Title: S ED 525
1Welcome to S ED 525
Fall 2008
To empower learning
Building a collaborating community
2Agenda for 8/27/08
- Getting acquainted
- Course overview/ syllabus review
- Overview of TPEs and the PACT
- Clarifying assumptions
- Teaching math effectively
- Discussions and questions
3Getting Acquainted
- Complete the questionnaire
- Introductions
- -What is your name?
- -What is your subject area?
- -Where did you attend high school college?
- -Where are you student teaching?
4Getting Acquainted
- Line up in the hallway based on age
- Identify the median, first quartile, and third
quartile - Find the mean
5Course Overview
- Contact information and office hours
- Purposes and objectives of this course
- Book orders
6Book Orders
- Call Customer Service at Key Curriclum Press
800-995-6284 (between 8 and 5) - Identify yourself as a student from CSUN in Ivan
Chengs class - Order the the textbook on the syllabus
- Also, if you are interested, you can order
- Exploring Algebra 1 with The Geometer's Sketchpad
- Exploring Geometry with The Geometer's Sketchpad
- at a reduced price of 39.95 (plus tax)
and free shipping
7Course Overview (continued)
- Contact information and office hours
- Purposes and objectives of this course
- Book orders
- Course schedule format
- Assignments and grading
- Class responsibilities
- Online discussions
8Online Discussions
- httpwww.csun.edu/icheng
- Algebra Learning Network
- http//edutech.csun.edu/aln/
- Post one comment respond to one comment each
9TPEs and the PACT
- Domains of teaching
- A. Making subject matter comprehensible
- B. Assessing student learning
- C. Engaging and supporting students in learning
- D. Planning Instruction and designing learning
experiences - E. Creating and maintaining effective
environments for learning - F. Developing as a professional educator
- Teaching Performance Expectations
- Performance Assessment of
California Teachers
10Clarifying Assumptions
- Complete the questionnaire
- Small group discussion
- Why is it important to learn mathematics?
- How is learning best achieved?
- What is the role of the teacher?
11Teaching Math Effectively
- Scrambled Numbers
- The challenge of modern classrooms (equity,
access, and NCLB) - Instrumental v. relational understanding
- Teachers make a difference
- The story of Teddy
12Scrambled Numbers
- The sheet you have been given is covered with
scrambled numbers. You need to circle the
numbers in order, beginning with the number 1.
Do not cheat! For example, you cannot circle 8
before you have circled 7. - Do not turn over the paper until you are told to
start. You will have one minute to complete this
13Scrambled Numbers (continued)
- Now take a minute to look at the second Scrambled
Numbers task individually. What do you notice
about this version? - Turn to your neighbor and share your
observations. - When told to start you will have one minute to
work on this second task.
14Scrambled Numbers (continued)
- How did it feel the second time?
- Comparing the two versions of the Scrambled
Numbers task, how were they different for you as
a learner? - What made the difference?
15Scrambled Numbers (continued)
- Students who do not have a deep understanding of
mathematics suspect that it is just a jumble of
unrelated procedures and incomprehensible
formulas. - Mathematics Framework
- for California Public Schools (2005), p. 5
16Teaching Math Effectively (continued)
- Scrambled Numbers
- The challenge of modern classrooms (equity,
access, and NCLB) - Instrumental v. relational understanding
- Teachers make a difference
- The story of Teddy
17Teaching Math Effectively (continued)
- Scrambled Numbers
- The challenge of modern classrooms (equity,
access, and NCLB) - Instrumental v. relational understanding
- Teachers make a difference
- The story of Teddy
18Equity, Access, and NCLB
- Times have changed (The World is Flat)
- From low tech to high tech
- From computation to comprehension
- From basic skills to adaptive reasoning
- A hidden curriculum (Jean Anyon, 1980)
- Who succeeds in NCLB?
- How to make sure all students succeed
19Teaching Math Effectively (continued)
- Scrambled Numbers
- The challenge of modern classrooms (equity,
access, and NCLB) - Instrumental v. relational understanding
- Teachers make a difference
- The story of Teddy
20Teaching Math Effectively (continued)
- Scrambled Numbers
- The challenge of modern classrooms (equity,
access, and NCLB) - Instrumental v. relational understanding
- Teachers make a difference
- The story of Teddy
21Instrumental v. Relational
- Imagine you are in a different city attending a
conference. The Metro from the airport drops you
off on the corner of State Street and Lake
Street. Because it is such a beautiful day, you
decide to take a walk around the area on your way
to your hotel at Grand Avenue and Rush Street.
22Instrumental v. Relational (continued)
- Now take a quiz
- Assume all the blocks are about the same size.
Please keep track of the following directions and
answer the questions.
23Teaching Math Effectively (continued)
- Scrambled Numbers
- The challenge of modern classrooms (equity,
access, and NCLB) - Instrumental v. relational understanding
- Teachers make a difference
- The story of Teddy
24Teaching Math Effectively (continued)
- Scrambled Numbers
- The challenge of modern classrooms (equity,
access, and NCLB) - Instrumental v. relational understanding
- Teachers make a difference
- The story of Teddy
25Teachers Make a Difference
26Teachers Make a Difference
27Teaching Math Effectively (continued)
- Scrambled Numbers
- The challenge of modern classrooms (equity,
access, and NCLB) - Instrumental v. relational understanding
- Teachers make a difference
- The story of Teddy
28Teaching Math Effectively (continued)
- Scrambled Numbers
- The challenge of modern classrooms (equity,
access, and NCLB) - Instrumental v. relational understanding
- Teachers make a difference
- The story of Teddy
29Teaching Math Effectively (continued)
- They dont care how much you know,
- until they know how much you care.
- They dont care how much you know,
- until they know how much you care.
- Write autobiography
- Read Chapter 6 from How People Learn
Due Sept. 3
31Thank you.
Due Sept. 3
32(No Transcript)