Title: Dick Winterton
1Skills for Justice- The Licensed Sector Skills
Council for Justice
2Skills for Justice
Govt depts
Devolved Administrations
Learning providers
Sector Skills Development Agency
Our Vision The justice sector will have a
workforce with world-class skills that will
enable the highest levels of performance in
public, private and voluntary organisations
across the UK, in all parts of the sector.
Our Mission To ensure that all parts of the UK
Justice Sector have an active and effective
Skills Management Strategy for developing and
managing the skills of their workforce.
- Serious Organised Crime Agency
- HM Revenue and Customs
- Forensic Science Services
- Immigration Services
- Community Justice
- Custodial Care
- Police Services
- Prosecution Services
- Courts and Tribunal Services
- The Judiciary and Magistracy
- Private Security Industry
- Legal Advice Services
- Fire and Rescue Services
- British Parking Association
- A competent, well-motivated workforce
6What are the issues?
- Understanding the need
- Setting it down clearly
- Robust assessment
- Keeping skills up to date
- Giving recognition
- Progression
7Understanding the Need- Sector Skills Agreements
- Assessment of current and future skill needs
- Assessment of current provision
- Analysis of the gaps and weaknesses in current
workforce development - An assessment of the scope for collaborative
action by employers - The development of a costed action plan with key
delivery partners
8Setting it down
- National Occupational Standards
- National Competency Frameworks
9National Occupational Standards
- Define
- Skills
- Underpinning knowledge understanding
- Behaviours, attitudes
- Three Key Requirements
- Employer led
- UK-wide applicability
- Assessment strategy
- Particularly useful for learning programme design
10National Competency Frameworks
- Based on National Occupational Standards
- Define Role Profiles
- Particularly useful for
- Recruitment
- Selection
- Appraisal
11Robust Assessment
- Knowledge
- and
- Understanding
Practical Skills Tx Tx
13Keeping up to date
- Professional / Specialist Registers
- Issues
- Entry qualifications
- Structured progression
- Career pathways
- Succession planning
- Exit processes
- Recognition
14Integrated People Management
Best Practice
National Occupational Standards
Qualification Frameworks
Competency Frameworks
Staff Appraisal
15Skills Management Strategy The Picture on the
Quality Management
Development and Progression
Contracted Skilled Services
16Quality Management
Processes Critical Processes ISO Recognition
People Critical Skills NOS Qualifications/Regi
stration CPD
- Which?
- Standards
- Accreditation
- Improvement
17Delivery - the issues
- New range of providers
- Internal
- External
- Private
- Further Education
- Higher Education
- Content
- Quality
- Clarity
18Quality Framework
- Skillsmark
- 2 stage approach
- Recognition/Endorsement
- For endorsement
- Content
- Mapping to National Occupational Standards
- Quality
- Working in partnership
19Skills for Justice- The Licensed Sector Skills
Council for Justice