Title: Under the Microscope An RRC Site Visit
1Under the Microscope An RRC Site Visit
- 2009 Annual AADPRT Meeting
- March 12 March 15, 2009
- Tucson, AZ
2The PIF
- Program Information Form or Psychosis Inducing
3Program Information Form - PIF
- Two sections to the PIF
- Common PIF- Located under PIF preparation section
on the ACGME website but cannot be downloaded
must be updated and saved within the ACGME
website. - Specialty Specific PIF - Located under PIF
preparation section on the ACGME website. This is
the file that can be downloaded and saved to your
desktop/personal computer for future work.
4Time Consuming Issues
- Common PIF
- Physician Faculty Roster and CVs
- Takes a lot of time to gather and enter this
5Time Consuming Issues
- Specialty Specific PIF
- Scheduled Didactic Seminars
- Learning Activities for
- Practice-Based Learning
- Interpersonal and Communication Skills
- Systems-Based Practice
6The key is to start early
- Organization and an early start can help avoid
the need for an inpatient stay.
7The Internal Review
- Or
- Why Cant They Leave Me Alone?
- To insure institutional oversight of residency
program activities
9Internal Review Includes Assessment of
- Compliance with the Common, Program and
Institutional Requirements - Educational objectives and effectiveness in
meeting these objectives - Educational and financial resources
- Effectiveness in addressing areas of
non-compliance and concerns in previous ACGME
accreditation letters and internal reviews
10Internal Review Assessment (continued)
- Effectiveness of educational outcomes in the
ACGME general competencies - Effectiveness in using evaluation tools and
outcome measures to assess competency - Annual program improvement efforts
- Resident performance
- Faculty development
- Graduate performance
- Program quality
11Materials and Data to be Used Include
- ACGME Common, Program and Institutional
Requirements - Accreditation letters from ACGME
- Reports from previous internal reviews
- Previous annual program evaluations
- Results from internal or external resident
surveys, if available
12Internal Review Committee interviews
- Program Director
- Key faculty members
- At least one peer-selected resident from each
level of training - Other individuals deemed appropriate by the
13Internal Review Report
- Written report including
- Description of how the process was conducted
- Documentation to demonstrate a comprehensive
review, - List of citations, etc., from previous surveys
- Summary of how these items were subsequently
14Following the Internal Review
- The DIO and GMEC must monitor the response by the
program to actions recommended in the internal
review process. - The Sponsoring Institution must submit the most
recent internal review for each training program
as part of the Institutional Review documentation.
15Whats in it for my program?
- It forces evaluation of all facets of the program
in time to make adjustments before the next site
visit. - Gives the program coordinator something extra to
do in addition to recruitment/orientation/graduati
on/rotation schedules, EValue, etc.
16Dont be Stranded without the Right Tools to do
the Job
- Documentation is Essential to a successful Site
17Be Organized
- Organization is invaluable to a less stressful
visit so spend time finding a way to organize all
the documentation that allows you to quickly find
any information the site visitor requests.
18Preparation is Key.
- Educating Faculty and Residents for the Site Visit
19Preparation is NOT Coaching
- Do they understand the purpose of a Site Visit?
- Have they seen the PIF?
- Do the residents understand the Resident Survey?
- Make sure they are aware of the six core
competencies and how each competency is
evaluated. - Do they know the RRC requirements and how the
program is meeting those requirements? - Goals and Objectives for each rotation. Do they
know what they are and what tools are used to
evaluate success? - Do residents know the resources that are
available to them? - Do they know how you are responding to past
20The Purpose of a Site Visit
- The Site Visit is to review the compliance of the
training program with the ACGME Guidelines. - This is not the time or place to air grievances.
- If there is a concern, it should be discussed
with Program Administration prior to being a
conversation with the Site Visitor. - Be honest.
21The PIF
- Your residents and core faculty members should
have seen the PIF. This gives everyone a global
view of the program. - The quickest way to receive a citation is for
your PIF to say one thing and your residents
and/or faculty to say something different. - It is also a great way to trigger their memory.
22ACGME Resident Survey
- Review the questions on the ACGME Resident Survey
with your residents prior to having them complete
the survey. - Dont tell them how to answer the questions, but
you can let them know what the program is doing
for each question. - You should have read the responses of your most
recent resident survey and the Programs
Education Committee should have developed a plan
of action to respond to areas of concern. Have
documentation showing what you are doing.
23Do they know the Core Competencies?
- Residents were asked to name the six core
competencies and how they were evaluated on those
competencies. - Do the faculty know the competencies they are
assessing? - They were asked if they felt they were being
adequately trained in all those areas. - Program Director Guide to the Common Program
Requirements. - http//www.acgme.org/acWebsite/navPages/nav_common
24Goals and Objectives
- Send out the Goals and Objectives again to both
residents and faculty. - Remind them where they can find them at any give
time. - Make sure they faculty read the Goals and
Objectives, after all this is what they are
teaching the residents.
25Remind them of their resources
- Does the program have a library?
- Do they have access to a medical library in the
Institution? - Copy or Book allowances, travel allowances, etc.
- Employee Wellness area
26Past Concerns
- Make sure you have read the results of the ACGME
Resident Survey, discuss them with core faculty
and the residents. How are you going to respond
to concerns? - Does your GME office do a survey? Those results
should also be reviewed. - The annual program survey from both residents and
faculty, address those results. - Remind them of the progress that has been made
with past concerns.
27Take Foot. Stick in Mouth.
- An important point both Faculty and Residents
need to understand is to only answer the question
they are asked. DONT ELABORATE!
28Tips and Suggestions
- from those who have been there and done that!
29Tips and Suggestions
- Some questions on the ACGME Resident Survey may
be ambiguous, go over the survey with your
residents explaining what each questions is
asking prior to them going on-line to complete
the survey. - Know your PIF, make sure your residents and
faculty know your PIF. - Focus on and know your Affiliation Agreements, to
the extent you can find the answer in the
document to show the site visitor. - If you have questions about the preparation of
the PIF, call the RRC Executive Directors
30Tips and Suggestions for the Day of the Site Visit
- Make sure you have a schedule, anyone
participating in the site visit has a schedule,
and remind everyone on that day when and where
they need to show up. - You want the site visitor to have a very easy,
relaxed day. Make things as easy for him/her as
possible. - It is okay to ask them their preferences, for
lunch, arrangement of documentation, etc. - BREATHE RELAX BREATHE - RELAX
31Thank You
- Lisa Miller, C-TAGME University of Michigan
- millerlm_at_med.umich.edu
- Karyn Kitchen, C-TAGME University of Michigan
- ksk_at_med.umich.edu
- Barbara Burns, C-TAGME University of Maryland
- bburns_at_psych.umaryland.edu
- Pamela Whisenhunt, C-TAGME St. Louis University
- whisenpa_at_slu.edu