Title: The World of Mental Health and Spirituality
1 The World of Mental Health and
Spirituality Consultation Conference Stirling
University 18th June 2008 Arthur Hawes Archdeacon
of Lincoln Mental Health Act Adviser to the
Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust
21976 -1992 Chaplain for Psychiatric Services,
- 1986 -1995 Mental Health Act Commissioner
- 1995 Archdeacon of Lincoln and Bishops Advisor
for Hospital Chaplains - 1997 2006 Non-Executive Director, Lincolnshire
Mental Health Trust - 2003 2005 Chairman of the East Midlands
Regional Development Centre of NIMHE - 2003 - 2007 Member of the NHS Confederation
Mental Health Policy Committee - 2006 Vice Chairman National Interfaith Forum
for Spirituality and Mental Health - 2006 Mental Health Act Adviser to Lincolnshire
Partnership Trust -
3- The Drivers
- Holistic approach to Health/care
- Inclusion
- Person centred approach to care
- Talking therapies (mental health)
- Equality
- Advocacy
- Post Modernisation
4- The Context in a Post- Modern Society
- Individualism
- Privacy
- Style and presentation rather than Content
- Appeal to Feeling Rather than Thinking
- Consumerism - Tesco, ergo sum
- Believing Without Belonging - spirituality
5- Spirituality
- The Spiritual story of humanity is at least
70,000 years old and - Predates-
- Bahai
- Buddhism
- Christianity
- Hindu
- Jain
- Judaism
- Islam
- Sikhism
- Zoroastriasm
- World religions and faith communities are
encompassed by spirituality. - They still provide
- The sacred
- Moral codes
- Institutions
- Communities
7- Spirituality (in post modern) Today
- Friedman We can choose our own supernatural
- This broadens what counts as spiritual .
- World Health
- The Environment
- Population Explosion
- Famine
- Poverty (3 billionaires own the same as 600 m of
the worlds poorest) - Sibling Society (1¼ million children in England
are looking for a father)
8 Spirituality A bridge between faith
communities and post-modern people In the midst
of disillusionment and alienation, many find
themselves thirsting for spiritual experience and
religious community.. Gary Hartz
9Spirituality is broad enough to describe efforts
to find connections with the sacred outside
traditional religion The question for the faith
communities is how they articulate their
10In each person SPIRITUALITY can encompass-
- Values Meaning Trust
- Compassion Vision
- Transcendence Hope Love
- Forgiveness Origins
- Being Human Purpose
- Mystery
- Holiness Glory
11Language - Michael Mayne the language of the
heart is of another kind it requires images,
symbols, dance, music and silence. When all the
words end, there is only silence.
12In England-
- R C Psychiatrists cautious but now
spirituality. Interest group is the largest in
the college. - Interfaith Forum (Spirituality and Mental Health)
- - brings together 10 faith communities
- - Spirituality and diagnosis
13 - Chaplaincies
- - Lead on spirituality
- - Selected for pastoral skills
- - Departments of Pastoral and Spiritual
Care - - Ministry to Management
- - Chaplaincy in the Community
14 - Spirituality has caught fire in the mental health
world because - The limits of medication and psychotherapy have
been recognised. - Spirituality is part of a persons inner life.
- Spirituality offers a range of human aspirations,
images and symbols which provide hope for the
sufferer. - Spirituality provides a language for articulating
the inner life.