Be Mature - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Be Mature


... have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. ... James 1:16 - Do not err, my beloved brethren. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: brethren | mature


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Be Mature

Be Mature
  • False Faith
  • Chapter 6
  • James 214-26

  • Faith is the key in Christian life.
  • Sinner is saved by faith (Eph 28-9)?
  • Believers must walk by faith (2 Cor 57)?
  • Faith pleases God (Heb 116)?
  • Apart from faith is sin (Rom 1423)?
  • Faith is obeying in spite of consequence, not
    believing in spite of evidence
  • Faith is a confidence that Gods Word is true
    and conviction that obeying the Word will bring
    His blessing
  • Relationship between faith and works
  • Three kinds of faith
  • Dead faith (James 2 14-17)?
  • Believers have responsibility to help those in
    basic needs

  • Gal 610 -As we have therefore opportunity, let
    us do good unto all men, especially unto them who
    are of the household of faith.
  • Matt 25 40 - And the King shall answer and say
    unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye
    have done it unto one of the least of these my
    brethren, ye have done it unto me.
  • Gal 56 - For in Jesus Christ neither
    circumcision availeth any thing, nor
    uncircumcision but faith which worketh by love.
  • Luke 10 25-37 Good Samaritan and dead faith
  • James 214 - What doth it profit, my brethren,
    though a man say he hath faith, and have not
    works? can faith save him?
  • Dead faith doesnt show changed life and good
  • James 217 - Even so faith, if it hath not works,
    is dead, being alone.

  • Alone means by it itself
  • The saving faith brings life and life produces
    good works
  • Dead faith relies on intellect (mind) and is not
    saving faith a counterfeit faith
  • Demonic faith (2 18-19)?
  • Devils also believe the existence and deity of
  • Sonship Mark 311-12
  • Existence of hell Luke 8 31
  • Jesus as judge Mark 5 1-13
  • Faith is based on intellect and emotion (heart)?
  • James 219 - Thou believest that there is one
    God thou doest well the devils also believe,
    and tremble.
  • Being a Christian involve trusting Christ and
    living for Christ (Ephesians 28-10)?
  • Receive and reveal life
  • Dead in Greek means barren or idle

  • Dynamic faith (2 18-19)?
  • Real saving faith that is based on the Word of
    God (Rom 107)?
  • This involver the whole man intelligent (mind),
    emotion (heart), and will.
  • The mind understands the truth
  • The heart desires the truth
  • The will act upon the truth
  • Dynamic faith leads to action and obedience on
    the part of the will
  • Reveals good work
  • Examples
  • Abraham, a Jew God called to move to make out
    of him a great nation Israel where Jesus was
  • Genesis 15 God showed stars and said and make a
    promise to him. He believed (15-16)?

  • Counted a legal or financial term meaning to
    put to ones account
  • Justification is an act of God which is
    once-for-all event, not process (sanctification)?
  • Justify by faith justified before God and
  • Justify by work justified before men as in
  • How? Isaac on the altar
  • James 116 - Do not err, my beloved brethren.
  • Titus 38 - This is a faithful saying, and these
    things I will that thou affirm constantly, that
    they which have believed in God might be careful
    to maintain good works. These things are good and
    profitable unto men.
  • Rahab a Gentile who responded mentally,
    emotionally and willfully.
  • Will protected the Jewish spies and shared the
    good news of deliverance with her family members
  • Harlot host in Joshua 2
  • immoral person in James 2

  • II Corinthians 135a
  • Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith
    prove your own selves.
  • Was there a time when I honestly realized I was a
    sinner and admitted this to myself and to God?
  • Was there a time when my heart stirred me to flee
    from the wrath to come? Have I ever seriously
    been exercised over my sin?

  • Do I truly understand the Gospel, that Christ
    died for my sins and rose again? Do I understand
    and confess that I cannot save myself?
  • Did I sincerely repent of my sins and turn from
    them? Or do I secretly love sin and want to
    enjoy it? Or do I hate sin and fear God?
  • 5. Have I trusted Christ and Christ alone for my
    salvation? Do I enjoy a living relationship with
    Him through the Word and in the Spirit?

  1. Has there been a change in my life? Do I
    maintain good works, or are my works occasional
    and weak? Do I seek to grow in the things of the
    Lord? Can others tell that I have been with
  2. Do I have desire to share Christ with others? Or
    am I ashamed of Him?
  3. Do I enjoy the fellowship of Gods people? Is
    worship a delight to me?
  4. Am I ready for the Lords return? Or will I be
    ashamed when He comes for me?

  • Psalm 13923-24
  • 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart try me,
    and know my thoughts
  • 24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and
    lead me in the way everlasting.
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