - or buildup of scale and
copper plating. ClearWaters unit changes the
polarity every 5 minutes. This polarity change
also allows for an even wear and tear on the
electrodes. The electrodes are both identical in
Chapter 3 - The ClearWater Purification System
The actual setting of the control box is
determined by the readings from a copper-ion text
kit included with the unit.
The recommended reading on the test kit should be
between .20 - .30 ppm. A reading lower than that
indicates that the control knob should be turned
up. A reading lower than that means the control
knob should be turned down. Generally, the
reading will stay on the same setting during the
season. The only change is when the water
temperature increases - which promotes more
algae, bacteria and viruses in the water. The
more algae and bacteria, the more demand for
copper ions.
Chapter 4 - Copper/Silver Disinfection
When copper and silver ions are released into the
water, these cationic, surface active ions are a
potent biocide. The disinfection action takes
place when the positively charged copper and
silver ions form electrostatic bonds on
negatively charged areas of the microorganism
cell walls.
These electrostatic bonds create stresses which
lead to distorted cell wall permeability,
minimizing the normal intake of life sustaining
Once inside an algae cell, copper and silver
attack sulfur containing amino acid residues in
the proteins used for photosynthesis (the process
of converting light into useable food and
energy). As a result, photosynthesis is blocked
and lead to the cells death.
If the algae cell manages to live, the
reproduction process is hampered by the presence
of the copper ions and the spread of algae is
held in check. Bacteria is killed rather than
Chapter 4 - Copper/Silver Disinfection
The greatest benefit of copper/silver ionization
is that the ions remain in the water providing a
residual protection. Unlike most other types of
sanitizers, the copper and silver ions remain in
the water until they flocculate or form masses
with algae and bacteria and then become large
enough to be removed by the filtering equipment.
When the used copper and silver ions are
removed, the microprocessor control box is always
producing new copper and silver ions to
continuously sanitize the water. Various studies
have been done on copper/silver ionization over
the years and has proven to be lethal to hundreds
of different types of algae, bacteria, and
viruses. Understanding Waterborne
Pathogens Waterborne pathogens, or disease
producing microorganisms can be classified into 3
sections bacteria, viruses and
protozoa. Bacteria - are single-celled organisms
which lack well-defined nuclear membranes and
other specialized functional cell parts and they
reproduce by cell division or spores. Bacteria
may be free-living organisms or parasites.
Chapter 4 - Copper/Silver Disinfection
Bacteria and fungi are decomposers that break
down the wastes and bodies of dead organisms,
making their components available for reuse.
Bacteria cells range from about 1 to 10 microns
in length and from 0.2 to 1 micron in width.
They exist almost everywhere on earth. Despite
their small size, the total weight of all
bacteria in the world exceeds that of all other
organisms combined. Viruses - a parasitic
infectious microbe composed almost entirely of
protein and protein and nucleic acids which can
cause diseases in humans. Viruses can reproduce
only within living cells. They are 0.004 to 0.1
microns size about 1/100 the size of bacteria.
Viruses often survive many disinfectants
including chlorine. Protozoa - microscopic,
usually single-celled microorganisms which live
in water and are relatively larger in comparison
to other microbes. Protozoa are higher on the
food chain than the bacteria that they eat. Many
protozoa are parasitic.
Chapter 4 - Copper/Silver Disinfection
  • ClearWater Enviro Technologies, Inc.'s ionizing
    system will kill most bacteria, viruses and
  • A sampling of waterborne pathogens that the
    copper/silver ionization will kill
  • Amoebae dysenteriae
  • Bacillius subtilis
  • Bacillius typhosus
  • Cryptosporidium
  • Endamoeba histolytica
  • Escherichia coli (E. coli)
  • Giardia lamblia
  • Herpes virus
  • HIV
  • Influenza A B
  • Legionella pneumophila
  • Poliomyelitis virus
  • Proteus valgaris
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Salmonella
  • Saccharomyees cerevisiae
  • Sarcina Flava
  • Shigella dysentiniae
  • Shigella flexneria
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Streptococus faecalis
  • V. cholera
  • Vaccinia virus
  • Vibrio cholerae

Chapter 4 - Copper/Silver Disinfection
Of the list on the previous page, the most common
pathogens include Escherichia coli (E. coli) -
Is the standard test for health agencies in
swimming pool water treatment. E. coli is one of
the members of the coliform bacteria group
normally found in human and animal intestines and
indicative of fecal contamination when found in
water. E. coli produces large amounts of toxins
that can cause severe damage to the lining of the
intestine. It can survive for many weeks in
lakes, reservoirs and municipal water. E. coli
is transmitted by fecal contamination in water
and can also be transmitted through consumption
of under cooked beef, unpasteurized milk and
apple cider. Effects include gastrointestinal
disorders and in some cases, kidney disorders.
It has a four to seven day incubation period, so
an infected person would not even know for four
to seven days. Sometimes, death can result like
the case in Marietta, Georgia, at a water park in
the summer of 1998, where several children became
ill and one died.
Chapter 4 - Copper/Silver Disinfection
Salmonella - another bacteria like E. coli, there
are several groups in the salmonella group that
can cause illness in humans. Transmission is
through food and water contaminated by feces of
infected people and animals. Its effects include
severe dehydration and diarrhea. A small number
of infected persons will develop pains in joints,
eye irritation and painful urination. Cryptosporid
ium - a waterborne protozoan that forms cysts and
causes acute gastrointestinal illness in humans.
It is found in unfiltered surface water and is
resistant to disinfectants such as chlorine and
ultraviolet light. The disease, which begins
about seven days after infection is transmitted
by consumption of food, unhygienic diaper
practices and contact with young farm animals.
Outbreaks are related to food, drinking water
and recreational water. People with normal
immune systems can expect the illness to last for
up to two weeks. Intermittent diarrhea can be
expected during this time. For those with weak
immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS,
patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy and organ
transplant recipients, the disease can be life
Chapter 4 - Copper/Silver Disinfection
Giardia/Giardia lamblia - Giardia is a waterborne
protozoan that forms cysts and is resistant to
disinfectants such as chlorine and ultraviolet
light. Giardia lamblia is a type of cyst found
in the intestines of mammals and in water
contaminated by mammal feces. The Giardia
lamblia cyst, which is very common and is
frequently carried by water, is capable of
causing a contagious waterborne disease
characterized by acute diarrhea. This disease is
sometimes called beaver fever because beaver
droppings containing Giardia lamblia are often
suspected of contaminating the streams and
causing the disease in humans that drink the
contaminated stream water. It takes only one
Giardia organism to cause infection. Its effects
include chronic diarrhea, abdominal cramps,
bloating, fatigue and loss of weight. The
disease requires medical treatment and may take
up to two weeks before symptoms show up.
Chapter 4 - Copper/Silver Disinfection
Legionnaires Disease - The ClearWater Purifier
also completely kills Legionnaires Disease,
technically called Legionella pneumophila, which
causes a pneumonia like illness in people with
weak immune systems. The disease became more
firmly identified after several people died at an
American Legion convention in 1976. The bacteria
is know to thrive at about 100oF and live in
infected humidifiers, cooling tower water,
saunas, shower rooms and water supplies. The
disease is not contagious from person to person
but is spread mainly by inhaling airborne water
droplets. Legionnaires Disease can cause high
fevers, severe respiratory ailments, pneumonia
and death. An estimated 10,000 people in the
United States develop the disease and in 5 to 15
the disease proves fatal. Hospitals are often the
victims of Legionnaires Disease because patients
are often elderly, very ill or have weak immune
Chapter 4 - Copper/Silver Disinfection
All of the previously mentioned diseases can be
cured with the ClearWater Purification System.
Chapter 5 - Copper/Silver Ionization Applications
There are several applications for the ClearWater
Purification System Swimming pools - ClearWater
Enviro Technologies, Inc. has sold tens of
thousands of systems designed for swimming pools.
There are currently 35 models to handle any size
swimming pool up to 2.4 million gallons of
water. The big benefit with ionization and
swimming pools is that the ionization kills
algae, bacteria and viruses--all major concerns
of any health department that regulates swimming
pools. Because the water is always recirculating,
it is easy to maintain a continuous kill of
algae, bacteria and viruses.
Chapter 5 - Copper/Silver Ionization Applications
The ions are long-lasting and keep a residual in
the water unlike chlorine, UV and ozone. The
copper and silver ions are not absorbed by the
skin and effected by weather (ultraviolet
evaporation) like chlorine is.
Chapter 5 - Copper/Silver Ionization Applications
One of the more popular applications is on marine
inhabit aquariums, such as dolphin tanks and sea
turtles. Algae is a major problem and a great
deal of chlorine is required to control this
algae buildup which is harmful to the mammals. By
installing the ionizer with copper only
electrodes, (silver may be harmful to the
mammals) algae is greatly controlled, often
saving several hours a day in labor. The lowered
chlorine levels is both for the dolphins eyes
and skin. Cooling Towers - Cooling towers operate
on the principle of removing heat from water by
evaporating a small portion of the water that is
recirculated through the unit. Cooling towers
are an integral part of large central air
conditioning/chiller systems. Cooling towers are
a maintenance nightmare for the crew that
maintains them. Because large amounts of water
are used, biological control of these systems is
critical. Without control, the development of
biofilm and slime leads to reduction in heat
transfer, system blockages, increased pumping
costs, and a dramatic rise in the corrosion rate
of the systems pipe work and fittings.
Chapter 5 - Copper/Silver Ionization Applications
The copper and silver ions eliminates biological
growth and will greatly reduce corrosion. The
presence and growth of microorganisms in cooling
towers cause plugged water passages and severe
deterioration of metal surfaces by under-deposit
corrosion. Iron deposition and corrosion is
caused by the metabolism of iron bacteria,
which can remove water soluble ferrous salts and
deposit them as insoluble ferric oxides. These
oxides tend to grow rapidly and can reach sizes
large enough to restrict water flow. Another
group of bacteria produce acids and waste which
attach metal surfaces directly. These organisms
can convert water-soluble sulfur compounds into
hydrogen sulfide. One of the most common
sulfate-reducing bacteria is desulfovibrio. This
bacterium uses organic nutrients from the
decomposition of other bacteria or algae as food.
This process often takes place under existing
biofilm or scale deposits. The corrosive action
of desulfovibrio can produce condenser tube
penetration in as little as six weeks.
Chapter 5 - Copper/Silver Ionization Applications
A third group of corrosive bacteria common to
cooling towers are known as nitrifying bacteria.
These bacteria react with dissolved ammonia to
produce nitric acid. This acid lowers pH and
causes localized attack on the cooling towers
metal frames and piping. Algae, also a major
source of trouble in cooling-water systems,
adheres to metal surfaces and accelerates pitting
by the release of oxygen during the metabolic
process. Large algae growths also impede the
effectiveness of biocidal treatments by absorbing
them. This resistance to chemical treatment
makes it necessary to rotate the chemical
treatment to maintain its effectiveness. The
copper/silver ionization system solves these
biological problems and, as an added bonus, it
kills Legionella pheumophila bacteria. Cooling
towers are a major source of Legionnaires
Disease (see previous section). This disease may
spread through the air conditioning vents in the
entire building, affecting people with weak
immune systems.
Chapter 5 - Copper/Silver Ionization Applications
  • A summary of all the benefits of the ClearWater
    Purification System on cooling towers includes
  • Up to 90 reduction in chemicals and sewage
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Extended equipment life
  • Less down time
  • Reduced water and sewer costs
  • Reduce fouling factor
  • Large energy savings
  • Corrosion control improved dramatically
  • Kills deadly Legionnaires Disease

Chapter 5 - Copper/Silver Ionization Applications
Hospital Water Supply - Hospitals are in business
to help ill people. Did you know that about 20
of all patients that enter the hospital actually
contract another disease during their hospital
stay? One of the diseases is Legionnaires
Disease which effects ill people or those with
weak immune systems--basically any patient in the
hospital. Legionella can not only spread through
the air conditioning vents from the cooling
towers, but from evaporative condensers, therapy
pools and potable water distribution system.
Legionella is transmitted through aspiration,
aerosolization (a water steam generated from
showers or faucets) or direct exposure to
Legionella during respiratory tract
manipulation. It is a well documented fact that
copper and silver ions kill Legionnaires Disease
and the use of the ClearWater Purification System
can give hospitals the assurance against possible
multimillion dollar lawsuits from people that die
from the disease.
Chapter 5 - Copper/Silver Ionization Applications
Drinking Water Systems - ClearWater has entered
the drinking water industry with its ionization
system. By incorporating copper and silver ions
into the water supply, you can safely lower
chlorine levels, have a much better kill rate
with bacteria, and kill viruses (where chlorine
fails to do the job). The copper and silver ions
provide a long lasting residual in the water,
killing bacteria and viruses on an ongoing
basis. Currently, ClearWater Enviro Technologies,
Inc. has released a copper/silver ionization
system on an RO system (Reverse Osmosis) where
the ions enter the water supply, kill algae,
bacteria and viruses and then they are removed
and stored in a holding tank. Municipal water
systems would be ideal uses of the ClearWater
Purification System because of government
concerns about chlorine and high THM levels--a
cancer causing agent. By using less chlorine,
there are less THMs in the water.
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