Title: TB Policy for Real Property, DFRP Standard
1TB Policy for Real Property, DFRP Standard
- Alan Jowett
- Dany Bouchard,
- Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
- Real Property and Materiel Policy Directorate,
Comptrollership Branch, Associate Deputy
Comptroller General
21. Policy Requirements (DFRP)
- 7.16 Departments and Crown
Corporations shall record and update information
in the Directory of Federal Real Property (DFRP).
Departments shall record and update information
in the Federal Contaminated Sites Inventory
(FCSI). The recording and updated of information
will be done in accordance with the TBS Reporting
Standard on Real Property. - 7.15 To be eligible to seek access to
net proceeds from the sale or transfer of surplus
real property, departments must - have a Capital Asset Investment Plan, which
includes a strategy to reinvest the proceeds in
real property, approved by Treasury Board and - satisfy the TBS reporting requirements on Real
3The Standard
- Two components
- Directory of federal Real Property
- Core RP database
- Common data
- Point of connectivity
- Common number
- Geo-reference
- Federal Contaminated Sites Inventory
- Sites are attributes of DFRP property (usually)
- Addresses data, activities and liabilities
- Application
- Departments
- Agencies
- Agent crowns
- Non-agent crowns
- Custodial Responsibilities
- Report
- Certify
- Designate points of contact
- Reporting Requirements
- All interests (owned, leased, fee simple ..etc.)
- Mandatory data Custodian code, Input Type,
Property Number, Parcel Number, Interest Type
Primary Use Standard Geographical
Classification Federal Electoral District,
Security Designation, Land Area, Building Count
and Floor Area, Geo-reference. - Mandatory (when condition exists) Primary
Property Number (a secondary property number is
reported), Custodian Transfer code, Restriction
on interest, Surplus site data (all or a portion
of a property is surplus to program purposes),
Property Archive Type Code (property disposal),
Parking Floor area, Parking Exterior, Parking
included in Building Floor area, and Contaminated
site data
- Reporting Requirements
- Optional Data Custodian Property Identifier,
Property photographs, Property name (bilingual
format), Street address (bilingual format),
Place Name - Spatial Data
- Requirement to March 31, 2006 When
accurate spatial data is available, custodians
shall report it in the DFRP as specified in the
IG. - Requirement after April 1, 2006 The
latitude and longitude of the centroid of a DFRP
property or an accurate digital polygon object of
a property will be required as Core data and
shall be reported to the DFRP as specified in the
7Real Property Information Management
Custodians shall ensure that the DFRP
property number and the DFRP mandatory and
applicable fields can be generated from or linked
to their internal real property information
records at the property and structure
level all real property assets reported
in internal financial statements correspond or
are linked to a property record in the DFRP and
that internal financial and asset management
records reconcile and they take into
account the Information Management Framework for
Federal Real Property when making real property
information management decisions.
82. Current Latitude-Longitude Reporting
- Coordinate information is stored using decimal
degrees (e.g. 45.533094). - The datum used in the DFRP is NAD83
- Data entry Support for Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
(e.g. 52-12-58-N) - Precision and decimals 5 after the point
(51.22135) ? 0.8 m on the ground
92. Current Latitude-Longitude Reporting
Property Profile Map
- Lat-Long data is used to create or update
property maps (Property Profile Static Maps and
TBS Geocoding) on an on-going basis (www).
- TBS maintains metadata about the geocoding
(Source information, accuracy, confidence, notes,
etc.). FGDC-compliant, soon to be available in
XML format. - Lat-Long data is used to derive other fields such
as SGC and FED Code.
103. The DFRP and IT / GIS Standards
- Committed to
- Government of Canada Standards for the web
(Accessibility, Common look and feel, Government
on-line, etc.). - W3C web recommendations (HTML 4.0, CSS, XML, XSL,
SVG). - OpenGIS Consortium Specifications.
- FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial
114. On-line Property Geocoding
- Prototype (Testing) Operational.
- Using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) W3C
Recommendation. - Allow to define properties on-line by Point,
Line or Polygon. - Full Editing (move, reshape, etc.) also
supported. - Implementation planned for end of 2004.
124. On-line Property Geocoding
135. OGC Web Map Service
- OpenGIS Consortium specification.
- Standard way to call a mapping service with http.
- Can be implemented in server applications to
create sophisticated mapping applications.
DFRP Web Server
Web Map Service (WMS)
Other Web Server(s)
145. OGC Web Map Service
- WMS Uses within the DFRP
- Confirmation of geographic coordinates entered.
- Potential to provide a standardized mapping
service protocol to custodians. - Links to other WMS Servers.
- Samples
156. OGC Web Feature Service (WFS)
- OpenGIS Consortium specification.
- Describe data manipulation operations on OpenGIS
Simple Features (feature instances) such that
servers and clients can communicate at the
feature level. - Uses within the DFRP
- Provide clients with on-line geographic data in a
usable, industry-standard format based on XML. - Potential development phases
- First implement basic WFS support as phase 1
GetCapabilities, DescribeFeatureType, GetFeature
167. OGC Geography Markup Language (GML)
- GML is grammar to store geographic information in
XML - Example
- ltpropertygt
- ltgmldescriptiongtThis record is a property
represented as a polygon feature.lt/gmldescription
gt - ltpropertyNumbergt08625lt/propertyNumbergt
- ltgmlPolygon srsName"http//www.opengis.net/gml/s
rs/epsg.xml4326"gt - ltgmlouterBoundaryIsgt
- ltgmlLinearRinggt
- ltgmlcoordinatesgt-78,794245,46,8065329990602
-78,133349,47,3914099990616 -77,794839,47,41362099
90617 -77,399915,47,154497999061
-77,287076,46,67327099906 -77,762602,46,3623219990
594 -78,552454,46,67327099906 -78,794245,46,806532
9990602lt/gmlcoordinatesgt - lt/gmlLinearRinggt
- lt/gmlouterBoundaryIsgt
- lt/gmlPolygongt
- lt/propertygt
177. Geography Markup Language (GML)
- GML is getting more and more support from the GIS
industry (ESRI, MapInfo, Autodesk, etc.). - Support for GML is possible for reporting
location-based property data (WFS transactions
for example). - GML elements are also likely to be added to the
existing XML Schemas in use for property data in
the DFRP. - If GML support is integrated, property geographic
data (objects and metadata) could be available in
that format as part of a DFRP WFS service or as a
download option.
- The DFRP infrastructure for geo-spatial
information is opened to the real property
community. - With the W3C and OGC specs, Interoperability
between systems can be achieved. - Questions?