Title: Special Agents of the United States Secret Service
1Special Agents of the United States Secret
Service Proudly welcome FLAT JOSHUA To the New
York Field Office
Click below
2On January 11, 2007 Flat Joshua arrives at a
SECRET location deep in the heart of . . .
New York City !
3Where upon exiting the elevator, he is faced with
a dilemma.
Door 1
Door 2
4Located behind Door 2, Flat Joshua discovers
the BIGGEST secret in America!
He discovers the hidden location of the New York
Field office of the United States Secret Service,!
5Once inside, he is immediately ushered to the
main conference room where.
he is sworn in as a Junior Special Agent of the
United States Secret Service.
6As a Junior Agent, Flat Joshua sees a lot of
counterfeit money.
7and he learns the difference between real
currency and counterfeit currency.
8Afterwards, it was time to enjoy a government
coffee break.
Flat Joshua enjoys his with cream and sugar!
9Following the coffee break, Flat Joshua
toured the communications center
where all Top Secret communication is conducted
between various agencies.
10Flat Joshua even checks the status and location
of the King of Morocco, who was visiting the
11Next, Flat Joshua visits the armory where he is
able to view some of the various weapons that are
used by special agents to protect the President
of the United States and other world leaders.
12Then it was time for some relaxation.
Anyone for a game of catch???
13Get ready. Hear it comes!!
14Now that recess is over, Flat Joshua gets back
to work!
Here, Flat Joshua helps agents examine computer
evidence of crimes committed on the Internet.
15Then it was time to complete some paperwork.
But after the reports were done, it was time to
Flat Joshua ran on the treadmill.
17and he exercised with weights so that he would
get stronger.
18Flat Joshua realizes he needs to grow.
19The day was soon over. But before Flat Joshua
left, he visited a special area dedicated to the
memory of...
20our fallen heroes from September 11, 2001
21and servicemen and woman serving in Afghanistan
and Iraq.
This flag was given to us from our military
friends serving in Fallujah, Iraq
22As he was leaving, Flat Joshua realized that
there were many photographs and artifacts hanging
on the walls that told the story of the history
of the United States Secret Service.
This is a Secret Service flag recovered from the
ruins of 9/11
This is a photograph of President Roosevelt when
he visited New York City
23Thank you so much for visiting us in New
York. Remember, always and forever, to
be Worthy of Trust and Confidence