Title: $12 to Save a Life
1- 12 to Save a Life
- from Malaria
2Episcopal Relief Development MandateMatthew
25 37-40 (NRSV)
- Lord, when was it that
- We saw you hungry and gave you food?We saw you
thirsty and gave you something to drink?We saw
you a stranger and welcomed you?We saw you sick
and took care of you?We saw you in prison and
visited you? - Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of
the least of these who are members of my family,
you did it to me.
3What Is Malaria?
- Tropical disease caused by the bite of the female
Anopheles mosquito, which carries a parasite - This mosquito only feeds at night
- Once bitten, parasite causes symptoms of fevers,
nausea, shortness of breath, and anemia - If not treated, malaria can quickly become
life-threatening - Can cause brain damage in children, low birth
weights, miscarriage, and death
4Standing Water Creates Breeding Ground for
Mosquitoes on the Zambezi River
591 of Malaria Deaths Are in Africa
Estimated deaths from malaria per 1000
population, 2006 Source World Health
Organization, World Malaria Report 2008
- 1 billion people are at high risk of malaria
- 250 million people suffer from malaria each
year - 1 million people die of malaria each year
6Each Day 2,000 African Children Die of Malaria
Deaths which could easily have been prevented
with a malaria net.
7 A Child with Malaria Cannot Attend School
8Pregnant Women and Mothers Suffer from Malaria
9HIV/AIDS and TB Increase Vulnerability to Malaria
10Malaria Lowers Life Expectancy for the Elderly
11Sleeping Under a Malaria Net Saves Lives for 5
12NetsforLife Episcopal Relief Developments
Initiative to Combat Malaria
- Partner with
- Country leaders
- Governments
- Ministries of Health
- Anglican and other churches
- NGOs
- Serving those who live at theend of the road
- Past 3 years distributed 1 million nets in
sub-Saharan Africa - Next 5 years will distribute 1 million
nets/year for each year in 18 African countries
13What Episcopal Relief Development Provides
- Education about malaria
- Training on how to use nets
- Net distribution
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Combating malaria lays foundation for other
programs to eliminate poverty
14Advantages of Working through the Church
Where the road for the four wheel drive stops,
the pastor gets on his bicycle. Where the bike
path stops, the pastor lays it aside and goes on
foot. Dr. Peter Okaalet, medical doctor
Anglican priest, MAP International, Kenya
15The Diocese of OlympiaOne-for-One Malaria Net
We would like to challenge this diocese to give
one net for every communicant we have, to vow to
save the lives of the same number of people who
call themselves Episcopalian in the Diocese of
Bishop Greg Rickel and Bishop Nedi Rivera,
Diocesan Convention 11/07
16UN Millennium Development GoalsInternational
Community Committed to Halving Extreme Poverty
by 2015
- Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- Achieve universal primary education
- Promote gender equality and empower women
- Reduce child mortality
- Improve maternal health
- Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
- Ensure environmental stability
- Develop a global partnership for development
- NetsforLife works toward all of the MDGs
- The MDGs are a top priority of our Episcopal
17Give a Net Live the Good News