Title: Philadelphia Park Amusement Co' v' U'S'
1- Philadelphia Park Amusement Co. v. U.S.
- taxable 1001
- Issue What is the taxpayers basis in the
franchise? - Relevance?
City of Philadephia
title to bridge
extension of franchise
2Possibilities for 1012 Cost Basis in the
Franchise 1. cost of the bridge
transferred 2. fmv of the bridge
transferred 3. fmv of franchise
3 Basis in Property Received in a Taxable
Exchange Tax Cost Basis Tax
Consequences 10,000 ordinary compensation
income to Larry - 61(a)(1) If Larry
later sells his stock for 10,000, what basis
should he use? Options 1. fmv services
given 10,000 2. fmv stock received
Client (ABC Corp.)
legal services fmv 10,000
ABC stock fmv 10,000
4Tax Consequences on Later Sale of Stock for
10,000 AR 10,000 less AB
5- Underpayment Example
- legal services
- fmv 11,000
- ABC stock
- fmv 10,000
- Tax Consequences
- 10,000 ordinary compensation income to Larry -
61(a)(1) - If Larry later sells his stock for
10,000, what should his basis be?
Client (ABC Corp.)
6- Compare Options
- Tax Consequences on Later Sale of Stock for
10,000 - fmv given basis fmv received basis
- AR 10,000 AR
10,000 - less AB 11,000 AB 10,000
- ( 1,000) 0
- loss
- With fmv given basis, taxpayer would wind up with
a windfall - 1,000 tax loss where there was no
economic loss
7- Overpayment Example
- legal services
- fmv 9,000
- ABC stock
- fmv 10,000
- Tax Consequences
- 10,000 ordinary compensation income to Larry -
61(a)(1) - If Larry later sells his stock for
10,000, what should his basis be?
Client (ABC Corp.)
8- Compare Options
- Tax Consequences on Later Sale of Stock for
10,000 - fmv given basis fmv received basis
- AR 10,000 AR
10,000 - less AB 9,000 AB 10,000
- 1,000 0
- gain
- With fmv given basis, taxpayer would wind up with
a double tax on 1,000