Title: Volunteers Needed
1Volunteers Needed!
- Presented by
- Donna Milam
- September 2005
Or insert your logo
- Crawford County Health Department Volunteer
3Session Agenda
- Who We Are
- Our mission
- Our programs
- The Volunteers Role
- Eligibility
- Assignments
- Program Expectations
- Policy, procedures, and paperwork
- Volunteer Resources
- By the end of this session, you will be able to
- Understand the purpose of the CCHD Volunteer
Program - Understand a bit more about fellow volunteers
- Locate resources to answer your questions about
our programs, assignments, policies and
procedures - Complete the Volunteer Registration form
5- Many ask, what can I do to help in our
fight? The answer is simple. All of us can
become a September 11th volunteer by making a
commitment to service in our own communities. - -President George W. Bush, November 8th, 2001
6National Call For Volunteers
- President Bush Taps AmeriCorps and Senior
Corpsto Support Homeland Security Efforts - Corporation for National and Community Service
to mobilize 20,000 volunteers - -November 9, 2001
7Crawford County Health Department 202 N. Bline
Blvd.Robinson, IL 62454618-544-8798www.cchd.net
Who We Are
8Our Mission Statement
- The Mission of Crawford County Health Department
is to prevent disease and to assist in the
maintenance of optimum health for the citizens of
Crawford County through the assessment of needs,
development of policy, provision of education and
the assurance of services. - Promoting health, Preventing illness, and
Protecting our environment
9What We Do
- Crawford County Health Department
- Endeavor to prevent disease and maintain health
at a local level - Guardian of your health in relation to community
activities - Maintain quality prevention programs as well as
address new challenges - Bio-terrorism planning
- Disaster preparedness planning
- THIS IS WHERE YOU-the Volunteer- COMES IN!
10- After September 11, 2001 our vulnerability in
Crawford County has been a key concern. In light
of this, the CCHD is in need of volunteers. The
staff of the health department would not be
adequate to completely handle all tasks required
in the event of a disaster, either natural or
man-made. A variety of volunteers are needed
Medical professionals, secretaries, errand
runners, traffic control, etc. If you are at
least 18 years of age, we need your help!
11(No Transcript)
12Bio-terrorism Agents
- Anthrax inhalation, cutaneous, gastrointestional
- Tularemia pneumonic
- Plague pneumonic
- Botulism inhaled or food-borne
- Smallpox (Virus) Vaccination
- Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers
- Nerve Agents Sarin Gas
- Ricin ingest or inhale
- Many others Chlorea, Q Fever, Salmonella
13Why Volunteer?
- Make a positive difference in your community
- Share your skills and life experiences
- Offer assistance and guidance to others
- Learn new skills
- Meet other volunteers with similar interests
- Get medication and vaccine for you and family
14Volunteer Principles and Values
- Volunteering is a valuable part of every healthy
community - Volunteers come from all segments of society and
often provide essential services - Everyone has the potential to contribute strength
and resources in times of emergency
15How Our Volunteers Will Make a Difference
- CCHDs Volunteers will assist our staff in
providing resources and services by - Offering medical expertise
- Bringing added labor and community resources
(skills and training) - Assisting in community relations
- Contributing to the healing process of
individuals and the larger community
16Activity Making a Difference
- The goal
- Think about how we can work together to make a
difference in our community
17In small groups
- Project Dispensing antibiotics during a
bio-terrorism event. - Answer the following
- What are your goals for the project?
- Who would you be serving directly?
- Who else would benefit from this effort?
- Determine what is needed to get the job done
successfully - What exactly do we need to do?
- What inputs do we need? (e.g. materials,
information, skills and experience, etc.) - Where do we get what we need?
- What skills can each of us contribute to the
18Is It Right For You?
- Are you18 years or older
- Want to be a successful volunteer
- Must be flexible
- Self-sufficient to a degree
- Aware of risks
- Willing to be coordinated by local emergency
management experts - May want to serve only if the need arises
- Natural Disaster
- Bio-terrorism Event
19CCHD Volunteer Eligibility Requirements
- 18 years of age or older
- Willing to accept training and supervision
- Fill out the volunteer application and be
approved through our screening process - Criminal background check
- For specific jobs be Medically qualified to serve
without detriment to themselves or others - Current license through State of Illinois
- For specific jobs Drivers and Errand Runners
have a current drivers license and car insurance
20Our Volunteer Program Helps You By Providing
- Puts you into a job that your skills are matched
to - Training sessions
- Volunteer experience
- During an antibiotic dispensing event, you and
your family would receive medication prior to the
dispensing site opening. - Volunteer recognition events
21How Our Program will Make a Difference
- In the event of a natural disaster
- Support relief efforts to prevent disease
- Assist other agencies in maintaining the health
of the citizens in our community - Provide health care services to affected areas
- In the event of a bio-terrorism incident
- Effectively provide the community with
medication/vaccination on a timely basis
- Prior Volunteer Service
- Like Working with People
- Computer skills technology
- Administrative Secretarial
- Food Service
- Mental health/social work
- Accounting Bookkeeping
- Customer Service
- Civil Servant
- Management
- Transportation
- Health Care Services
- Fluency in languages other than English
- Communication
23Volunteer Job Duties - Assignments
- Medical Screeners/Vaccinators
- Pharmaceutical Consultants
- Dispensing medication Assistants
- Clerical and Data Entry Assistants
- Audiovisual Media Aide/Coordinator
- Food Service Workers
- Greeters/ Form Distributors/ Exit Assistants
- Handicap Elderly Assistants
- Mental Health Spiritual Counselors
- Runners/Stock Suppliers/Drivers
- Security/Crowd Control/Traffic Control
- Translators (languages and sign language)
- Hot Line Assistants
- Communication experts
24Current volunteer positions available
- Assist in recruiting, screening, training, and
maintaining volunteer program
25Volunteer Rights Responsibilities
- Rights
- Receive a job description
- Receive adequate training
- Receive appropriate guidance/feedback
- Receive recognition for services provided
- Responsibilities
- Adhere to policies and procedures
- Attend training(s)
- Report any problems encountered
- Maintain confidentiality
26Our Programs goals are to
- Give our volunteers regular feedback
- Match volunteers to appropriate jobs through
their skills and experience - Treat volunteers as part of the overall team
- Listen and act on our volunteers ideas and
27Working together to create a healthier community
for the people of Crawford County
- Active volunteers have a tremendous opportunity
to make a difference in the lives of the people
of our community. - No matter where you live in Crawford County, you
can be part of the Crawford County Health
Department Volunteer Program.
28Questions or Concerns?
- Questions about our program?
- Common concerns?
- For new volunteers
- For the organization
29Volunteer resources
- Volunteer brochure (packet)
- Other supporting materials
- www.cchd.net
- Contact name/phone for organization
- Donna Milam
- 618-544-8798
30In Conclusion
- Thank you for listening to our presentation
- Our hopes for you
- Consider joining us as a volunteer
- Take our volunteer packet to read
- Fill out the volunteer application form
- Send/mail it back to us
- If not, consider volunteering in other areas
31- Volunteering is an act of heroism on a grand
scale. And it matters profoundly. It does more
than help people beat the odds it changes the
odds. - -President Bill Clinton
- I shall pass through this world but once. Any
good therefore that I can do or any kindness that
I can show to any human being, let me do it now.
Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not
pass this way again. - -Mahatma Ghandhi