Title: House Building for Tabitha Foundation
1House Building for Tabitha Foundation March 2009
2- Founded in 1994
- Independent, Non-Profit, sustainable , with
minimal running costs. - Touched the lives of 500,000 people
- Improve the lives of the poorest
- Philosophy of self-help Promote
self-sufficiency and dignity through savings,
counseling and goal setting programs. - Tabitha foundation does not give out money
3- Cottage Industry
- Train and employ embroiders, seamstresses,
weavers etc. - This year, over 620 families involved
- Goods sold all over the world
- Not only does it generate a huge source of
employment, ensures long term sustainability of
- Savings Program
- Families counseled on saving habits
- Tabitha foundation pays 10 on savings, every 10
weeks - Help families create sustainable clean living
environment, supply of essentials and generation
of income to pay of debts and start businesses.
4- Buy a Well Project
- Clean Water, virtually inaccessible
- Clean water improves health and income
- Decrease in cases of diarrhea and infection,
increase infant mortality rates, increase in
productivity and opportunity to irrigate
vegetable gardens
- Pig Connection
- Families with access to water can increase their
income by raising pigs - 2 piglets, at the cost of S60, can be worth
8-10 times more within a period of few months
5- Tabitha Foundation Singapore's aims are to
- Arrange voluntary house-building teams to
Cambodia - Develop a network of schools that support Tabitha
Cambodia - Seek opportunities to sell Tabitha cottage
industry products in Singapore - Organise specific projects to support Tabitha
6House Building Teams of volunteers travel to
Cambodia and participate in the construction
process They are responsible for raising the
requisite amount of money for these houses and
for their boarding and lodging Benefactors are
families who have saved enough to buy a small
piece of land and some material
7Carpenters build the frame on cement pillars and
have the rest of the supplies delivered
Our task will be to install roof, floor, walls,
door, windows
8From no house, or a thatched shelter (which needs
to be built every year).
to new sturdy dry houses , which can stand up to
weather, flooding and are designed to last 20
9For Volunteers Meaningful experience Educational
Development of a sense of pride and
achievement Becoming a role model for the