Title: An introduction to Animal Diversity Ch' 32
1Learning goals Lecture 4, Biological Diversity
Readings Chapters 32, 33, and 34 (read all of
these, but the parts covered in lecture are most
likely to be on a test ).
Invertebrates (Ch.33) Sponges,Cnidarians
Molluscs, Annelids Nematodes Arthropods,
Echinoderms Vertebrates (Ch. 34) Chordates and
craniates Vertebrates Gnathostomes Tetrapods,
Amniotes, Mammals. Aves Â
An introduction to Animal Diversity (Ch.
32) Animals are multicellular, heterotrophic
eukaryotes with tissues that develop from
embryonic layers Animal body plans The tree of
2An introduction to Animal Diversity (Ch.
32) Animals are multicellular, heterotrophic
eukaryotes with tissues that develop from
embryonic layers Animal body plans The tree of
3Fig. 26..22
Animal Diversity (Ch. 32) Characteristics Animal
body plans The tree of animals
We are here multicellular, heterotrophic
4Fig. 32.2
Animal Diversity (Ch. 32) Characteristics Animal
body plans The tree of animals
5Fig. 32.3, 4
Animal Diversity (Ch. 32) Characteristics Animal
body plans The tree of animals
6Animal Diversity (Ch. 32) Characteristics Animal
body plans The tree of animals
Fig. 32.7 Symmetry
7Animal Diversity (Ch. 32) Characteristics Animal
body plans The tree of animals
Tissues - collections of differentiated,
specialized cells, separated by
membranes Diploblastic - endoderm and
ectoderm Triploblastic - endoderm,
ectoderm Mesoderm
8Animal Diversity (Ch. 32) Characteristics Animal
body plans The tree of animals
Fig. 32.8 Body cavities
9Animal Diversity (Ch. 32) Characteristics Animal
body plans The tree of animals
Fig. 32.9 Protostome vs deuterostome cleavage,
coelom, fate of blastopore
Correction for messed-up text in slide read the
correct text in the book, p. 632, Fig. 32.9
10Animal Diversity (Ch. 32) Characteristics Animal
body plans The tree of animals
Fig. 32.11 DNA-based tree - the best we have at
present. Notice that deuterostomes are not all
together. (Echinoderms and Chordates are grouped
togther, but some minor deuterostomes (e.g.
Brachiopods, which I am not asking you to know),
are not in the same clade as Echioderms and
Note need to know term Metazoa ( animal)
11Invertebrates (Ch.33) Sponges Cnidarians Molluscs
Annelids Nematodes Arthropods Echinoderms (These
are all phyla.)
12Invertebrates (Ch.33) Sponges Cnidarians Molluscs
Annelids Nematodes Arthropods Echinoderms
Fig. 33.4
Sponges (Phylum Porifera. Sponges have a small
number of differentiated cell types. There is a
slight disagreement between the book and me about
whether sponges have tissues. I was taught that
sponges have one tissue type (sponge tissue,
with 3 or 4 cell types), but the book considers
that true tissues are not found in sponges. For
exam purposes, go with what the book says.
13Fig. 33.7
The most obvious shared derived feature of Phylum
Cnidaria (you may have been taught to call them
Coelenterates) is the cnidocyte, or
defensive/prey capture cell, containing stinging
organelles called nematocysts (a term I used to
refer to the entire cell ). They also all have
radial symmetry. Tissues are far more developed
in Cnidaria (and in all following Phyla) than in
sponges, and in fact a clade called Eumetazoa can
be defined based in the presence of true tissues.
(I also used this term slightly differently
than the book does - again, go with the book for
exams.) You do not need to know the Classes of
Invertebrates (Ch.33) Sponges Cnidarians Molluscs
Annelids Nematodes Arthropods Echinoderms
14Invertebrates (Ch.33) Sponges Cnidarians Molluscs
Annelids Nematodes Arthropods Echinoderms
Fig. 33.6 - Nematocyst/Cnidocyte
15Invertebrates (Ch.33) Sponges Cnidarians Molluscs
Annelids Nematodes Arthropods Echinoderms
Fig. 33.5 - note how the polyp and medusa body
forms can be thought of as flipped. Some
cnidarians exist in only one of the forms, while
others have both forms at different times in the
life cycle. Also note that Cnidaria are
diploblastic - there is no mesoderm.
16Invertebrates (Ch.33) Sponges Cnidarians Molluscs
Annelids Nematodes Arthropods Echinoderms
Fig. 33.16 - Basic mollusc body plan. They are
triploblastic (as will be all following phyla),
and have bilateral symmetry. The mantle cavity
with gills, ventral nerve cord, dorsal
circulatory system, and radula (missing in
bivalves clams, etc.) are among the unique
derived characters of molluscs.
17Fig. 33.18
Invertebrates (Ch.33) Sponges Cnidarians Molluscs
Annelids Nematodes Arthropods Echinoderms
18Figure 33.22 Cephalopods
Note the different shells in cephalopods
(formally, the class Cephalopoda) - external in
Nautilus, internal in squids, and missing in
19Learning goals Lecture 4, Biological Diversity
Readings Chapters 32, 33, and 34 (read all of
these, but the parts covered in lecture are most
likely to be on a test ).
Invertebrates (Ch.33) Sponges,Cnidarians
Molluscs, Annelids Nematodes Arthropods,
Echinoderms Vertebrates (Ch. 34) Chordates and
craniates Vertebrates Gnathostomes Tetrapods,
Amniotes, Mammals. Aves Â
An introduction to Animal Diversity (Ch.
32) Animals are multicellular, heterotrophic
eukaryotes with tissues that develop from
embryonic layers Animal body plans The tree of
20Lecture 3 specific reading. The entire reading
is Chapters 32, 33, and 34 (but we will not get
to Chapter 34 until Friday). Fig. 26.22 (we have
used this slide several times before) Fig. 32.2,
p. 627. Read pp. 626-627, Overview, all of
Concept 32.1. Fig. 32.3, 32.4 Fig. 32.7, 32.8,
32.9, pp. 630-632. Read pp. 630-633, Concept
32.3. Note that there are a few terms in this
section that I did not discuss in lecture, but
that I want you to know, like grade and
clade, although I also point out that we will
cover these terms later in the course. Fig.
32.11, p. 635. Read p. 633, the part of Concept
32.4 up to the end of Points of
agreement. Fig. 33.4, p. 642. Fig. 33.7, p.644.
Read pp. 643-644, Concept 32.2 up to where
Hydrozoa starts. Fig. 33.6, p. 643 Fig. 33.5, p.
643 Fig. 33.16, p. 650. Read pp. 650-651, the
first section of Concept 33.4. It uses a couple
more terms than I did (e.g., mantle, visceral
mass) please learn these. Fig. 33.18, p.
651, Fig. 33.22, p. 653. Note that I talked
about cephalopods but did not show this slide.
In addition to the slide, read pp. 652-653,