Title: Human Resource Management
1Human ResourceManagement
- Individual Performanceand Retention
Chapter 3
2Learning Objectives
- After you have read this chapter, you should be
able to - Discuss how motivation is linked to individual
performance. - Identify the changing nature of the psychological
contract. - Describe several types of absenteeism and
turnover. - List the five major retention determinants and
identify activities related to them. - Outline the retention management process and how
to measure and assess turnover.
3Individual Employee Performance
- Individual Performance Factors
- Individual ability to do the work
- Effort level expended
- Organizational support
- Performance (P) Ability (A) x Effort (E) x
Support (S)
4Components of Individual Performance
Figure 31
5Individual Motivation
- Motivation
- The desire within a person causing that person to
act to reach a goal. - Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
- Categories of needs that ascend in order lower
needs must be fulfilled before person will strive
to meet higher needs. - Physiological needs
- Safety and security needs
- Belonging and love needs
- Esteem needs
- Self-actualization needs
6Individual Motivation (contd)
- Herzbergs Motivation/Hygiene Theory
- Motivatorsaccount for job satisfaction and
motivation - Achievement Recognition Work itself
- Responsibility Advancement
- Hygiene factorscause dissatisfaction with work
- Interpersonal relationships
- Company policy/administration
- Supervision Salary Working conditions
7Equity as a Motivator
- Equity
- The perceived fairness of what the person does
compared to what the person receives. - The perception of the fair value of rewards
(outcomes) for efforts (inputs) that individuals
make when comparing their results to others in
the organization.
8Expectancy Theory
- Expectancy
- Individuals base decisions about their behaviors
on their expectations that one or another
behaviors is more likely to lead to needed or
desired outcomes. - Effort-to-Performance Expectations
- Belief in the ability to perform the task well
- Performance-to-Reward Linkage
- Belief that high performance will result in
receiving rewards - Value of Rewards
- The rewards have value to the individual
9Simplified Expectancy Model of Motivation
Figure 32
10Management Implications for Motivating
- The need for comprehensive strategies and tactics
to address both equity and expectations of
employees. - The provision of training to encourage high
performance. - The development of evaluation methods that
properly appraise and reward performance. - An understanding of what kinds of rewards are
desired and valued by employees.
11Individual/Organizational Relationships
- The Psychological Contract
- The unwritten expectations employees and
employers have about the nature of their work
relationships. Affected by age of employee and
changes in economic conditions. - Employers provide
- Competitive compensation and benefits
- Career development opportunities
- Flexibility to balance work and home life
- Employees contribute
- Continuous skill improvement
- Reasonable time with the organization
- Extra effort when needed
12Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment
- Job Satisfaction
- A positive emotional state resulting from
evaluating ones job experience. - Organization Commitment
- The degree to which employees believe in and
accept organizational goals and desire to remain
with the organization.
13Factors Affecting Job Performance and
Organizational Commitment
Figure 33
14Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment
- Absenteeism
- Involuntary absenteeism
- Unavoidable with understandable cause (e.g.,
actual illness) - Voluntary absenteeism
- Avoidable without justifiable cause (e.g.,
feigning illness) - Measuring absenteeism
15Reasons for Unscheduled Absences
Source Based on data from CCH Absenteeism
Survey, CCH Human Resources Management, November
1, 2000.
Figure 34
16Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment
17Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment
- Turnover
- The process in which employees leave the
organization and have to be replaced. - Types of Turnover
- Involuntary turnoverterminations for poor
performance or work rule violations. - Voluntary turnoveremployee leaves the
organization by choice.
18Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment
19Retention of Human Resources
- Impact of Retention Failure
- Inability to achieve business goals
- Loss of image to attract other individuals
- High costs of turnover and replacement
20Retention of Human Resources
- Why People Stay
- Great company
- Value and culture, well-managed, and offers
exciting challenges - Great job
- Freedom and autonomy, exciting challenges, and
career advancement and growth - Compensation and lifestyle
- Differentiated pay package, high total
compensation, geographic location, and respect
for lifestyle
21Most Common Reasons Why Employees Voluntarily
Source Based on 2000 SHRM Retention Practices
Survey (Alexandria, VA Society for Human
Resource Management, 2000). Permission requested.
Figure 35
22Retention Determinants
Figure 36
23Desired Organizational Characteristics
Source The Right Communiqué, First Quarter 2001,
7. Used with permission
Figure 37
24Work Schedule Flexibility
Source Based on 2000 SHRM Retention Practices
Survey (Alexandria, VA Society for Human
Resource Management, 2000). Permission requested.
Figure 38
25The Retention Management Process
Figure 39
26The Retention Management Process
- Measuring Turnover
- Ways in which to measure turnover
- Job and job levels Department, units, and
location - Reason for leaving Length of service
- Demographic characteristics
- Education and training
- Knowledge, skills and abilities
- Performance ratings/levels
- Computing the turnover rate
27Simplified Turnover Costing Model
Figure 310
28The Retention Management Process
- Costs of Turnover
- Hiring costs Training costs
- Productivity costs Separation costs
- Employee Surveys
- Attitude surveyfocuses on employees feelings
and beliefs about their jobs and the
organization. - Exit Interviews
- An interview in which individuals are asked to
identify reasons for leaving the organization.
29The Retention Management Process
- Retention Interventions
- Provide realistic job previews during the
recruiting process - Improve the selection process so that there is a
better person-job fit for new hires - Conduct effective job orientation and initial
training - Offer competitive, fair, and equitable
compensation - Provide an adequate benefits package
- Offer career development and training
- Engage in fair and nondiscriminatory employee